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Sunday, 17 July 2016

18/7/16 Oracle Card Readings

Card Readings 
Archangel Power Tarot Cards....

Pick a card and then scroll down to read the message

Card One
Leap Of Faith
This card encourages you to take a leap of faith. You are fully empowered to follow a new path in life that is full of excitement and wonder. The opportunities for evolution and growth are truly unlimited if you will just have faith in yourself and believe in your dreams. You have only to take the first step to find yourself on the way to a happier new life. Your angels and guides will send helpful people to assist you as you go along. You are encouraged to be pro active in researching whatever information is required. Did not let a lack of experience or self-confidence hold you back. You are meant to have the joy you seek.

Card Two
Page of Gabriel 

You are ready to follow your passion. Opportunities for excitement and adventure are headed your way. This is something that you are prepared for and have been hoping would happen. You may feel as though you are not quite ready, but you truly are. Get out there and show everyone how amazing you are! 

Card Three
The Magician

You have the magical touch of angels on your side. New projects that you start will be very successful. You have all the resources you need, even if you can't see them at this time. You may be under estimating the skill and knowledge that you have accumulated. You are prepared for this moment in your life and the road ahead is safe and sure. Additional assistance in the form of guidance, support of people, or a windfall of abundance will seem to magically appear. Anything is possible. However to receive this help you have to confidently take action. You must move forward with your plans in a way that displays to others and to yourself that you have no doubt as to your coming success.

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