Channeling Abacus- Universal Mind
In Lightbody Trance State
The Gifts
I asked the question, how will I know when the gifts (from the energy shifts) are here, and how do i know how to use them? This is the answer I received....
Greetings once again. Greetings.
This one is asking the question, How will she know how to use the new gifts? She wants to understand how one may manipulate them, work them, into the daily living. How will she know that they have arrived that they are workable? This communication will be in regards to this. She asks the question, how will she know how to use them? A simple question is it not? We will expand on this.
We say to you dear ones, when you receive an accolade, in an area that you have received much study, much development in, you would say that you would understand the ins and outs of what you studied, do you not? You have studied and studied and become efficient in your study, and then you begin to put that experience, that study into use, and so the one that has studied will go to the workplace, and on the first day enter and be ready to begin what they have learnt. But what occurs as you are all well aware, is when you first begin working in the workplace, with what you have studied, it is not always so easy because you find that what you study, is not always easy to manipulate in the real world, so to speak.
It is when you are working in the real world and you begin to do your job that you have studied for, you find that what you have studied helps yes, but it is through experience, through actively working the new job, the new career, on a daily basis, and working through ways to integrate what you have learnt, into the workplace. It is not as you enter the workplace, sit in your chair and begin to process all that you have studied. It does not work this way. Issues may come up that were not in the study materials. Issues may come up that need further development, that expand on what you have studied. It may be that another player comes in and changes the rules of a sudden, and then the study materials are non-existent again. The reason for this is that as you work in your workplace, even though you have studied all about the area you are working in, you are constantly expanding, you are constantly shifting, so in essence the position that you have walked into is constantly shifting. Working in what you say "real life", is a constantly changing process, and although the study gives you a ground work so to speak, it is not the all of it.
The gifts that come are similar in this manner. They come with a blueprint that is encoded in your DNA, so that when they get triggered, you will automatically have, some understanding of how they are used, just as the baby animals automatically know how to walk when they are born, because it is encoded in their DNA, that they remember how to do this, and so when your gifts open you will have these encodements within, and you will have an idea, a semblance of an idea, automatically, of how they are to be worked. It will be instinctive, for they are encoded in the DNA, with the gift, they come together.
It is much like you buy an apparatus in your stores. You buy the apparatus, but there is always a manual within the apparatus, to help you to understand how to work the apparatus, but the manual is not always full proof. They don't always give you all the ways that the apparatus may be used. As you learn to use your apparatus, may it be a a kitchen processing unit, you will discover all manner of ways that this may process all manner of foods and ingredients that may not be enclosed in the instructions. So in essence you are always expanding on the instruction manuals, on the study that you have had in the past, and so these gifts that come, they come encoded in your DNA. They come with an instruction manuals, so when they are opened, a part of you will understand the basic workings of these gifts, however, now this is where the crux comes.
However you, as a creator being, is constantly creating anew, and so these gifts that open up, you are creating all that you may with these. They come with an instinctive understanding, of how they may be worked, but then it is in your hands, so to speak, what you create with them, and that every soul may create something different. That every soul may experience something different.
Are you understanding now? You are all as same as you are different, and so the experiences that you expand, will colour your environment in all different hues. They will not be the same hues for all.
It will be a tapestry of variations. A tapestry of different creations. A tapestry of different levels of attunement's. Not all are on the same levels. Some will create better than others. Some will manipulate the new gifts better than others, and some will have access to gifts more than others, for you may not access all the gifts until you have matched the frequency required to use such gifts. For instance one that is lower in vibrancy, in frequency, may not use the gifts of someone that is a higher frequency, or they may not use that gift to its highest capabilities, for one that is not experienced, may cause problems with a gift they do not understand the strength or the workings of, you see. Do you see how technical this becomes when we delve into the intricacies?
This one is asking what gifts will be. There will be a variance of gifts depending on the frequencies. There are the senses that will be expanded, and there are the telepathic abilities that will be expanded, where in time you will be able to talk through thought rather than through voice.
There will be the gift of less gravity, where one may not be weighted down. Where one may travel without the use of feet so to speak. There will be increase in your creativity output. You will be able to create bigger masterpieces, paint better renditions of artistry, create different tones in your music. Yes, different tones. You have access to so many tones where you are, but through the dimensions there are so many tones, so many colours, so many.
It is much that is coming, and we stop right there, for we do not wish to spoil what is yours. We have expanded on much that many already know. We have not bought through, that many do not understand. We do not tell you the all of it, and we may not, for we are not to, but we simply give you a peek behind the curtain so to speak, because this one is always peeking behind the curtain. She is an inquisitive one, this one. She humours us. As do many on your plane, for you are inpatient. This is what we love. This is what we adore, for this is what triggers change. She feels us smiling.
We say to you dear ones, be in excitement be in joy, for there is much beauty in the horizon. It will begin to transform and with transformation there is less suffering, there is less disease, there is less pain, there is less grief, there is less of all that you do not wish to experience. You understand? This change that is occurring over time, will change much in your world, and you deserve the change, for you have lived through much and this is your gifts.
You deserve them.
We are forwarding to you our love for you. We leave you now.
That is all
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