A channeled message
Greetings. We are here. We are here in the light and love of the one creator. That that is, all that has been, that will ever be, and that is concurrently.
Your reality has been burst in a sense, the bubble has been pierced. This brings discomfort to some, and two others not so much. There is a shifting, a turning, of the way one perceives their reality. It was one way and now it has spun around and become another, and it causes discomfort, it causes unease, and so many are firing up so to speak, agitation anger, grief, and even joy is being expressed. There are many elements here that are coming to play to shift the perception of humanity, of humankind. The shifting comes with the dawning of a new era. This is but one of many turning points that will come to pass, that shakes many awake in a sense, from their bubble of reality. Many will discover that there is more than one bubble, that there are several bubbles, and even more than that. It is a time where many will begin to question what is real and what is not. Many will question their beliefs, and there will be grief at what they believed true. It will feel as a funeral feels to many, in that they are mourning what they knew, what they loved, what they thought to be true. In time many will see this is a turning point into a new awareness. It opens up many chapters, new beginnings. The ones that know how to hold their light, how to radiate love, will begin to understand this is why they are here, to hold balance where there is unbalance, to hold light where there is darkness, to bring hope where there is hope lost. In being, one exudes a safety, another way that many will latch onto in this time of uncertainty.
Light workers we speak to you now. Shine your light, shine your love, shine your compassion. Do not be in judgement but rather see all as a reflection of yourself. Understand many are going through changes that they do not understand. When you reflect a way of being, when you show them that all is not lost, when you experience a lightness and a healthy countenance, they will wonder, they will question why it is so. You do not need to force your beliefs onto others. You do not need to push the envelope. Simply by being love, by radiating compassion and understanding, by living your truth, you will create a light that is alluring to those that are feeling less than, to those that are feeling grieved. You will shine a safety net and in this many will question what your secret is, what are you doing differently to they. It is in this that you help humanity. It is by leading by example. It is by not retaliating in anger, but in a peaceful countenance. To argue with one that is argumentative and grieving, will not help they or you. It is when you show compassion and understanding to those, that they will wonder why it is so. Live by example. This is how you create change, not by bantering in anger, trying to show others that you are righteous, but rather by living your happy, by living your truth. Where you prosper, others will wish to know how you do so. Where you are joyful others will wish to know how to be joyful again. It is through being what you wish to experience that you create a pathway for others to be this also. You are way showers, you show the way to the light. It is not that humanity does not carry light, it is simply that they are in a space whereby they do not understand it is who they are. Remembrance will come in time. To judge those that think differently to you will cause more judgement to be bound. Rather open your heart with no malice, in love, understanding that they are who you are, in experience as you are, following their path as you are. Not a way is a right way, rather it is an experience by choice. It is not to say that your way is the right way and their way is the wrong way, it is a choice of experience, nothing more. However when many choose to experience a higher frequency, then the fabric of your reality will begin to change. It begins with you, inside of you. To push on the outside does not create change, it comes from within, by your choices, by your choice of being. When you begin to be your choices, you will begin to reflect this. It is not a travesty that has occurred but rather a gift of change. Be that that it may, you are experiencing a shift in consciousness triggered by light that is radiating through all humanity. It is this light that shines on all, uncovering that that is to be seen. Lifting those that are in dire straits. Love, hope, and compassion to yourself and to others, will help you to ride the shifting tides. Be in your joy more often than not. This will help you balance your flow. Sleep where you are able, where you feel the need to rest, for in this you are recharged and are better able to navigate turbulence waters. Remember all that you may see, is you. All that you encompass is all that you can see. There is no separation other than that that you imagine. Praise those that show you a way to be, that triggers you into expansion. Understand your beingness creates your future. What you vibrate to now, what you attain to now is your tomorrow, in your space and time. All is not lost as you imagine it to be, it is simply that it is being seen because the light is shining upon it. There will be much debate. You may speak your truth is in light-hearted fashion with love. To argue creates more turbulence than is needed. The mirror reflects your beingness, your inside reality is reflected in your outer world. What you resist persists. Allow the energy that is love fill your heart. With a heart full of love there is no room for judgement or fear. Darkness may not exist where there is light. Love yourself, be gentle and kind.
This is the message for this day. Be at peace. Know this is why you are here, changers of the future, of the present, and of the past. As one becomes self realised one will understand the fabric of reality, and in this comes understanding and strength of purpose.
In light and love of the creator
That is all
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