18th May 2015
Pearls Of Wisdom
You wish to bring clarity to the pearls of wisdom.
What we say to you is that there are many that are wishing to experience their dreams. They think that they may wish this, they think that they may wish that, they think one day they would like to have this, and they think one day they would like to have that, and so they imagine their dreams happening one day in a faraway place, and then they become down from their state of imagination, and they begin their day not really believing that their dreams will come to fruition, any time soon.
And this is the mistake for they see their dreams way off into the future, and they continue to do this daily and so what begins to occur is that their dreams stay in the future. The only way their dreams will become a present reality, is if they begin to take action with their dream. If they begin to take steps to the process, to have their dreams become a reality, then the dreams will begin to take shape and form, but many do not do this they simply say one day we will do this, and one day i will do that, and one day I will take a ship across the ocean and relax and one day I will go visit the ruins of Europe, and one day I will own a home that I am comfortable in and one day never happens, because it is always one day away, you see.
If you wish to create you must do so in the present moment. You must think of what you want tomorrow, today.
You must imagine it as occurring in the now. You must think of it as something that is doable and believable. You must believe that you are worthy, that it is actually possible.
We say to you make time, five minutes of your day or longer. Play a tune that brings you to your happiness to a beautiful state of being. Hold a biro, a pen and a paper, and while the music is playing, whike the melody is lulling you, making you feel good, bringing you inner peace, while this is occurring write onto this paper what you are wanting to manifest in your world. As you write the words, speak them loudly. We do not say to whisper, we say with conviction speak what you wish to occur as you write in the moment with the music.
Conduct in the present what you are wishing in the future. Feel it with every fibre of your being. Embody this what you write what you speak. Imagine it is entering every single part of you, internalising it. Internalise it as you would eat a piece of food, as you are writing your dream and listening to the music.
Imagine your reality within you taking shape and form. Imagine yourself becoming brighter and happier. If you do this daily you will see changes occur.
When the synchronicitys comes, and they will, be courageous, take action, they are that will lead you to your desire, to your dream.
Do not shy away from them in fear, and say I can't do that, for they will come and they will try to bring you your reality that you are wishing for. But if you do not follow them. If you do not follow the synchronistic events that occur, then you will stay where you are and you will not have what you are dreaming.
That is the pearl of wisdom for today
Some practical work that you may do that you may experiment with and by all means add your own flavours. We are after all experiencing ourselves a new. You may discover a way to bring your dream to you, much more quickly. Share what occurs, for it is in the sharing that others see that it is working, and when it works for one, others begin to believe also.
That is the pearl of wisdom for this day.
That is all
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