Channeling Abacus
Auto writing
(A late night conversation that resulted after I was triggered by an article on social media, and so turned to the guides for answers)
I have questions. I'm angry.
Dear heart we are aware. Breathe. Clear. You are fatigued & with fatigue comes distortion of where one places their attention. You see with your eyes not with your inner heart. We have discussed these concepts prior to this day. Fatigue blinds what is true dear heart. Anger serves no course but to propel more to the fore.
People are starving. Children are eating pancakes made of dirt to survive, to fill their belly! How can we do nothing? How can this be happening in our world when there is so much food available. Food being thrown away. It's so unfair. Rich getting richer and poor dying when there is plenty of food for all
Dear heart do you know why you are here?
Huh? I'm confused.
Dear heart clear for a moment. Allow the anger to rest by your side and allow the words to flow. Do you know why you are here?
How can we humans treat our very own like this? If we try to help by sending money or food it doesn't reach them. The corrupt stop them from receiving. Why is it so difficult
Dear heart centre. You understand why one is here at this time do you not?
To evolve, how can they evolve when they eat dirt? When their so busy in survival!
The ones that evolve will evolve ALL of humanity. It is what you call the hundreth monkey syndrome. Use your google dear heart. Do this now if you will
" Google led me to the clip below
The hundredth monkey
Unconditional love peace and happiness throughout the world "
Do you understand dear heart? Anger does not help humanity to evolve. Anger disables. However anger serves it's purpose. That of which it makes clear to you, that which you do not wish to experience or others. You are all connected through energy through consciousness. What do you want for those that are consuming soil to survive? You cannot change the will of another, their will is theirs alone. They have come in to necessitate change. All come to serve a purpose. Do not think that you have not experienced similar for you have all lived many lifetimes. Some come to earth to be triggers for change. Others come to create change. Others come to trigger the anger you feel to search for answers. All play their part in the cosmic play that is life. You are eternal beings. Do not lose sight of this, change is occuring. The many are stirring. Your wide spread media show the truths of occurances. Your part dear heart is to bring change. To be one that sees beyond the veil. It is time to be as the monkey. Begin to clear your mind of that you do not wish to see and see happiness for all. When many do this consciousness begins to change, situations begin to change. You help spread the knowledge as many are at this time. Anger is not wrong. Anger serves you when used constructively rather than distructively.
I'm just tired. Tired of seeing suffering and I'm not even the one eating dirt.
Ahh but there is the mystery. You are all one. You may not be physically at this moment eating the soil however you are energetically intertwined. You experience their suffering. You are "tapped in" and this, this is why the hundreth monkey works. If you stay in your high space you will help their condition more than being their experience, energetically speaking.
But I'm one person. I can't change it.
Patience dear one, patience. Changes are occuring. One aiming to change the betterment for all begins a ripple. Many are beginning ripples. The ripples will increase to a wave, when all become joined in their intent for evolvement of all.
The wave again.
Your next question was it not?
It was
The wave of consciousness is a manifestation of many that wish to evolve. The wave does not make itself. Energy is manipulated by the many. Many ripples build to a wave over time. You still question the hungry ?
Let us forward understanding.
In your plays, your moving pictures , all have a part to play yes?
There are the villans and the heros, the rich and the poor, the good and the bad. You are in a duality play of sorts. There can not be one without the other . To be where you are is a type of play. All have their parts pre chosen , however free will is always attributed. A player is never stuck where they are but may change their part in their play
How? If they are in a place where they can't rise above a corrupt government ?
Many have risen against corruption dear heart. All is possible when one believes in their power. It is so that it may be difficult however it is not an impossibility
So hard to believe
And so you will not. Belief is simply a construct dear heart. When you understand that in it's totality your life WILL change
May we advise.?
Of course
Rest. There are many changes in Humanity at present. Rest. With rest comes clarity. Much is bring triggered at this time. Some to steer you off your path. Send love send healing. Create energetically food for all. You do not understand the power you weild within. Use your power wisely, not to create scarcity but abundance for all. We see where you cannot see dear heart. We see where you cannot. Know all is occuring in a way that will bring change. You are being buffeted on your journey on your path by winds that strive to slow you. It is better to shield against those that serve to bring turbulence , to slow .
One more question?
We are always here dear heart to discuss your enquires.
I still doubt when I automatic write versus in trance channel
Dear heart when you have written on a topic and then due to your doubt used your altered state to enquire on the same issue was it any different in the answer?
The wording is a bit different
Was the answer the same? The essence?
Well yes. The words were better
By whose standards dear heart?
Mine ...touché
Dear heart we do not seek to disgruntle. We seek to bring understanding. The essence the message is the same
Dear heart you are fatigued. Be in stillness. Rest. Clarity comes with regeneration..
Know all is well
We love you all, for all that you are.
That is all
As always I ask you to use your own discernment. Why I shared this? Imagine if we all send those starving abundant energy? Energy of love, happiness, health & abundance. See them with healthy food, clean water, & a government that works with them instead of against them. It's a thought. This was a late nite conversation using automatic writing. I was tired.
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