Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Lightbody Trance State
The Shifting
Greetings dear one, greetings to all again. We are here this day to bring guidance and support, to bring understanding of the shifting, for this is what is in everybody's mind at this time, that are working with the energies their awakening, their self realisation.
There are some that are struggling at this time with changes in the household. There are ones struggling with their occupations, with what they do for a living. There are ones struggling, to let go of the past, to dissolve what was, so that they move forward to what is, and what will be.
Many are processing. This dear ones is what the energy does at the beginning. It has been occurring for a long while now. It is not simply just occurred at this moment, it has been occurring for awhile. It is simply that they are being amped up, as the energy is become more enhanced, and closer.
This is a time of great change, but it is not the only time of change. It is simply that there is been a build up of frequency, and the wave is near its peak, but that is not to say that after the wave has peeked, that there is not more to come. Is simply a space in time where many will be triggered, and with anything new, with any change, there may be some disruption. This is absolutely normal dear ones. It is normal that when you experience change in your realm that there is a time of integration, of the new. Many have to find their feet once again. To find an even floor so to speak. There will be some shaking of ideas, some shaking of the loops, and so when this occurs there is some irritation, some unease. This dear ones you are aware of, but those that are listening now, those that are tuned into this frequency understand this, and understand how they may ease the disruption within themselves.
It is no accident that you have been working on these tools all the while, for it is the ones that are been working on these tools that bring the balance now for all, for the ones that understand how to become balanced and how to work with the energies begin to use them at this time, for they are the first that will be triggered aware, and in the triggering they begin to spread their own frequency, and this helps others, so to speak. It helps to lift them from where they are. It is much like when you are playing a game of sport, and some are the weaker players and some are the stronger players, and the stronger players, support and carry the weaker players, until the weaker players get stronger, and this is what you energy workers, you light workers, the ones that are working with energy, will be doing at this time. This is your time to shine and to serve the whole. This is when you carry the others, for you are all one team. Make no mistake, you are not separate from each other. You are one team. There is just that there is some that are stronger than the others at this time. However in time the team will become all strong, all one, for you are all one after all. Are you understanding dear ones? It is no accident that the older souls the ones that are working with the magic already, will be helping the ones that are not realised yet.
These energies will awaken many, for they will feel the disruption, they will see the changes, and they will question what is, and then again that is when the ones that are already working the energy will come to the fore, to help, to guide until they can manage their own guidance for they are connected also. Do not forget this. They are no different to you. You are no better than they. It is simply that you have awakened to the energetics earlier, for you have had the more experience at this point in time. As these awaken and become stronger, then they will help the rest of humanity. It is a continuous circle.
This one is asking what the gifts will be, what the developments in the human biology will be. There will be many, too many to speak, so to speak. Some that are not understandable to you, and it is not simply the human biology dear one, it is more than just the human biology for energy is more than just the material. Energy encompasses all. You will become the master manipulaters of your energy, of your bodies. You know this within. It is still entrapped within your DNA, but it will be unlocked, and you will gain the knowledge of your past, for there is a past, so to speak. Yes, we understand that everything is working simultaneously, but you have had much experience, and this experience is within your cellular structure, within your DNA, within your akash, within your etherics, within your soul. The developments will be so that you will be living a much different existence to what you live now. You will not be jumping out of this realm so to speak. You will still be where you are now, but you will be working at a higher level of frequency. You are jumping the dial so to speak, you are turning the dial from the lower dials to the higher dials, and so what you project will be different. It will be a different holegram, so to speak. You are still within the same hologram, to use an analogy, however you will be upping the anti, the hologram changes. You will be able to manipulate so much more in your environment. You will be able to create more. There are so many, many, different avenues this will take, but we do not seek to unwrap your gifts before they arrive, for this will spoil the experience. We have said this before and we say this again.
Some of what will come will not be explainable with words. Words are so limited to explaining what is. The only way to discover some of these gifts is to feel them, to acknowledge them. How does one describe for instance the feeling of love. You may say that it feels blissful, that it feels warm, that it feels good, that it feels high, but can you capture its essence in words? You cannot. How may you describe love to someone that has never experienced love in words, for instance? It is difficult to capture the essence in your vocabulary, and this is so with many of these gifts. They are not captured with words but with experience.
We say to the ones that are listening, be at peace. Be in love. Be in joy. Be in your heart. Be compassionate, to those around you that are experiencing these changes.
Be patient. We tell you when you are tired rest, for rest helps you to integrate the energetics that are already here. We say to you in closing, that all you need is within you. It is not outside of you, that you need. It is all within that you need, to get through these days. Love, compassion, patience, these are all within. There is nothing to fear. When those around you become irritated, become less than, hold them in compassion and light that they may work through their processes. Hold those around you in love and in light. By you being love, by you being compassion and understanding and light within, you hold the space for all. If you go into fear because the changes don't feel quite same, then you will help create more fear, for what you create, what you experience, you expand on.
We have slowed because these words are important. Be in a happy state. Be in a joyful state whereever you may be. When you are tired rest your weary body. Listen to what your physicality needs from you. We advise not to engage with others that are experiencing irritation, for to engage in the irritation creates more of the same. Rather disengage, but send them peace and love, and an answer to what they are experiencing.
You are the ones that understand what is occurring. You are realised. You are the pioneers. Be this for others. Be the strength that you are. Be the love that you are, and shine the light that you are, so that others may not stumble so. It may be that it becomes a little bit, what you say, "hairy" at times, but if you stay in your calm and in your peace, and you express love and hold your light, this helps to balance all that around you.
This is a time of change. It is simply the beginning, but it is an exciting beginning. We honour you your journey. We honour you your perseverance. We love you. We love you all dearly. If you see what we see you would love you dearly also.
Be kind to yourself dear ones,
You are sacred to us.
That is all.
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