Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
The ever shifting kaleidoscope
Communication with the light realms
Channeled after a "Sacred Transmutting Flame" exercise, and running "Light Body" energies. I was guided/prompted to do these before this channel. Was feeling very "high" energetically in this channeling. (Bliss) The audio reflects this. I also want to mention, in this channeling I felt more than Abacus. I felt "others" or other energies in the transmission. Hard to express this into words.....
Kaleidoscope - a constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements.
Greetings dear one.
Greetings and welcome to all that are listening this day.
We have asked this one to bring in some extra information. We ask for extra communication for there is much being born at this time. It is ever shifting a kaleidoscope of colours and changes. We are pleased to have this connection. We are pleased that we are here and that you are here. That many will come to the fore. There is more than just "we" here this day. There is a "collective" of energy here this day. It is more than just we, that are here at a regular basis. This one feels the vibrancy. She has been working on her energy for the last moments, and so she is as you call, as you say, rather "high" in energetic nature, at this moment.
She is enjoying the flow and the colours and the state of being.
Know this is available to all that work with their energetic structure. This is the new that is coming to the fore. Many have been working with their energies at this time. Many have been fast tracked so to speak, and many more will be will be doing so in the coming months, and years to come. It is simple in nature to begin, and then it will come to you, what is needed, for you will draw what you are in need to encompass, at certain stages of growth. It begins with becoming still, becoming silent, more and more.
However you may also begin with enjoyment of what you do.
Being in a state of being, so to speak. Being in your creativity, being in your painting, being in your dancing, being in what you love to do.
When you are doing what you love to do. When you lose time in what you love to do, when you become one with that, that you are expressing, that oneness, is the oneness we speak of, is the energy that lifts, is the vibration that raises, when you are one in what you are expressing, what you are creating.
You may not be in this oneness when you are doing something you do not enjoy, when you are feeling not in resonance with what you are applying yourself to be.
However when you are one with the music, when you are one with the paintbrush, when you are one with the motion, when you are one with the writing, when you are one with that, that is, when you are in connection, with that, that is you, that other part of you that is connected always, when you are in this space, your energetics rise, they lift, you feel lifted, you feel blissful, you feel in love.
This raises your frequency. This spins your cells, so to speak. They hum. They vibrate. You lose time, for there is no time in this space, in this flow.
You may experience this in nature. When you are one with the water, with the soil, with the air, with the beauty that surrounds you. You may be in this space when you are in the ocean, when you as you say, riding the waves. When you are engulfed in that expression, in that feeling.
You may feel this in the dance, in the motion, in the lifting, in the turning, in the swinging. You lose time. You are one with what you are expressing.
Some feel this when they are playing a sport that they love. They are running, they are one with the ball, one with the racket, one with their running. They become a space, of no space. One that sings, one that paints, becomes this space, in the creating, in the motion.
When one is in love with what they doing, with what they are being, they become one with the energy that is the creator in them, that is the creator in all things.
In this one is lifted, one is risen.
One becomes one, with all that is.
One becomes in their bliss, in their high, in their joy. There is no thought of pain. There is no thought of the body. There is no thought of anything other than what you are experiencing.
It is what this one is experiencing now. She is in a state of connectedness. She is in a state of bliss. She has no thought to what is being said.
She just feels the vibration in her voice, in her tone. She is as you say "high". She is one, with what we are. She is expressing herself in this way, as a dancer expresses in their dancing, as a painter expresses in their painting, as a surfer expresses in the riding of the wave. They are in a state of excitement, of bliss. She knows naught of what she is actually expressing, other than they are words rolled one into one, another after another. All she understands is the word that is being spoken at the time, and then it is gone. Like a dancer dances one step in front of the other, and then the other. The step beforehand forgotten for the step that is in front of them now.
This is expressing life.
This is expressing yourself.
This is co-creating.
This is living.
This is meditation.
This is stillness.
There are many names for what this is. All humans have felt this, at one point or another. All try desperately to become that again. To re-remember, to become one with what they are.
When they are not in resonance, when one is not at its height of being, they are in their darkness. They are in slow motion, so to speak. Their cells do not resonate at a high-speed, but at a low speed. Lower emotions such as jealousy, sadness, grief, guilt. all spin at a lower rate. The resonance is lower, and so it does not feel so blissful, so as you say "high".
However one must know one, to know the state of the other, for one cannot know without a comparison. This is living also.
You have lived many lifetimes. Experienced many adventures. Experienced many highs and lows. We are coming to a point in the time line, in the nature that is humanity, to rise above these conditions. This is what you are wanting. This is what you have expressed and this is where you are being taken, at this time. However, not are all there yet, and so there are ones that rise the vibrancy, to help lift the ones that are not in vibrancy, that are not in that place of spin, of being.
The ones that are listening now are vibrating at a certain spin, and so they are attracted to these communications. They are attracted for a reason. To help themselves bring up their spin. To help them find their own connections, their own being, and their own ways. Those that per chance, come across these communications via accident, and we say that word accident, "tongue in cheek", for there is no accident, for they are many that are to awaken, that are meant to be here, they just do not know it yet, for they are to find their own path, and their own way of being, one that will help the many.
You see, all that are being, all that are doing, all that are living their high, are raising all humanity.
One does not need to be a channeler, per se. One does not need to be a Lightworker. One does not need to be, as you say "cliche", a spiritual person, to raise the vibration of all humanity.
All one needs to be, is in resonance, in their being, enjoying what they are doing.
Whether it be surfing, whether it be dancing, whether it be painting, it matters not. As long as one is being in love with what they are doing, they are lifting all. They are being abundance, and abundance will be attracted to they, for they are spinning at a great speed in their being, and they are helping to lift those that have forgotten, for we do not forget the ones that have forgotten.
We do not forget the ones that are at a lower spin, for we are "all" one.
We are not one or the other. We are one with all. We are one picture. In the picture there is the light, and there is the dark, and there is the muted, and there is the shimmer.
We are all one, and we help each other to rise above the more difficult times.
We hold out a hand to those that are not finding it so easy, and we grab hold of their hands, and we help to lift them. We help them to find their path again. You see one is no better than the other. One that is spinning faster, is no better than the one that is hardly spinning at all. We are the same, just a different space, in our journey. However for those that wish to be risen, that wish to be helped to move beyond where they are, then there are those that are there to help do this. To be there. To lend a helping hand, for the more that we all raise, the more that we all lift beyond the darkness, then the brighter we all shine, and the higher we may all raise.
You have free will where you are, and you live your life accordingly. We do not tell you what you may do, or you may not do.
We are here to guide. We are here to guide those that are wishing to be guided, however we do not do it for you. We have never done for you. We are here to light your path, so that you may see more clearly the choices that you may choose, and the experiences that you may have. We help you to work your mechanics, so that you may rise above the many experiences that you do not wish to experience any longer.
This one is here to bring us through, so that we may do this work with you.
Have patience with this one. She is but beginning the journey also.
Do not fear change. Change is simply another experience, and this is why you are here. To experience, to grow, and to become all that you may be. We love you dearly. Do not ever doubt this. We come from the stars. We come from the light. We come from what you know as the cosmic planes. We come from a place where you have been, you just do not remember. Some will call us the lightbearers. Some will call us source. Some will call us light beings. Some will call us extraterrestrials. Some will call us angels. There are many of us. There is more than just this one's Abacus today.
There is a multitude of energies, for this is the exercise, this day.
To bring through more than just the one, in a communication that is filled with light, and information, so that you may integrate this knowing. So that it may lift you into your knowing, and enhance your connections, to your workers, to your connections, to your threads of light.
We end this here.
This one is tiring and beginning to stumble.
Patience, dear ones.
We cannot emphasise this enough. Rest.
Integration requires this.
That is all.
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