4th May 2015 ( Early Afternoon )
Channeling Abacus. ( Universal Mind )
This channel touches on the death process, the experience of it, why the veil is in place, past lives, time, why we are here, changes in humanity, the ripple effect, earth regeneration, a short, mini exercise on energy increase....
I have noticed Abacus touches on different areas to Adam. Today's channels have shown me there's a difference in the information being brought forward. Intrigued to see what comes....
We are in your field once again.
There was some more fine tuning to be had. It is a recalibration, a restabilisation that is needed, to connect the intricate energies, the patterns, to match our energy, with this ones energies structure. It is a mesh, a meld a interconnecting weave, that we may incorporate our vibrational structure to hers, as she raises her light energy, her wattage, then we may connect more so. We are still not fully melded as the colourful ones are.
Our frequency is more finer, higher, less dense. We come this day for restructuring, however, there was some questioning at hand previously, that this one had cause to worry, in regards to the clarity at hand.
We will bring through now what is needed, what needed to be heard.
( Note: the reference to the "colour ones is Adam, Rainbow Collective. The "worry in regards to clarity" they mention is reference to a channel I scrapped yesterday. I felt I was too "in the mind" so I trashed it )
There is at times somewhat an alternate view on the way many question, think about, the process of transition. The processes whereby one from your material plane, that transcends that plane to our side of the veil. It is known already from speaking, from other channels, how this may be so one happens upon the information in regards to transfers. ( death )
When one leaves the plane that you are, and enters the plane that we are, there is a cementing of sorts, a grounding needed, it is much like when you wake from a dream, and you are disorientated, not knowing whether you are asleep or awake or in another place. It is so, that when one transcends your realm, to ours, that there is a disorientation initially. It is a waking up from the dream. There are ones that come to greet you, that help you, to move forward past the disorientation, to help you to feel at ease. It is not a difficult process. What you have questioned is the section before the transference, the part where one is ill mayhap, or at the end of their journey. You question whether there be a pain, and we have told you before that it may be so that one experiences pain upon departure, but this is simply because ones mind expects it so. There are many, many, many, instances where the transference is pain-free, and then you have to ask why is it so that some are pain-free and some are not? And we tell you there is a choice, there is much that you do not understand, still, in regards to manifestation and creating.
There are much conditions, much ideas, that have been attached to the death process, to the transference. Many have labelled it a terrible event. There is much stigma attached, there is much fear attached. It is not looked upon as a favourable thing to achieve, to have to go through, and yet noone, no one will avoid the transference. We say to you, as we said to this one last day, that there is a choice how the transference is to be made. Your preconditioned beliefs and thoughts, processes on this process, have much to do with the way it is to be experienced. Once the transference has taken place, once you have passed, it is not, it is not, the process that you fear.
It is beautiful. It is a return to home.
It is much as when you are so very tired, and you fall into your bed of comfort, of knowing you experience your pillow, your smell, the softness, the warmth of the covers, that surround you. You fall into your bed in absolute bliss after a long day of struggle.
This is much how experience transference is, when you come home. It is a sigh of relief. It is an understanding of who you are. It is a release. It is a sigh of relief. Do not be afraid. It is not as you imagine.
Your loved ones will be there to greet you. They are not gone. One does not simply extinguish after life. How can that be so? How can it be so, that an eternal being as yourself can be extinguished, simply for returning from their journey? The forgetfulness, the blinders, the veil serves an important part of the journey. Imagine, imagine if you could see all that you have been before. If you could feel every love and every pain, every experience of lifetime after lifetime, after lifetime, how would you move forward in the place you are now? Think about this. You cannot move forward with what you know now, and you have such a limited knowing. Imagine if you could remember all of it. It is not the plan to have full knowing, even as awakening is taking place. There must be some veil.
It serves a purpose. The all that is, could not know it self anew if it remembered all that it was. It has to jump in blindly so to speak, to discover itself again. If you were to for instance jump into a pool of water, you would experience the wetness, the coolness, the buoyancy, the feel of it on your skin, the way your body moves in it. You have then a memory of this sensation and when you leave the pool you understand what it feels like to jump into the pool, however, fast forward one year of your time and you go to the same pool. The day maybe different. You may be feeling differently. You are there with different others. You have knowledge of the pool do you not? You know what to expect. So you jump in again, not taking in that the temperature is slightly different. That perhaps the movement in the water is not the same.
The colours around you might have changed and yet you still have the memory of the last, you did not pay so much attention, you do not experience the pool a new . However take away the memory of the other, and then jump into the pool, and you experience it all at another level all the minute changes you see when you have memory, you do not appreciate again the fullness of what was there before you.
There is a new appreciation when their experience is brought forth anew. You will never experience the brand-new again once you have experienced already. It is also much the same as in a relationship. Remember your first love the very first time you met. The feelings in your heart, the flutters in your chest. Remember. Now fast forward a year, and try to recapture that moment again, as if it was happening anew. With the memory attached you would not experience it to the same depth. Think about that. Imagine if you could wipe the memory, and then have that experience all over again, at a whole new level, while you have been growing to appreciate life, to appreciate the little things, lessons along the way and then that comes anew, and then you get to experience the love anew from a different level of being. Are you understanding now? The veil serves the purpose. As all expands, as all begins to create its self a new, there are different levels to the experiences. Different ideas, different perceptions. There are numerous reasons for the veil. It serves a purpose for now.
You ask, this one asks, regarding past remembrances of death and how they may affect the now. Know you there is no past or future, there is only the present. This will confuse, we understand. However this one asks the question. We will answer how we may. When you experience the dream, the death, you will dream the sinking feeling. You are experiencing that on another plane, in another level, in another place. It is not past, it is now. You have developed a fear have you not? Of walking in the dunes, since the experience in the dream. Know, it is not the case that one may experience the exact same, experience over and over again, unless they choose. You may not experience that ever again. Choose this, and let it go.
This is a time of great change. There is much occurring energy speaking. There are many connecting to the other side in channel, in writing, and art, in singing. There are many connecting early on. There are many being born, that are old souls, that bring their knowledge forth in the earliest of times, in the early years. They will be great leaders born anew. Great changes in the way thinking is performed. New ideas for power, for health. Changes in political avenues. Changes in your weather structures. Changes abound.
Be is a sense of flow as these changes occur. They will be resisted to a degree, but when the mant want change, then that is what will occur. It is not something the governments can halt for very long. People, humans, humanity want to change. They are not happy with the drudgery any longer. They have come to a point in their evolution when it is starting to be realised they have choice and they will stand for what they believe. Humanity against those that will try to hinder them. Humanity is strong when together for a just cause. Do you not have worry for your earth planet. It is regenerating. The oceans are regenerating. It is a self functioning system. It knows how to regenerate itself anew, no matter how much you try to destroy it. Obviously there are certain circumstances that may come to play, but that is not in the cards, and so not a factor in this discussion. There are many winds of change afoot.
Many are beginning to rise up to their podium are ready to speak out for what they believe. Many will see the few that are well known stand up, and they will begin to question what it is that makes them do so. You see from one born of wanting change, one yearning, creates a ripple and eventually a ripple meets everyone. The more ripples the bigger the waves. It is much like one mouse in a den of many. This mouse has seen what is behind the veil. It has seen what it can be and achieve. It knows what is possible for the rest of the mice if they but open their eyes, and so one mouse will jump and holler and create commotion, until another listens, and does not think it insane, and then the two will create noise until another listens, and then there are three, and then the three will create noise to awaken the others, and eventually you'll have a system where the majority will be awakened, and the minority will be asleep. Do you understand?
We say to you when you have a sense of weight, when you feel as if your life is not going anywhere, we say to you breathe. Be still. Rest. Know within that you have a fire burning brightly. You cannot not burn. When you are feeling the way you do, imagine that flame within, burning brighter. In your imagination look at this flame, getting brighter and brighter, and the light that it gives is entering all your cells, all your structure, every single part of your being is engulfed in the light, from this flame. This will make you feel more energetic. This will give you your spark back. It is simply that when you are struggling the spark has less potential, it begins to die down. There is not enough oxygen so to speak to keep it burning brightly. However if you put your attention to your spark of light, watch it burning brighter and brighter. Allow that light to penetrate you. You will feel the difference. Try, try just once and you will see.
We tell you do what you love. If you love to read, read, before performing something you do not enjoy. If you enjoy to garden spend your time outdoors gardening. Why would you not do what you love to do? Why would you come to the earth plane to do what you do not love? Imagine a moment if you will, of being on our side of the veil. You make a choice to incarnate on this blue ball that is earth. You see the potential all the different experiences you may have, while you're looking down through a little hole, a tunnel, with not much vison, but you can see there are beautiful valleys, pristine waters, many attractions, many different humans. You see the bigger picture of what can be achieved in such a place and you are eager to come down, and then you are born, and you forget why you came. You remember for a little while, and you try to play and do what you love, but over time you are conditioned, that it is not right to play every day, that you must do this and you must do that, to fit in.
You are told that you must work so many hours, you are told what is proper and what is not. You are conditioned all the way through, and so when you think about what you had thought to be your potential, the experience of it and then you see where you are, there may be a gap, however know that it is near impossible not to experience earth, as there is much richness, and even if you were to leave today you would have experienced enough. What we simply say to you for those that are feeling heavy, it would be a good day if you experienced something that is of love, that is returnable, meaning that you can bring the experience , the love inside your heart back with you to the other side, for they are the rich experiences, the ones that do not leave your heart or soul. You see you may leave your possessions, your houses, your clothing, you're cooking utensils, they are left behind, however your experiences the richness of them The love that you feel for others , this you take with you, this is never lost.
We leave you now.
The channelling has been a long one.
Be at peace.
That is all
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