Channeled Card Readings
Greetings dear ones. We are here this day to bring through the messages that one's can relate to in their current conditioning. We endeavour to help those that are listening to our words this day, and so we begin the reading of the cards and then we shall bring some insight of the occurrences of this time.
The card of one
We say to you let it be. Let it be. Let it be. When one enables another to get under your skin so to speak, then one has lost the power that they are. When you allow another to trigger you into anxiety, into angst, into tears, into sadness then one has lost and given away their power at that precise moment. Will tell you this. There are many in your world in your place of living. Some will bring you joy and some will bring you lessons. Some will come to teach you what it is you do not wish, and some will come to bring you a knowing of love. When you allow another to cause you distress it is not they that has caused you distress, but you, for you have allowed the distress to come forth. Understand no matter what is on your outside, you can control how you receive what is on the outside, on the inside. You can control your emotions and your perceptions of any given situation.
So the message for you this day is when another brings your trigger and you do not wish to be in anger, or frustration, then we say let it be.
Release the occurance as something you do not wish to take in within, just as you would not take in a beverage that you do not wish. You would let it be. This is your message for this day. You are in charge of your inner world.
The card of two
We say to these that are reading the card of two that your day and the days to come bring much opportunity to change your conditions, to change your living, to change what you do to bring the money in the household. There is much afoot, many openings, and it is such a time when you may decide, or not, to achieve a different way of living, to change your abode, to try something new that you may not have thought of before. It is a week that your life may change if you take the step towards that.
It is always your decision to do so. We are saying that there are opportunities that are specially poignant at this time. Opportunities that may not give the strength at a later time, than they do at this time. Remember one may experience the same tomorrow, as they do today if there is no but change. Change puts one at unease at times because it is not familiar and humans love familiarity. However we say this to you, do you wish familiarity, sameness or do you wish to experience an adventure?
Adventures can be unsettling at times, but once accomplished and you have walked the adventure, you cannot wait to do it again, and again. Be open, be observant, to that, that may bring you adventure in the coming days.
The card of three
To the ones reading the card of three, we say to you do not forget the ones you love along your journey in awakening.
It is true that when one begins to become aware, when one begins to know themselves, there is falling away from that, that does not understand the changes that they are experiencing. It may be so, that one thinks that they are more superior because they have a better understanding of what they are, of who they are. We wish to make clear and this is truth, that one that is not awakened to themselves, is no less important than one that is awakened. The one that is awakened is not put on this pedestal by we, that they are awakened. We love all in the same quantity regardless of whether they are awake or asleep, regardless of whether they are active in their self discovery or not. Be understanding that those that are around you may not quite comprehend your changes, and may even seek them as being a little selfish. Patience with them. For it is when you can live your awareness among those that are not understanding, when it is that you may live your truth around those that you love, even though they are not as aware as you, when you can be who you are, within your family unit, in co-creation, then this is what a master is. A master can live in the mire and still be shining their light, still be clean,
unaffected by negativity around them, for you see when one is awakened in a unit that is a family they raise the energy, the light in that abode, and what begins to occur is that those that are around them begin to trigger their own awakening process, in their own self discovery, the journey that is self realisation. Love those that you love. We do not say to take negativity from those that are there around you, but to be your light, so that none may touch you in such a way, and yet that you may raise those around you in greater awareness, without preaching to another. You simply live your journey your truth and by doing so, you help others lift their energies.
Patience is needed in this process. Walk your talk, live your truth in your daily living in amongst humanity, and know you are exactly where you are meant to be, for when there is one light in a room of darkness, it lights up all that is around in that space. A house that has many lights on, awakens a many from their slumber.
Those are the card readings for this day. That is all
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