Pick a card and then scroll down to find the corresponding meaning.

Card Reading

Card One
We say to you dear one that fear is your greatest enemy.
Fear serves you in a way that brings you unhappiness. Fear constricts all your processes to the point where you may not breathe, you may not breathe in life.
Fear halts you.
Fear stops you from moving forward. Fear creates disease.
Fear disallows your power.
Fear brings much grief of mind and body.
What we tell you is that fear is an illusion.
Fear is a construct of the mind.
Fear is not what you imagine it to be. Fear is your burial to growth.
Fear acts as the door that is locked and does not allow you to enter what is beyond. The opposite to fear is light, is love.
Love opens all doors.
Love allows flow.
Love allows health.
Love allows all manner of circumstances to come forth.
When you are in a state of fear if you imagine a time when you experienced love. When you are in fear, if you imagine the sun shining on you on a warm summers day. When you are in fear if you imagine the first time you laid eyes on your child. When you are in fear if you imagine the caress of your mother, when you needed her most. When you are in fear if you imagine anything that you have experienced that is loving, you will find that the fear begins to dissipate and dissolve. You'll find that the fear is replaced, for love is the greater of the two.
Love begins to fill your being and the fear begins to dissipate. If you imagine, use your imagination, to feel the softness and the beauty of love, rather than the constriction of fear and you make this a habit, you will find that the fear begins to disolve and the love begins to permeate all that you are.
When one is constricted in fear they may not move left or right or forward, they move backward.
Try to fill that space with love, whether it be in imagination, or via music, or via an image.
If you practice this practicality, you will find over time you will fear no more, for fear will be replaced.
You will know how to move beyond the fear, and into love

Card Two
For you it is time to walk your own path.
You have been living your life for others, working your life around others, making your choices around others. Doing what others request of you. Pleasing others. Living for others. We so to that it's time. It's time to make choices for you. For you are important also. Why do you feel that you are not?
Yes, we say to you that it is a gift to others to care for them, and help them, however, it is not a gift for others to do for them, for they do not learn how to do for themselves.
You think you are being gracious when in fact it is martyrdom.
When one is ill and in need of your help, we are not saying not to help. Of course we say to you, help the sick.
What we say to you is a different matter. What we say to you is start to live "your" journey. Begin to make decisions for yourself.
In doing this you allow others to learn for themselves, rather than allowing others, to do for them.
isn't it time to take the first step?
Mayhap you can begin today. Wouldn't that be a gift yo yourself?Isn't it time to begin you're living,
your way.

Card Three
For those that choose the card of three there is learning to be had.
It is time for you to step up and to make choices, into how you are to advance, into your role, into your future.
There may be learning to be had in academics, or there may be a learning to be heard in the practical sense, in the arts, using the hands or in mechanics, or in carpentry, or Craftwork, using the hands.
Either choices matters not. It matters that if you have chosen this card of three, then there is learning for you to do. It may be structured in a course format. It may be reading from a book. It may be listening to an online lecture on your Internet. But there is something for you to learn, something for you to do.
What is it that you have thought about recently, that you might do? Have you thought about a new occupation? Have you thought about a new line of study? Have you thought about learning a hobby? Taking up gardening or cooking? A Short course in caring? Know that this card signifies that there may be something more that you can learn. You are never too old to learn, a new trade a new experience. It may be that the learning is in discovery of who you are. It is learning nevertheless. You are all learning daily and experiencing, however those that chose this card have more study to do in certain fields. You will know how this relates to you. And if you do not know now, you will.
That is all, for the cards this day.
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