Channeling Adam & Abacus
My own personal conversation with them regarding my journey for those that have an interest
I have a few things i would like to discuss if that's ok?
Am I still able to channel Adam? I saw a rainbow this morning, Is it the sign that their leaving?
I'm now beginning to connect and I feel love and my mind is flooded with the song, " My Endless Love"
I haven't heard that song in years and now the lyrics are flooding my mind....
And now I hear another song
"Sometimes when we touch".....
Be still dear heart. Listen , feel.....
The purpose of these songs?
Dear heart you wish to understand what is the experience of a first love. What is the experience of our love. What is the experience of heart break. Why the experience at all.
If you search the lyrics and feel, dawning will enter.
We, that you call Adam are still here. We may still converse with you at this time. The rainbow was a reminder that we are forever by your side.
The Endless Love. The first love, but Endless Love. Do not be sad on our departure, as we do not depart. We simply meld into a higher truth.
We are.
We are Abacus also. Know this truth. We are endless love, never far.
Hold our love within your heart. No fear may enter when love resides.
I get the image of a rainbow heart...
The rainbow bridge , your heart of many colors holds within you our love.
Visit the lyrics, they hold much meaning.
So it wasn't the final sign? That your leaving?
Negative. Simply a reminder we are still by your side. A good morning wish. Take time to slow down and experience the precious moments, the gift of life.
Some may not agree that it's a gift if their suffering
Suffering serves a purpose. It is a tool to discovery.
Can't you discover yourself without pain?
But of course! However some may require this to discover the doorway to themselves. They may not search the doorway if life is grand and full of life's distractions
But isn't that the key ? To enjoy life? Experience it any way we wish?
It is so, however one does not search for the greater meaning when one is anesetised. Some require a jolt to awaken to themselves.
I've had someone suggest I ask the bigger questions. I know that nothing is by accident , so am I to begin brainstorming you guys? Is it what I'm meant to be doing? Or do I trust you to bring what is needed ?
You may ask whatever your heart desires dear heart. We may answer how is correct for the time of questioning
What if I understand you incorrectly?
Dear heart all that read these lines have their own guidance system, their discernment process. They may hear what they may, and take what they may, and what they believe is their truth, is correct for them, just as it is correct for you. Not a one , no ones truth is denied them. It will be their truth, even when it differs from your own
What if I don't believe what comes through? Do I still share it?
Dear heart know this. When one hears their truth it will ring true.
Do not assume if you doubt, that it is not truth. You are working at a limited capacity at reasoning . You do not have the bigger picture, the greater understanding of what is real or not.
However you have your GPS, your own intuitive thought. We allow that to be the guidance you use as to share or not
However know our words are meant for all, regardless if you feel them true or nay.
The real question here is do you trust yourself to reiterate the words of source? Courage is needed, and trust , blind faith.
We hear your underlying thoughts.
I think some will think I'm a crack pot and making it all up. That's what I think
And this is also true if you believe it is so. When will you have the courage to be, dear heart? You have it within you or we would not be here.
I've missed you! Why can't I chat like this with abacus?
You may do so
They don't like to " banter " they say
Dear heart it is you that suggests it is so when it is not sound reasoning.
Try. We say to you try. You may be supprised at the humor that resides in universal mind. It is your belief that they are above the process we share. We are one. Remember this. What we may do with you you may do with a higher version of us.
Abacus comes through so serious like
It is your imaginings that a higher power comes with a sternness about them. Know with higher frequency comes a higher love, a higher knowledge , and a higher humour. A higher power is more refined. It is your belief that wields the result of what comes forth. The higher evergy frightened you at first did it not?
Well it was different to you ..
How so?
You know how
Humour us if you will. There is a method here. You are aware
Well they came through as a force not to be reckoned with, powerful, yet loving. It felt like the masculine of you. My heart raced at what I felt
How did the force feel? Did it feel bad?
No. It felt big. Enormous, never ending void. I saw the universe with the energy. I felt small in comparison
You are aware what you fear is your own power? Your own self? This that you saw, is you. You are a part of this void, this universe, this expansion. You fear your own power and what it means to bring this within your self. This is what you feel, what you fear.
We are the door the bridge. Abacus, universal mind, is what is behind the door. They are the next step in your evolution. Your own power self realised, embodied, allowed. You are meshing, atuning, adjusting with this higher part of you, of source. Do not fear who you are, what you may experience. You have opened the door. You still have one foot in and one foot out. Step fully into your power so that you may create, co create.
Can I ask why I feel so achy today?
Levelling up. There are more adjustments. You are integrating as are many. More light, and so more squeezing within your structure. Rest is the best medicine, and advise we give.
So I'll ask the questions then?
Affirmative. The answers will come as appropriate for the time.
Will it get me into trouble ?
It depends solely on your definition of trouble dear heart
You know what I mean
That would defeat the purpose of the messages would it not? We bring what may bring others to themselves. To know who one is, Is the first step.
Trust dear heart trust, in your self and in source, that what may be appropriate will , be.
Be at peace dear heart, be at Peace
Dearest we say to you, do not fear what we are. As we are embodied in fullness, you will experience more that what we are. You. All. We are love. We are light. We are knowledge. Limitless.
Know that we are. Feel us. We bring you to your self and others to them selves. We are the vast expanse that you imagine and more. You can not know the fullness of what we are, where you are at present. You are limited where you are, however you will know us. Trust
We ask, advise that you rest now. We have much work to do together. Your integration of the energies currently attuning in needed. Allow your eyes to close. Feel that we are in this space. Be...
Lyrics to songs I heard in my mind below
Still to figure the meaning of the message they bring. Maybe they were meant for you also....
Lyrics to Endless love
Lyrics to Sometimes when we touch
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