We are three.
Creative Expression : the deeper meaning....
The channel below is a result of a few people asking me recently what I felt was the deeper understanding to my artwork, or what the symbols mean within some of my art pieces. I have shared my own thoughts first, well what began with my own thoughts ( I received guidance while writing ) & then some channeled insight on the subject further down.
You can scroll down if you only wish to read the channeling.
First my understanding ...
Be aware this first section is my insight, and my interpretation of my guidance system. Take only what resonates with you. Apologies for the length. The information kept coming, and coming as I wrote
I love to draw and I love to channel, to consciously connect to that higher flow. I can stay up all night sometimes, expressing in voice, in writing or in drawing, my interpretation of what I feel or see in that altered state of awareness. I do not think about what I'm to draw, it's all intuited. I let go and let flow.
My feel is that everything is made up of energy, and that energy has a sort of structure or design to it, and we can play with that structure using our thoughts or imagination to mould the energy and create anything we wish. We do this everyday unconsciously. I'm simply choosing to create with awareness. I feel that everything that is material has a certain structure within it, an energy format, or a blueprint. I imagine this relates to all creative expression, in that all that is created, consciously or unconsciously, holds a certain structure, frequency or energy vibration that affects all those that interact with that creation. This even includes what we eat.
It certainly is " food for thought "... literally
Regarding the symbols in my drawings. I draw them as I see them in my minds eye, or feel them. My understanding is that they hold a type of energy vibration, the word "signature" comes to mind, that is transformative. It overlays the old pattern or blueprint with a new pattern, much like putting a new record over a previous old record. It bypasses the "language barrier". For instance someone that views a drawing with say a symbol of abundance might have abundance issues and may not be open to any word dialogue relating to subject. They may have unconscious set beliefs, yet colour play, a symbol, opens the door, can move past belief systems. The symbol may carry the structure that attracts abundance for instance, or one that releases patterns of unworthiness. Meditating on the drawing/symbology may help break through subconscious barriers. I am shown an image of a shower. My interpretation is that the energy washes over one, cleansing, balancing, uplifting, releasing etc whatever is needed, dependant on the energy at play and at times dependent on the symbology. I'm getting the thought that they can adapt to what is needed in the moment, that the symbols "energy file" is multidimensional, and can work on more than just one area, that working on one certain area can then affect many other areas, like pulling a card from a house of cards, one belief dissolved can then in effect dissolve others beliefs that were supported by the first belief. The energy knows what is needed, that the symbols are not linear as we would imagine them to be and so work on many levels, that they are different to how we might imagine them Again only take what resonates or test it out yourself. Much of this information is coming as I type and I'm trusting that flow. Apologies for the length of this piece. Below is a channeling on the subject
We Are Three. We are here. We entertain the idea of how expression may create a beautiful reality, one that is unbeknown to you, one that you cannot comprehend the enormity of. We seek to bring understanding, of how energy travels through what you perceive as time. How colours and patterns dance along energy bandwidths to produce a continuum of particles that bring form, that materialise, that ground the creative flow, the creative energy that grounds this that is ungrounded. It brings it to a centre point where it then expands out and touches those that stop and become still, that immerse themselves in the imagery. When one stops and become still and immerses them selves per se, in one of your creations, one of your art pieces, one becomes immersed with that grounded energy play, and in a sense is connected to that stream of particles, to that light that you have anchored into your plane of reality through your own connection, through your own intent to ground the inmaterial that that is moving constantly, that that is not form, that that you intermingle with in your own process and draw through a vortex.
As an analogy, it is much like pouring wine into a bottle ready for usage at a later date. The grapes are grown within the fertile ground. They are crushed and then strained and then, among other processes, funnelled into a bottle that you call the wine bottle, and then later it is ingested by another, and the other ingests not only the form, the material that is the wine, but also the process, the energy that is attained, that is a part of the material. The one that drinks the wine also ingests that that grew the grapes, that fertile ground, they ingest the creative flow of the one that chose to plant the seeds, they Ingest the process of the funnelling into the bottle. They ingest the whole process, not just the finished product, and so when one views your art work, they tap into, they ingest the process, your process. They ingest your connection to flow, they ingest you drawing that flow and making the immaterial, the patterns, the shapes and colours into form. They ingest your joy, that funnelling onto parchment that grounds that energy, that that you are attaining to at the time, and then when one views your creations, they not only ingest what they see, the colours and the shapes, they have their own connotations, but they also ingest your connection to source, your allowance of flow, the love, the joy, whatever sensations you are immersed in, they are immersed in as well, and this is why some will feel very joyous when viewing your work for they feel, they tap into your joy. If one paints in sadness, and then one views this piece they will also be tuned into this sadness, and will feel this at a deep level.
The artwork has its purpose dear heart. All is created from the immaterial, to the material. It is a blend of dynamics, one of them being geometric design. All is created through a structure, through the ethers, through a mesh of energy. All has a pattern, this is correct. All patterns are structured in a certain way and you bring this, draw this through your connection, your attuning to flow, and as you draw that, you create from that flow. You bring those patterns into form. Each piece that is viewed carries a certain frequency of sound waves. You lift dear heart through your work. You create in joy. You create with an open heart, with no malice but with light, and this is transferred to those that view your creations. Do not worry so, that you are not performing anything of importance for you are indeed lifting the collective in your own unique way. Be at peace. Be in joy
That is all.
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