We Are Three
The Veil
This channel was triggered by some thoughts i had while driving home from work one day. I have been actively pursuing self mastery, self realisation, striving to know myself beyond my earth self, beyond my ego, beyond my body and mind. The thoughts that came were in relation to this. The thoughts that came were,
"Do I really want to penetrate or break through a wall/veil/ego that was put in place for a reason beyond my level of understanding, by someone/something that has a higher perspective? I mean it's pretty tough to break through right? Why mess with that?
Etc etc
then I thought is it my ego or fear thinking this thought, to keep me safe?
And so the channel below came to play. The channel below is my interpretation of spirit. Read with your own discernment in place. I translate what comes in the moment. I don't edit parts out because to do so disrupts the flow of the channel, and I figure, if we are ultimately "all one" then the parts that relate to me, may also relate to you. I trust the channels come through in this way for reason, so I do not edit anything out unless I feel guided to. I still plan to keep striving to know myself at a deeper level, but also to live this life experience. I guess I aim to find a balance between the two, at least for now ...
We are here. We are three. We come this day to bring information that is of relevance to the enquirers questions in regards to the veil, to the forgetfulness that humanity encompass when being born onto your plane. There is a wall, yes, some would call this a veil, some would call this amnesia, some would call this a nuisance, some will not try to chip away at the veil happy to be ignorant, and even unaware. It is not a thing that many will try to break down however the energy has shifted and many are curious as to what is beyond the forgetfulness that you carry as a human on your plane. The wall has its purposes, one being that it allows you to experience the wholeness of the human, in flesh, while carrying the essence of Christ, of God, of the unmanifest, the potential. It allows the human to experience all that it may with no hindrance of past appearances, no hindrance of the wealth that they entail, so that each experience that they create is new and exciting. Imagine if you will, coming into earth with the knowledge of all that you have ever eaten before and how many times you have eaten the same and then you come onto your earth plane to experience, and everything you eat is unexciting for you have eaten that so many times before. You would find no delight in the process of creating to cook. The appetite would not be stimulated, it would be a chore. Imagine knowing every piece of music that has ever been played, every tune. When you come to your earth plane you would not find music exciting for you have heard it so many times before, and yes you can create a new piece but it would not hold the same entrancement. Coming to your plane, knowing what is hidden, will affect you in more ways that can be understood. It can affect the way you walk around in your life stream. It can affect your judgements. It can affect your relationships. There are many connotations to this, too many to bring. What you are aiming in your awakening process is to carry forth a new day, with the understanding that you are more than you understand yourself to be, without knowing what this is, but knowing that all is possible, and so you can create without fear of death, without fear of getting it wrong, without fear of being judged, for when you create, understanding somewhat a semblance of what you are, you create in a different way. You extend yourself more than you would if you thought that life did not continue once you left your plane, for you would live very carefully afraid for the moment of passing. However if you have the understanding that you are eternal, then you lose the fear and without fear, you extend yourself beyond what you would if you understood, that life was but a moment in passing. Seeing beyond the veil can shatter your semblance of normality. What you know to be secure becomes unsecure. We bring the message that it is okay not to know the all of it. That it is enough to know and understand who you are, without understanding how you work. There is much to be brought forth in writing, when our scribe can sit with the sole purpose to write our words. Dear heart to you we say this is cumbersome. It is not an enjoyment for you, to transcribe our words. We advise that you begin to write. Sit in your space and write. Do not be afraid. You are afraid that it will be not enough, but we say to you this day, if you sit with an open heart, you will be enamoured with what comes. Trust. Trust that once you begin in earnest, we will not fail you. Your semblance of normality will shift in the coming weeks. Do not be in fear when this normality becomes not the norm. Stay centred and stable for it too shall pass. Your inter-web friends soothe each other, and help each other to take the steps forward. It is good that it is continued until a time that it is not of value. The tides are changing, for some it will be sudden, for others a series of steps. We advise for you to sit in joy where you are able, to speak from your truth and heart, All will be understood as time moves forward. Dear heart again we say to you time in stillness will help the feeling you have of disconnection. It is a change of the dial.........
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