Channeling Abacus
Automatic writing
Some questions I had for the guides, personal to my experience but thought to share. They may help you also
First question was one regarding an experienced I had last night. A night visitor, the resulting mediumship & validation that came today. (Due to privacy I can't share the actual experience)They also expanded on the merge of the 2 guides, and lastly regarding clearing my mind when channeling? What they mean by that....
Dear heart,
What you experienced is in fact mediumship. It matters not the labels to we, for we understand that there is much you require to validate who you are. We allowed this through at a time where your resistance was low, as at another time you walls are up due to your belief system.
You do not still understand what you may do to heal others. Healing comes in many forms. This experience is simply one of them. We challenge you to drop your barriers. You are ready, have no doubt. There is no danger to you. There is much you can do to help elevate other's pain if you so choose to allow. Your path takes many turns. There are many forks in the road. All lead you to a place where you may bring peace to others. This has always been your purpose. You simply did not have the eyes to see until today. It matters not how you are to bring peace. Peace has always been your goal within and without. Be pleased, there is no shame in this. When you help another you help yourself to find the peace within.
You query your use of your faculties during communication. Know there is a process to communication. Any communication. We may continue this thread when your distraction has been elevated. Distance yourself where you may to the distraction. You have control to what you allow in your space. Know this.
You wish to ask regarding our energies. The difference you feel. We are combined. We are now combined, melded. We explained that there will be a time where by that you call Adam would leave and we would come to the fore. It was explained that they do not leave per se, but merge in the cosmic soup. It was explained that you may feel them still, however communication would not be quite as it was. It is why you feel them still but yet you do not receive them as before. We have come to the fore, however you feel the residue. You are still merged with they, as all we are one, and yet it is not as it was. You understand what couldn't be expressed to you prior. You feel us both and yet our words come through at the forefront. You will have more changes. When one is continuing advancement, energies are constantly shifting and so you will experience elevations. Simply acknowledge the shifts and call us by the name you prefer, feel that encompasses the whole. Abacus is adequate. It is relevant. It is a vibration used in your world for counting, marking space or matter, equations as such. Energy is a series of equations in a sense. Look up the defintion to both energy in motion and numerics or the abacus in motion. Both are a series of building blocks, steps so to speak , additions. The name correlates as such.
We advice to scribe ie to channel your creativity today. Be in a state of rest All is well.
Healing comes in many forms.
You may heal as a medium, as a channeler, as a worker of energy, as a writer, as an artist with color, with your hands, with your voice. We say love what you do, love why you do it and your reflection is mirrored to you. A milestone has been reached this day. Peace has been forwarded. You begin to understand. You do not have to live as a pre conceived idea of what a spiritual seeker may be. Live your own idea. Create peace everywhere you are. Be peace and peace will be.
Do not be afraid when these experiences of alternate realities occur. Souls simply seek to bring peace to the ones that are left on your plane. They see their loved ones grieving that may not hear or feel them. You act as a receiver, that helps bring peace to the one on your plane. You have tuned in. Your fear at times stops the message much like static on an airwave.
Hmm I felt abit like whoopi Goldberg hiding my head in the pillow .. It took me by suprise
Were you harmed?
No, not at all
I Just thought I was a channeler not a medium
The lines are fine dear heart. You are a communicater, a link to other planes. Know when the service is of a genuine nature it will heal all concerned. As you lift your energy your gifts will surface. All have these gifts in variance. It is much like a marathon runner. Most may run a marathon if they practice the skill and apply themselves. You apply yourself diligently and so it is a matter of time that certain faculties will open themselves, resurface .
Labels are definative to ones acceptance of them. You are a communicator of varying planes of existance. As you grow this will strengthen your skill at doing so. An interpreter of energy in all forms.
So will I eventually be able to see energy in another? Like so I can help to see where's theirs blocks are , to heal? Curious as I've had thoughts on it
There are variances in the art of healing. It is so that when you work with energy and as you develop, you may tap into various modalities. It is a choice where you may take your new found skills. All will come to pass that will bring the greater outcome for all concerned. An advisement is to be at peace where you are now. To think of future outcomes brings a sense of of being overwhelmed.
One more question?
The question we have answered last day?
Yeah umm I don't think it's clear enough
We will reiterate.
It is good to question the content. We have preference to this. We will expand.
When one communicates with the mind one does not always understand that judgement and beliefs may creep to the fore. When we ask you to clear, what we mean by this, is to clear preconceptions of the material being forwarded. We do not per se mean you to clear your whole thinking process, for it is through the imagination, through creative thinking that we come through. It is as when an artist paints, or a writer writes, or a singer sings, or a dancer dances, they still use their mind so to speak, but in a way that allows free flow, there is no judgement to what comes, it simply comes. They process, but do not charge the process with their ego, they simply allow the free flow of creativity to come forth. They reach new heights without debating information, and so when we say to clear your mind, we refer to your your ego, to your beliefs, to your judgemental self. It is much like a cannal in a river. You close one gate and open another to allow the river to flow. You do not stop the river flowing you do not stop your mind flowing, you simply close one gate to allow another to open freely. The constructs that you have built over a lifetime, the belief systems, are put aside of sorts, but your personality that is you and In co-creation with the thoughts that are we, flow through together, to create a new piece of music so speak, a new flow.
In "unconscious communication"or channelling, it is simply the spirit that flows through your mind without your personality, it is only the spirits personality that comes to the fore.
In "conscious communication", or channeling it is a co-creation of spirit AND of you the incarnate. It is a mix of the two to create one.
This is the new energy that enhances you and we. In this way you experience our world and are altered by it, by the energy by the light. All have their own way of communication and none are right or wrong. This is simply the way of it at this time. Energy is changing as is humanity. As we grow together, you will feel more in tune to we, and you will have less doubt and more understanding of the process. This comes with time and patience.
Thankyou. Definitely more clearer than yesterday. Thankyou
We admire the questioning mind. You were fatigued last day, however your words were clear. You are appeased this day, we are pleased.
I always tried to clear my mind totally.
We were aware. Smile. You ask that we have your best interests at heart and that of others, yes?
And so we continue in this form of communication for in this way you may grow to new heights. You are transformed in the process of communication. Within the energy you assimilate information into your being. It is absorbed into your very structure in a sense. It is to your advancement. This is what we seek to give understanding to. We understand at times you doubt what you bring forth, in it's perfection. Perfection takes time, skill gained and trust. Patience dear one, patience. All have their own discernment engines that they may use.
Thankyou. Feeling grateful for this connection.
All is well.
Much love is here for you, for you all.
That is all
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