Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
Automatic writing
Doing what you love
A personal conversation I was guided to share. As always use your own discernment process.
What do I need to know most of all at this time to help me in my awakening process, in raising my vibration to the new engergies? What can I do in the following days and weeks to fast track the process? What is the best course of action?
Dear heart where you are now is exactly where you are to be. All is perfection in the moment where you are now. You are at peace where you are. You have stopped struggling for the most part. Allowance to all that brings you joy, brings you a raised vibrancy. Spend time doing what you love, which brings you a sense of pleasure. Do not think it a waste of time doing "no thing" or doing something that brings joy, but to "your" mind, brings no end result, for there needs not be a end result, there needs not be a scene of completion. It is simply the joy of the "doing" that is what is important.
For example, looking at a beautiful scenic view brings pleasure, however there is no completed project after the viewing. It is the experience IN the doing that is of import, not receiving a physical completion. It is the act of doing, one that brings pleasure, that is the act of "lifting" the vibrancy, the flow.
You see doing things you enjoy at times a waste of time, because you see there is no end produce to show. It is not the end product, but the experience, that is integrated Into your being.
But at times I feel painting/drawing etc as waisting time, when I have so limited time here. I feel I could be doing something more important, more useful
No time is wasted doing what you love. NO TIME is wasted doing what you love for in the process of doing something you love you extend love, for you are "loving" in the process..
Even if it's not good enough to make a living out of?
Indeed. Even if it was never shown, for in the doing your are experiencing flow, you are experiencing joy and in that you lift all, for your vibrancy is lifted, and so it adds to the soup of all. There are many ways dear one that one may help lift the vibrancy of the grids. Doing what you love simply for the joy, for the pleasure lifts all. It is a complexity that is not always easily understandable to you. You enjoy creating do you not?
Then create dear heart. Express, simply for the joy of doing so. When one creates doors open. You do not know what you do not know. When you are in the flow it acts as a key, that opens many doors, doors you have no awareness of where you are. You see yourself as less than, unworthy, not good enough, always seeking validation to measure your worth. Know your worthiness. You have a piece of the creator within you that has the urge to create. So create all that you may, in joy, create your own masterpieces! No creation is wasted, not a one. In gods eyes all creations are perfections. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Remember this statement dear one.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder .......
What about the things I don't want to do? Like chores? I'm constantly rushing to do the things I don't want to do, so I have time to do the things I want to do.... It's plain frustrating
Acceptance dear one. Accept what IS, and be in love with what is, for as you begin to live from this state you will begin to attract more of what it is you DO want. To begin however you must come from a place of acceptance, and gratitude. Begin to be ok with what IS now, for what is, is. Are you understanding?
I think so
You understand dear one the reference. Many may understand from your misunderstanding. It is where many are, at this point in time. Through your questioning they may have their questions answered also. Dear heart transparency is a gift, one that is part of your growth and purpose. We understand your reluctance and yet you will push past it. We admire this in you. Dear heart you are exactly where you need be. We are pleased and honoured to be in communication. You are worthy.
We leave you now to your chores as you say. Be in joy in the doing. Use any tool you may to create flow in the doing. You understand?
Yes I do
Be at peace.
That is all
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