Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In light body trance state
What is to come
Greetings dear one, greetings. Greetings to all that are tuning in this day.
We have somewhat an interesting message to bring through this day. This one is again working on her energetic flow. She works her centres to bring flow. It gives her a sense of oneness with all that is. It fires up her own mechanics in a way that is very blissful and intriguing to she . She does not want to come out of the space to communicate. We had to, as you would say, push in, for she was happy being where she was.
But she was beginning to manipulate the energy in a way that was too high for her knowing, at this time. So we intervened. Is it not so dear heart?
One must remember when one is working with energetics that there is balance needed, for when one oversteps the balance they may not integrate well with society. They come to like these spaces a little too much and we must emphasise that work, as much as it is working your mechanics is also integrating with every day living, for it is the integration of these states that is the idea, to bring it into your daily life. Not to become a hermit, for a hermit does not help others. Yes they may do so with the energy work, however it is when one touches another's heart that the energy expands to others. You Understand?
We come this day for many are still inquiring as to the state of the energies at this time. There is much happening, many are feeling the shifts in their bodily systems. They are feeling a resonation with themselves, but also a struggle, so to speak with their outer reality. Understand that all that comes to the fore in your reality is either to be taken within or to let go. You choose what you wish in your reality dear ones, you choose not we, but you. We simply bring you advices, guidance, and tools, but you are the ones that have the choice, to integrate or not.
When one wishes to be in these spaces, that this one is now, one must put the work in, so to speak. One must raise their energetic structure to feel these states. They do not come to those that do not practice, that do not integrate, that do not set time for these. There is much that lifts the vibrational body but one must go within, one must stop. One must understand that it is not so that one may go about their busy lives and seek to integrate these changes, with a snap of the fingers. These integrations lay dormant until you trigger them, until you learn how to use them, for to allow them to be open with no education, no understanding, serves to give one as it were in your realm a pistol that is loaded. It is not in anyone's best interest and so the gifts will be layed, they will be within your cells within your DNA, all encoded, and as you work with yourselves as you go within, as you raise your structure of your energy, your fine tuning, you begin to tune into these gifts and they open. It is much like putting a key in a lock and turning it, the door opens, and you can access these. There will be a certain allowance for some, without the turning of the key, for one needs to understand that something has shifted for them to seek what has shifted.
Many will feel that they encompass a bigger reality within themselves, that something is different, however to benefit from the full shift one needs to put in the hard yards so to speak. One must shed their old skin to be made a new, to bring in their new skin, their new integration of the energy that is yours.
There are many talking about this at this present time. There are many that are going into fear. We tell you there is nothing to fear dear ones, nothing to fear. It is as when one empties the garbage. You are releasing what does not benefit, what does not resonate, what is old and bringing in something beautiful and new, and exciting.
Yes, we understand dear one, we are getting to this point, if you will but allow us. We understand. Apologies, we are having what you say, a tete e tete, a private conversation.
This one wishes to understand why so many are seeing symbols in their dream time. When they wake, they are still seeing these symbols their awareness. We tell you these are the codex's, these are the codes, so to speak. They are opening. They are making you aware that they are there. They are reminding you that there is something new afoot. They do not seem familiar to you now, they were familiar to you once upon a time. You understand the way these work however, in your 3-D reality you do not, but you will. You will. Patience, patience, patience. You are like the toddlers that are beginning their first day at school, and are wishing to know everything all at once, wishing to experience all the new outlines, all the new toys. (See note reg underline section )
You are wishing to experience these, and we tell you, you will, you will.
Note: ( in the above channeling, the underlined section (10:43 minute mark on recording) I experienced my voice change slightly. It was still my voice but it took on a different sound. On the recording the word "outlines" has a vibrational quality to it that threw me during the channeling. It's not very noticeable in the channeled recording, but it rang in my head loud and tinny for the whole sentence. My heart automatically began to race in panic because it was "unexpected". Most will think what's the big deal? It "felt" really different to what I was used to. It was like you are on one radio station and then suddenly someone changes the station without warning you and it's on loud volume & your ears are near the speaker. It was my voice changing station. I'm sharing the experience ( not editing it out because I wish to stay true to the channels & my journey. Abacus seeks to calm me down below)
Dear heart calm, do not be frightened. You are bringing in a new level of WE that is what you heard. That is what resonated. Calm. There is nothing to fear. There is nothing to fear. Breathe...Breathe...Breathe......Breathe. Breathe....Breathe again.....
See the fear for what it is dear one.
This one simply experienced a different way of transmission. She was taken aback. This is the new energy. These are the new gifts we speak of. Not fear. Do not fear, but allow your future. Allow what it is that you are becoming. Are times when something is different one begins to fear the difference because it is not sameness. It is not what you are used to. It feels different and so when something feels different you feel as if it is wrong. It is frightening. Understand, understand that when something new comes it comes because you are wanting it, you are creating it, for it would not come if you are not creating it. It would not come if you are not desiring it. You are reflecting your desires after all. This is the new humanity that is coming to the fore. This is the new human. This is why we are here, to help you integrate this. We are just beginning. We are just beginning and this one just felt the beginning of this. The natural instinct is to go into fear when something is different. But if one stays in their heart, if one stays in the calm, hmmmm you will be as you say blown away, by the joy that you feel. By the new that you will integrate. You are only just beginning, as is this one only just beginning.
This one has been as many call, working with her Lightbody. She is only just beginning to tap into how intricate it is, and how powerful the spaces can be. Many are learning this at this time. Many call it different names, but in essence it is the same and this one is just beginning to tap into the strength of it. The strength she has within it and how much she may experience through it. This in essence encompasses the gifts, for it is you it is your mechanics you are firing up. Hmmm. She is calmed once again.
We say to those listening there is much much love for you. You are simply tapping the surface, there is so much more to be tapped into. So much more.
This is a long transmission for this is the last one for this day, in this space, and so we seek to make it as full as we may with information that is relevant at this time. We apologise for those listening, for those reading. We understand your time span is short , you are "busy beavers", so to speak. We say to you, we give you the tools for this time now. When you go into fear, breathe. Breathe, feel what you are fearing and breathe with it. Breathe with it and see it dissolving. See it as the illusion it is. Breathe in the light, and breathe out the fear. When you experience fear, breathe in the light, and breathe out the fear. Breathe in and breathe out.
Know that you are in charge. You are powerful beings awakening to your power. Feel the strength in that sentence.
You are powerful beings awakening to your power.
You are powering up. You are becoming more than you are now. You cannot see where this is going but we can. We see your magnificance. We see how wonderful it is that you are awakening, and you are experiencing, and as you experience we experience, and all is expanded into the new, into the love, into the light, into the source, into the light. You are all connected in more ways than you can understand. You cannot see your connection from where you are, but in this space this one is, in this vibrancy, one may see that one is all with one. There is no separation. What you do to one, you do to another. What you do to yourself you do to another, and so those that are shifting, those that are expanding, those that are creating, are creating for all. For as you lift all lifts. As you expand all expands. As you love all begin to love. As you see your true identity, all will see their true identity. You are the light. Shining brighter and brighter, spinning faster and faster, expanding more and more, into all that you can be. There is a wonderful wonderful future ahead of you. Be not in fear, but in excitement for this. This is why you came. This is why you transversed our realms in high vibrancy, to your realm of 3D, in heaviness, in density. You are lifting the density of that plane. You do not know the strength that you are. You do not know what you hold within. You cannot know what you do not know. But you will.
Feel the strength in our words this day. Feel the energy that we bring through, the strength and the truth.
This one does not doubt in this space. It is only when she comes down to earth that she begins to doubt. Dear heart we say to you share this message far and wide. Do not doubt us any longer.
It is your will always. But we implore you, do not doubt us any longer. In this space you feel who are. You feel all that we are. We send through energy now, through this transmission now, for all that have the ears to listen, feel us now......
Feel what we send to you. Feel the love, and the respect, and the honour, that we feel for you. The pioneers of the new days. Feel this if you will, with every fibre, with all your knowing feel......
Understand this dear ones. No one is ever lost to you. All that has transversed your planes, transverse again. They simply shed their skin to a new skin. The soul is the same, it is simply different clothing that you wear. You are never lost to another. You can never be lost to another.
Do not grieve your loved ones. They are not gone. They are not gone. They cannot ever be gone. You can never be gone. You live an eternal flame always, living, shining, no matter the experience that you are experiencing. Your light always burns within.
We end this message, in saying those that are working with the energies at this time, those that are experiencing the shifts fully, understand, do not be afraid. Understand that it may feel different. It may feel unusual. Do not fear the unusualness. In the integration you will understand it, and when you understand it, you will fear it not. It is like beginning a new school. You fear the different classes, you fear the different experiences. You visit and you integrate and then it becomes home to you. Understand this is the same. It is as you say, your administration days. You are administering the changes to yourselves. They will feel different, simply because they are new. Once you are integrated, they will be like the old shoes, comfortable.
Breathe in the changes. Rest where you may. Ground where you may. Drink clean water. Nourish yourselves dear you ones. Be patient with those that are triggered in these days, for they are letting go of much. Be patient with yourself, for you are letting go of much also. In the memories that surface, is the letting go. You are letting go of the old to allow room for the new. Be at peace dear ones. Be at peace. We are ever by your side, and when in need you are simply to ask, for we may not help you unless you ask it of us.
Those that are new, we say to you. Be in stillness, for in stillness you will be guided to where you are to go. You will synchronisticly attract all that you need to advance in your knowing, and for those that are already walking the path, that are integrating the new, more whole heartedly we say to you, keep going. We are indebted in so many ways for the work that you do and for the lifting that you do. We do not plump you up. This one is fearing that we are plumping you up. We are simply speaking true and honouring that, that we see in you.
Love yourself. Release all doubt of who you are. We will continue again in the days to come, but for today, for this space in time, that is all.
Dear ones that is all.
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