Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance
Energy Expansion
We are in your field once again.
We bring clarity to the fore. What is being experienced at this time is an expansion of self, of the light that you are.
It is an expansion, a resonation of sorts. When many of like mind come together, they create a uniting force, if you will, an energy. This expands and magnifies out, as an echo magnifies out and then it rebounds back to you creating a shift.
These series of shifts that many are experiencing is the returned echo of many. It is the amplification of the echo. It is the application of self, of your God force within.
When one creates light, when one works with light, the light is as the echo, it resounds out, it amplifies, it creates more of itself, and then it returns to you, that you expanded out, that you have been working on, that, that is your energy, that you are. It comes back tenfold. What you give out, you get back. These shifts are simply a series of returned energy echoes, returned light.
They are created by you the expandee. They are you. There is naught to fear here. It is a time of celebration. It is a celebration of change. You are the lightbearers.
The light that you shine, echoes out into the ethers, becomes magnified, and returns back to you, creating more light within, and so you shine all the brighter, which creates more echoes and more shifts.
This is an ongoing process. It is not a one off. It is not segmented to one time. You are continually expanding continually creating echos, and they are continually resounding, and re turning to you and you are continually expanding more and more.
Be clear in this. You are a creator. You are a part of all that is. The many that are working with their energy resounding their light, are creating an expansion. You that are working with your energies on purpose, create more of what you are working with, and so you are ever shifting, always expanding. This in turn helps to elevate many. You are creating a service to many. Many that are not aware of who they are at this time. We are in honour and in awe, of your resilience, your fortitude.
You are loved and honoured for your service that you bring to the fore.
That is all.
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