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Sunday, 10 July 2016

10/7/16 Abacus Stabilisation


We are here. We are ever here ready to be of service. You wonder in regards to the events that are occurring on your plane at this time. You wonder what is occurring to your personal space, the changes, the differences within your world, the nuances, the different events, that scream political mayhem. You wonder regarding the deaths of many that are taken too young. You wonder what on earth is occurring. We come to bring you understanding that all is occurring in a way that is relevant to the time. Much is shifting, much that you are unaware of. You may not understand all the intricacies. You need have faith that all occurs as a sequence of events meant to push the envelope, to open awareness of those that are still unaware. It is meant to trigger an opening within the make up of the human consciousness. They act as keys to open many doors, doors to different triggers. Be at peace with all that is occurring in your world, even when you are affected, for it serves in ways that you may not understand. Be the eye in the storm, no matter what occurs on the outside, be at peace on the inside and you will begin to radiate peace and balance the many waves. Hold your ground. Ground your light. Be the ones that keep the energy steady, for it helps to calm the turbulence of your time. You act as the stabilisers if you will, as a ship has a stabiliser that stabilises the rough ocean. The ship then does not toss here in there. You act as stabilisers, the ones that are awake and aware. You stabilise the current events. You could say that earth is as a ship, and the shifting causes turbulent seas, and those that are working the light help to stabilise the shifting of the planet. You help to stabilise with your light, to help bring ease to  many through these changing times. The more you stabilise the less turbulant the changes that come about. Know all is a occurring to bring about changes. The current events help to release what has been recorded into the grid. It acts as a cleansing tonic to the energy of past eras. Stand tall knowing that those that are listening to these words are stabilising or you would not be listening. You would not be reading. You would have no interest in this communication. It is difficult to believe in something you cannot hold in material form, however you may feel within your heart the energy of the words whether written or vocal. Know we are one of many that come at this time to serve you in the awakening process. Be in joy if you will, for this will serve the stabilisation, and will speed up the process of evolution at this time. We honour you your journey, and we stand by, guiding, melding our light with your light, for we are one, in totality, in truth.
That is all. 

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