Channeling Abacas (Universal Mind)
This channel occured right after 2 Light Body Journeys. They guided me through a number of Light Body techniques and then I channeled.......
We are in your field once again.
There has been many questions being asked. We will bring through what is needed. We are condensing the true information, what is required, rather than all manner of nuances that do not really touch to the heart, of the core.
Yes, to begin you are still
adjusting. The more you practice this energy work that you have performed this past time, the higher your frequency will become, and the more clear our words will be. It is a manner of becoming finely attuned, so that you may hear the station with precision & minimal error.
You have had insights these days, and we tell you today, that your insights are correct. They are accurate. We have been bringing this message to you on purpose. You are needing to hear these messages. You can be stubborn, and you wish to know much. We admire the qualities. They will be needed as we move forward. We have shown you again this day where you are going, what you are becoming.
You saw them most clearly did you not? We do not bring through this information for naught. You are here to affect change. You have always known this. Always. It is simply you are afraid to voice, and fear that others may think you strange. Do not worry what you feel at this moment in your voice box. We are fine tuning adjustments.
You feel as if there is a block, as you may not be able to speak us. We are bringing in our nuances, our tones. We have a personality that is different to the others that you have brought through before. We are not what you are used to, however, you needed that before. You needed adapting, you needed cocooning, you needed mothering, so that you would not fear what is to come.
There is much to come. You will bring our words of wisdom to the fore. There are many beginning to stir.
There are many beginning to follow the path, the journey to the self, the embodiment of their knowing in the physical living. This will be occurring over the next few years especially, however, it will take many more than that, before you reach where you are imagining.
You may come back again, or you may not, or, not totally impossible, that you may never leave. However, it is improbable at this time in this manner of energy.
That is not to say that it is not impossible, as much is changing, much is shifting. Look around you and look with new eyes.
If you are willing to take the blinders off you can see all the changes occurring. Many are smokescreened. They are busy, engrossed in what is occurring, in view of their selves, rather than what is occurring within themselves. They look at their picture boxes, they look at their motion pictures, they look at the way others are living, and they criticise, and they speak ill of the other. There is much judgement of this, and judgement of that, however the veil has been lifted, and some are seeing that theres another way, there is something different. Some have had the light shine on them, some in vicinity of others. Some are beginning to light the way, and are beginning to question what is actually true, and what is actually false, and who has been lying, and who has been speaking in true. You see, in your reality their must be those that keep the law, that have the rules to flow, so that there is order and community, and a way of living. That some may prosper, and some may not. It has always been the case that there is the poor, and then there is the rich, and then there is the middle ones. It is difficult to become abundant in your world unless you know the reality. What we mean by this is the understanding of what is abundance, and how it is to be brought to the self.
It is not simply brought to you by thought.
A thought carries energy, yes, but a thought alone does not affect change. A thought requires motion to carry it into the ethers, emotion, e-motion is what carries that thought, what propels it forward, to expand.
Think on that. How does your automobile move forward if it does not have anything to propel it forward? It needs the fuel. Emotion is the fuel of a thought.
Creativity, in action also creates.
Bringing the process into another dimension, and affecting the change, playing with it like a child would play with sand on the beach. How it moulds it to the shape, in the form that it wishes it to become. This is how you play with energy, with form. In the ethers you may change the colour, the shape and the style. You play with it with your imagination, building it to the most beautiful creation that you can possibly achieve in your imagination, and then you draw it into you. You become the creation that you are so wishing. You embody it. You bring it into yourself. Action can be taken in many ways.
You may put the step in front of the other, and take a step towards your dream, or you may take action in the ethers and play and mould the energy.
Many do not understand that when you wish your life to change, but you do not do anything to affect the change, then you live your day-to-day life exactly as the day before, and as the day before that, and the day before that, there will be not be any change, and then the years will pass and you will wonder why you are still in the same place as you are now.
You must embody, you must be the change that you wish to see. It is the way. You will begin to see many creating their abundance, in love and in service for others, and you will think how did they do this? You will see where they will live their example.
Many are doing this. Many are sharing their wisdom. Many that you have no comprehension.
These light bearers show how it is that this planetary system will evolve.
When you are reborn, if you decide to return, you will come in much different to the way you are now. Look at the younger generation. They are coming in with much more knowledge, changed circumstances within. These ones abound laws that are not understandable as yet.
There will be many changes coming to your world. New technologies, ones that you may have thought of, and ones that you may have not. Your way of living will change. It will all be very exciting for some. Not so much for others, that may not access the changes.
There will be some alteration's in the manner of the channelings, in the conversations that we bring. We are in a time of adjustment. This one does not still, understand what is to occur. We will have discussions as to the way we are to mould the creation, to help many. We come forth from a place that has much knowledge. Knowledge that is always developing, always expanding, becoming a new.
We co-create with you your future, your now moment. You understand the future as being far away. What we tell you, is your future is today, is now, in this moment, consecutively, and not so.
There is time for adjustment. This will be the process for now.
This one wishes to bring through the "pearl of wisdom". We will continue this for a time for they "are" pearls, delicate information, and yet, many shades within.
* ( pearls of wisdom below )
( I will also post the information below under the appropriate header )
It is so that many discuss their needs, discuss their wants, discuss their hurts, discuss their anxieties. Many voice what it is they do not wish, what it is that ails them.
We tell you this. If you chose today, in this moment, to only allow yourself to voice that which you desire to bring to the fore, if you from this moment, did not speak with your tongue, with your mouth, anything that was unpleasant or painful or hurtful or distasteful, if you only voiced positive words, loving words, words of kindness, and appreciation, if you did not utter one word of what you do not want, beginning this moment, beginning this very day, your life would change dramatically.
It will be magic before your very eyes. You will wonder what has happened in your world. This is universal law. That what you give out you get back. Your structure, your mechanics of your physicality, of your body, hears everything, and happily engages you and serves you.
Mastery of the thought process is needed to advance, for thought form will be instantaneous in the future. What you think will be created in an instant, and so the learning is to be had in mastering the thought process. So we give you a challenge if you will. To begin not voicing, not speaking of anything you do not wish in your world, or that it be returned to you. Think carefully for a moment. This means all things that you do not wish to have in your world. We leave you with that. You may start small. It is a skill, habit forming, if you continue to practice.
We do not say too master all your thinking process. What we are saying, what we are referring, and be clear on this, is what you speak loudly, from your mouth, in voice, in conversation, with others. If you do not voice loudly what you do not want, if you voice loudly what you do want, then eventually you will see the creator that you are.
We end the conversation today with that.
Be mindful. You are a creator. Know you have created where you are today, and know that you may create tomorrow, today.
To you dear heart, dearest, there are two here, this moment. We tell you practice, practice, practice. You have been doing this and we are pleased. We tell you it is no manner of time before this occurs what we have spoken. Today you found the tools to lift your frequency higher still. We have given you more tools, on top of the tools that you are already portraying. Practice daily.
We make an appointment with you. Seven days from today we begin the writings. Until then, we ask you daily to work the energy, in the manner you have done today. This day, in seven days we begin. Have faith that you may do this. You are good enough.
We leave you now.
That is all
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