Channelled card readings
Week beginning 9/8/15
The card readings for this day are as follows.
They are simple and precise and will touch the hearts of those that need to be touched. There is much we wish to bring and so the card readings are encompassed in a way that brings through what is needed in a short time.
The card of one
We say to those that are experiencing agitation, a feeling of frustration within their core, we say to these, it does not matter why this is being experienced, it matters that you are experiencing it at this time.
We say to you, if you imagine the space where you are in agitation, where you are in resistance, if you imagine that space in your physical body, where you are feeling these feelings of resistance. Imagine this space. Imagine this space now, if you may, if you will. What you may feel, is as if you are coiled up tightly, ready to spring forth, to erupt so to speak. We ask you to imagine this energy that you are feeling. Imagine it beginning to unravel to loosen, as a ball of yarn tightly wound begins to unravel. Imagine it being unrolled, the frustration the agitation, the anger. Imagine it being unrolled within, as a ball of yarn is unrolled, unravelled. Keep imagining this until the feeling that you are experiencing is unravelled, to the very end. Till there is no ball of yarn, so to speak. Till there is no more frustration, anger or resistance. Imagine that ball that you feel within being unravelled within, as it is being unravelled imagine it dissolving, so that when you come to the end of the string, when you come to the end of your resistance, it is already dissolved, dissipated, gone.
Now imagine this area filled with light filled with love, for that is you within that is this, and imagine it springing forth from you to all that you encounter, so that when you encounter another, it is your light that shines back to you. This is an exercise that you may delve into, to help release resistance and agitation at this time.
The card of two
To you we say expand. Expand all that you are. You have so much to give. You are feeling the expansion that you are. You are feeling the love that you are within. However you doubt that, that you are. You doubt your gifts. You doubt your intent. You doubt what you are to do, what you are to bring. We say to you drop the doubt. Open your heart. Allow what you have within to be expanded, to be brought forth, to be created, so that many may be lifted by what you are bringing to the fore. It is time to lose the doubt. It is time to shine. This is why you came. There are many ways to shine. Do not think that your way is not worthy as another's, for it is not so. There are many that shine their light in a multitude of ways, in a multitude of colours. Yours adds to the mix. It enhances what is there. Do not doubt what you are here to do. Do not doubt what you are here to bring. Have faith. Be the beauty that you are, so that all may experience a piece of you.
The card of three
You are at a space where you are halfway up a mountain top, and you feel that you are running out of steam, that you may not climb the next half of the mountain, to the pinnacle. You have come far. This one sees the mountain climber climbing up the mountain. She sees the one that is stopped halfway, indecision not knowing whether to keep going up, or to simply begin walking back down again, for the walk up feels too hard, and the walk down seems so much easier.
We say to you, you have not come this far to turn around and go back. We understand that your will be done, however we also know what is your will, what is your drive and what it is you came to be and to do. You are half way. You are the glass half full, not the glass half empty. You are the glass half full. Use that, that is in the glass already to help power you forward. Use the power within to propel you to the top of the mountain, for once you reach the very top, you have a birds eye view, of all that you may accomplish, all that you may help. When you reach the top of the mountain you see more readily. You understand greater. Know that there are others waiting for you to reach the top, so that they may join you, in co-creation, to create the next chapter. We do not mean to add pressure. We simply say, we simply give you the encouragement, to not give up now. The energies help to lift you further, if you are not in resistance to them. As we mentioned in another card this day, when you feel resistance, imagine it, feel it, and then begin to let it unravel, till there is no resistance left.
Imagine the light giving you energy to power you forth. You have your own internal supply and you may tap into that suppy at any time. Believe it so, and it will be so. You are worth more than you understand. Ask for assistance for there is always those that are here to assist you at this time. To ask, is to receive. We may not help , if we are not asked.
We are always there to serve when it is requested of we.
The card readings are complete for these days. We continue with the messages....
That is all
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