27th July 2015
Channeled Card Readings
We are here to bring clarity to the ones that read our words today.
It is a special day this day, for the energy has made a turn. It has risen in its vibration, and many are beginning to see the light. So we begin this day on a new note, on a different thread of that that is the usual. We are so very pleased that we may help you in this way.
The card of one
The ones that have chosen this card this day, are in a state of quandary. They know not which way to turn. They have a choice that is to be made, and they do not know whether to choose the one on the left, or the one on the right.
We say to you when a choice is to be made one must delve into the intricacies of what they wish to experience. Look at the first choice. Imagine if you will, that you have already chosen this journey. Look at the experiences that it might bring. Look at the ones you may meet. Look at the adventures that it may lead to. Did they feel good? Does it make you feel happy? Does it feel light or does it feel heavy? Is there fear or is there joy? Then turn to the decision on the right. Again place yourself within the decision made already. What experiences might you have experienced on this journey? What choices have been made? Do you feel happy? Does it feel light or heavy? Has this journey more colour in it or is it darker? Then view both journeys and you will see that they are both rich in different ways. You see there is no right way, or there is no wrong way. It is the experience that you are after, more so than the choice. To look at a decision in this way helps you to be more clear in what you are wishing to achieve. One will feel more joyful than the other. One may give you more sense of purpose. Know whether you choose the one or the other it matters not. It is how you enter the journey that matters. Once chosen, if you enter the journey with a light heart, with a sense of adventure and purpose then the experience will be of such.
The card of two
For these ones we sense a jovial manner. There is lightness and there is love, for this is what these ones are choosing to experience at this time. Yes there are still the daily problems that arise, however you choose to not look so much at the problems, but to enjoy the journey that you are on at this time. We may say to you however, as food for thought, that when one pushes under the carpet, what they do not wish to experience, so that they may feel joy, for they are wanting to experience only the joy in the moment, that the things under the carpet do not go away, that they may arise at the most opportune moment. It may be that at times you do not feel the joy as high as it may be. We say to you, yes, enjoy the journey that you are on, be in joy, but we also say to you, do not bury past regressions, clear them so that the joy that one feels is higher, more fulfilling more refined. That, that is still buried stays within your energy. We say to you when you clear your energy, when you clear what is buried, in the recesses of your mind, your joy is felt more exuberantly. It is a higher joy for you feel more free. You know what we mean by this. Clear your closets. Clear the webs. Set them free, and then your journey is much brighter, much more colourful, much more lighter, much more joyful. It is better to walk forward with a clear heart, in joy, than to walk in joy caring the past, for the joy is not so abundant in this manner. Springclean your mind so that the windows are clear and in turn allow more light to infiltrate, more joy.
The card of three
The ones that picked this card, this day have financial worries in their mind. They are thinking they may not meet the deadlines that are due. They have overreached their quota and they know not where the next payment will come. We say to you if you think in the state of debt then you will constantly attract the state of debt, for what you think about you create more of. We understand that in your world the energy system is that of paper, and that you live in a world where one must work or bring in an income of sorts, to accumulate this energy that is paper so that the survival may be manipulated on a daily basis. We say to you when you think of debt, it does not take away where you are if you are indebted. However when you think not of debt, you may certainly change the future that is to come. We say you, yes, you may be in debt at this moment however by changing your thinking patterns you may alternate what is to come down the road. It is not to sweep what you are experiencing under the carpet. It is not to say where you are now is not valid. But if you choose to rethink your belief system, to be of light heart even when there are stormy seas and clouds, then you may feel and walk in your world differently, and by changing how you walk and feel in your world, your point of attraction changes also. We say to you, your future is in your hands and can be manipulated if you have the tools and the will to do so. Know that all is not lost. If you choose to believe it is so, then that is all you will experience. However you have a choice in what you experience. You are the creator and you may choose what you wish to create this day. Think of all the abundance that you are grateful for, and all that you are grateful for, will be amplified in your world. Do not set limits or boundaries to what you may attract for you know not the power you weild in doing so. Be free in your thinking, unlimitless, for source has no bounds, no limits. The humans mind is limited in it's thinking, source is not. You are an extension of source. Does this not make you limitless also?
In closing we say to those that read the cards, these are little journeys that you may take into your days, to give you an opportunity to think on what it is that you are experiencing. They are not given to you in the manner that fixes all that you are experiencing. They are given so that you may perhaps choose to look at your world through a different lens. When you experience your world through a different lens, then what you view may shift in a manner that is most unexpected, for you see all you need to change your destiny, is a change of thought. It is a simple turn of the dial.
These messages, these readings, bring that that may change your dial to a better frequency. However it is you that must take the action to turn the dial. We simply put the dial in view, so that you may see it, and understand that there is a choice.
That is all
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