Channeling Adam & Abacus
Who am I channeling now? It's getting confusing. Do I ask for Adam ( Rainbow Collective ) or Abacus ( Universal Mind ) when auto writing? What should I be concentrating on atm?
Be still a moment.
Dear heart
It is Adam. We are endebted to you for spreading our words, for the trust you displayed for all manner of your expression. We are still available on call to give you assistance.
We wish to advise you speak, connect with the energy that is Abacas, as these you are to work with. The more you do so the more alignment of energy will occur.
I don't understand . Can I auto write with them also
You may do so dearest
Note* ( I felt the energy shift here & Adam has never used that term of endearment )
Affirmative we are in your field . Know this. We love you dearly we love all that read the lines. We love all that do not. We are universal mind. Do you know what this is?
How can we not love. We are love.
We are.
Dearest do not assume that we converse simply to banter. We are information and so information we will bring. Use your energy wisely. You wish to create change ? Create.
Begin. You are lethargic it is true. You are in the process of assimilation.
You ask what you may do?
So that you may on your leisure day hear us most clearly. You have been hungry . Nourish. Energy requires nourishment. Energy uses much energy, it regenerates. Regeneration requires energy .
In your rest you download, you assimilate, you regenerate.
Then we begin in good stead, with full wattage, full power.
You are not lazy, far from it. You work endlessly to meet your goals.
Forget goals for now. We say be present, moment to moment. Let go of what is not needed. It is not a lull, we are not gone. We wish you to raise, however, you may do this as you wish. Free will. To raise, you require rest, assimilation, stillness.
Be at peace.
Mark your calender.
Mark your private space.
When you are ready and rested we begin.
We leave you now
That is all
Dear heart heed the advise. You are pushing yourself, overextending your flow.
Now is a time of regeneration, assimilation, you feel this, you know this.
Smile . You agree stubbornly so.
We recommend some study. You know that which we speak . Their words are our words . The writing with will speak volumes . You have felt this to be true. Listen to the urges within .
I miss you
We understand. We are never far. Know this. You may feel into our energy at any time you become still. We never leave. What we are is always with you. Know this. Understand this. Now is the time for you begin your stage. Begin the set up. You have progressed the miles. You have done the work. Do not give up dear heart. You are raising your frequency. With this comes change.
Constantly. Be well with this.
It is evolution.
That is all
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