Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In light body trance state
The gifts
Greetings again dear ones. Greetings again.
We are pleased when this one has the time to communicate for there is much that can be brought forth. She enjoys the interaction. She enjoys the space. She is in her flow. This is why she is here. To interact with we. To help the many, through these messages. There is more that she will do but this is the beginning. Those that are reading and listening, this is your beginning also, for if you have found these words, if you have found this interaction, then you are exploring. You are exploring something new. Something in your journey is not taking form exactly how you wished, and so you have seeked something. You have seeked what many seek, guidance. You seek guidance from someone that may have the answers, to what you should be doing in this life. What you should be being, where you should be going. We tell you there are no shoulds. We tell you we do not give you the answers. We guide. We simply guide. We turn on the lights. We explore all the different options. It is your choice however where you choose to place your attention. It is always your choice dear ones. You have free will. We are not to impede on your free will. However we may hand you tools. We may give you guidance. It is much as the master builder builds a home. You contract the builder to build your home. The builder begins to build. He uses all the tools that he has taken with him on his explorations, to build this home. It is the builders journey to build many facilities. It is his craftsmanship, his art, his enjoyment, and he continues to build until something is built. He has plans in his mind on how one is to structure a building. Though at times he is unsure and so he is guided by the ones that are experienced, and so you are guided by the ones that have experience. You are the master creator. You are the one that creates these masterpieces. We simply hand you the tools, and some inner knowledge on how you may go to create these wondrous expansions. You are in lesson in a way. You are learning the ropes. You are beginning to open up your gifts. They are there waiting for you to open. It is as Christmas comes, and on your Christmas Day, you open the gifts that has been prepared for you. The coming months will be as Christmas Day is. You will open your gifts and then you will begin to play. You will begin to explore them and find new ways of creating with these gifts. The creating will be yours alone to choose. You are simply handed the gifts now that you have come of age to play with these type of gifts.
It is as you would not give a newborn a building set that is complicated, that would suit more a child of eight, and so we give you the gifts that you may understand, you may begin to explore with. We do not give you all the ways of them, for that would destroy your pleasure, destroy your experience, your exploration of them. You are still in experience. However you have come of age. You have graduated so to speak, and now the gifts begin to flow, and you begin to grow all the more.
We are as the proud parents, but also your equal. We see what is ahead where you may not see, just as the parent sees what is ahead for the child that is growing and is exploring. We see the possibilities that are yours, just as the parents sees the childs possibilities. We also see where you may struggle, just as the parent sees where one may struggle.
We are your equals have no misconceptions there. This is a simple analogy, we see as a parent sees their children, simply because we have a better birdseye view where we are. We have had the experience where we are. Where you are, you do not. You cannot. But you will. Hmmm you will.
This one feels the emphasis in those words. The love that we have for you.
Hmmm. She wishes to see what we express, but we have drawn the curtain over her eyes this day. All she sees is light. She does not see else. We do not allow her to see her gifts before they are opened.
She finds this humorous as do we, for she is always seeking to peek behind the curtains, and we only allow peaks every now and then, as a parent allows the child a peak. The parent seeks to have the child guessing, for then the gift is greater on the opening, and so do we express the same concepts.
We have so much love for you where we are. We cannot express to you adequately how how much we love you and how inspired we are by your tenacity, by your strength of purpose.
It has begun. We say to you it has begun. It is begun. You are experiencing, beginning to experience changes, and it will build from here, and we will help to bring what is needed as the journal, as the one that journeys.
This one is stumbling, she has reached her quota for this moment. We leave you now, in love and light. That is all
After note : a question to abacus....
Auto writing
Abacus, if we are the builders building the homes ie the creators of our reality, and you are the ones that (guides) with the experience ie that guides the builders (namely us) then who contracted the builder? You say in your message, "you contract the master builder to build your home", so who is "you", if we are the builders?
Who indeed. You know the answer. As you questioned the answer came did it not?
We are the contractor AND the builder? We meaning our god self?
But of course. The "all that is", wishes to know itself a new, creating itself a new through YOU. We have told you before you come from source, the all that is. You, when on this side of the veil "contract yourself", to go and be the master builder. You go with the tools to create in a new realm. You simply forget you have ALL the tools. We are your "back up" so to speak. You all have your own back up through your intuition, through your inspiration, through your higher self, through source. You are the master builder that builds through a silent benefactor so to speak. The silence itself is an illusion, for you are always connected. The silent benefactor gives you "free will" to create your own masterpiece any which way you choose.
Thankyou. I doubted what I spoke but thought there must have a catch in there
The catch was on purpose dear heart. We act to question you, to think for yourself. We do not give you all the answers. We seek you to question the anolagys. There is always a method of " questionability " so to speak, so that you may delve further yourself. A question or statement that leads you to search out more questions & answers. There is always method dear heart. What seems to you a confusing statement is "on purpose". It disgruntles you at times, but in that, it triggers you to search for yourself, and in the searching you attain a broader understanding, more so, than if you were simply handed the answers. Are you understanding?
Uhh huh ... Definitely understanding
(Smile) and so it is
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