27/7/15 (late afternoon)
Channeling Abacus-Universal Mind
In Trance
The power of now
In the audio there's a little spiel of how this channel came about. Basically I got the thought out of nowhere "the power of now", so I got my recorder out, got into trance & began to channel on the power of now....
We are in your field once again. We are pleased that you understood what we wished to portray a moment ago. You are beginning to enable the understanding of such that we wish to bring. Do you understand that when an unseemingly thought, one that you have no understanding, that is placed in a space in your mind comes to the fore, you understand that it is from a different manner of space, a different wave of energy.
It is not your normal thinking process. It is so that we wish to bring through information this day regarding the wave, the energy, and the power of now, for many of you are not in the now moment, but are always in the future, or in the past. You are wishing this moment away wanting to be elsewhere. Wanting to be at home. Wanting to be on holidays. Wanting to be with your family. Wanting to be in a different place than that you are. Time moves so much more quickly when you are thinking in the future, for you are in a sense propelling the time forward when you are constantly thinking of what you are to do next, what you are to do later that evening, what you are to do on the morrow, what you are to do next month, what you are to do next year. You are constantly propelling time forward, speeding time in a sense, rather than being in the moment, being aware of the gift of the present moment. Understanding that all that is real, is in the moment, that you are in right now.
When you think of the past it is time that has gone by. Again thinking of the past in a sense is a waste of time, for the past cannot be brought to the now, for it is now that you are.
In reality there is no future, and there is no past, it is always a now moment. It is always the experience that you are thinking, and being, in the very moment that you are in. All is happening simultaneously, although you are in a linear mode, and so you see future and past as being not in the now.
When you begin to be in appreciation of the moment that you are in, this moment, begin to be abundant in the moment that you are in right now. Whether it be that you are sitting in traffic, whether it be that you are in your bed ready to sleep, whether it be that you are in a workplace environment, whether it be that you are not in a place of enjoyment, whether it be that you are in pain, whether it be that you are in joy, it matters not. When you begin to become present of where you are right now, and encompassed that moment, all begins to slow. You begin to feel all that is about you. You become more intertwined with your connection to all that is. When you begin to be observant of how you are feeling, all that you are sensing in this very moment of time, then you understand that you may adjust what you are feeling, what you are experiencing. You may begin to take notice of all that you have in this current experience of now. The air that you breathe, the smell in the air, listening to sounds in your background, listening to the life that is all around you, becoming one with the moment, in this present moment.
You begin to feel your oneness with all that is around you. You have no thought for your commitments of tomorrow. You have no thought of past pains. All you have thought of is this moment right now, and you begin to experience a sense of peace for where you are. Now remember we have stated before, that what you do, you attract. There is the universal mirror so to speak, and so when you are in this moment of peace, when you are in this moment feeling abundant, then this reflection begins to take hold. You might say, "but what about if I'm in pain and I'm in the present moment of pain?"
It is true that when one is present, in their pain, when they experience fully in their moment, their pain, in the observation you will find over time the pain begins to subside, for what you are noticing is not only the pain, but all the other sensations that are around you, and so your mind is taken from the pain, into the essence of that, that is life. This is not an easy concept for many to understand. It is one that if you sit with and experience you will understand in the experiencing.
This one understands what we mean as she has experienced times of great pain whereby she has lost herself, given up to the pain, and then discovered of a sudden that the pain has left, and she has a feeling of no pain. Being in the present moment brings all manner of observations to the fore. When you look into a loved ones eyes, when you feel their love for the first time, when you are lost in that love, that is a present moment that time stills all around, is it not? What we bring this day, what we wish to make aware, is there is a gift in the present moment. A gift that not all understand, and that is that this present moment in time, is but gone in an instant. It will never be exactly as you have experienced it now. Ones that have lost love ones will understand this concept. They will understand that they may never experience that moment with those loved ones in their humanity, as they were when they were living, again. And so they understand the value of embracing each moment in time, for this is the way humanity experiences time at present, in your world.
In this day of technology much is very speeded, is very fast. You lose time on your electronics. You lose time in front of your picture boxes. You lose time rushing to all your many appointments, and then you complain emphatically that you are time poor, that you have no time. We say to you, when one becomes more present in their moment, when one simply enjoys time as a child, enjoys playing in the field. When one is that childlike state again, in wonder, with no rush to be anywhere else but where they are right now, in the moment, in their joy, doing something they love, and even if not something they love.
Being aware of the moment, and taking from that moment all that is good, all that is the gift, then your life changes. One may say, "but how can I enjoy the moment when I am in the middle of doing a chore that I do not enjoy?", and we say to you, what do you have in that moment of doing the chore that you do not enjoy, that you are grateful for?
Are you grateful that you have air to breathe? Are you grateful that your belly is full? Are you grateful that you experience no pain while you are doing your chores? If you are outdoors are you grateful for the sunshine? Are you grateful for the breeze on your skin? In traffic you might say, are you grateful that you are in comfort, and not outside in the elements? Are you grateful that you may listen to a favourite piece of music? A melody that lifts you? Are you grateful that you have your family with you? That you may banter about the day that has been? Are you grateful that you have two hands to hold the steering wheel, two eyes to see the road in front of you? Clothing to keep you warm? If you are in hospital listening to these words, perhaps you may be grateful that you have those that care for you, in these confines, that you are in a place of comfort, that you have the facilities available to you where ones may not have those facilities? Do you see what we are trying to portray this day?
There is always something to be grateful for, in your present moment in time. When you rush here, and you rushed there, you do not think about what you are grateful for, for you are too busy in the future, and what stress that the future may bring.
But if you simply stand back, take a breath, and be where you are right now. Grateful for all that you have. Observant in all that you have, and being with yourself, the gift that you are, then your point of attraction dramatically shifts. Your life will begin to change, of this have no doubt. We ask that you experience what we bring this day, for in the experience you will see for yourself. You will experience for yourself, changes. For when you are observant of all that is, you realise the wonder that you are and the wonder where you are.
You begin to experience who you are, and the gift of life that you have given to yourself. Being observant, being in the moment of now, is a power that you may bring to yourself. The gift of the moment. No past angst, no future worries. Just the moment of now, where you may choose what you wish to experience in this moment, and the next, and the next, with awareness, rather than simply allowing past thoughts to steer you forward.
You bring your power back to yourself. You begin to take the reins again, and in this you steer your destiny, the way you wish to experience it. In the moment.
This is the message for this day.
That is all.
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