5 July 2015
Channelled card readings
Pick a number 1, 2, or 3, and then scroll down to read the corresponding card meaning.
Dearest we are here.
We have been here a long while. You must learn that it is simply a space that you enter, where we are. We do not come in, we are ready already "in" place. We simply wait for you to become still enough to be "in" that place. That is all it is. Trust it is so. There is no need for long spaces of connection time. The connection is made almost instantaneously. It is but we wait for you to enter that clearness, that you may hear us, and then you are simply to vocalise as you are now.
It has but been a short while. We entertain the reasoning why this is so. It will become a place of easy access once you understand that the access is always open to you. We are connected. We are joined.
We are ready to begin the card readings.
The card of one.
This is a time where you will become most enamoured with a certain aspect of your individuality, one that serves to bring you a gradual and artistic creative flow.
It seems at times that the flow and the creativity is stagnant. It feels as if you may not produce good enough outcomes, by working at this level of productivity. We say that when one enjoys what they do regardless of whether they seek to make revenue from this pursuit, but that they enjoy the flow, that they enjoy the way it makes them feel, then the pursuit is by all means one that serves to bring peace to their heart. Enjoy what you do. This is living. This is what serves to make your world more beautiful.
When one seeks to to live in a world that is more beautiful, doing what they enjoy, then they are living a full life. It matters not if they imagine that it will bring an abundance for enjoying a full life "is" being abundant.
Do you wish to end your days looking back at your life with richness of paper, but not happiness of living the life abundantly? You may bring your experiences home. You may not bring the material that is paper. Love. Live. Be what you came to be.
The card of two.
For these are the days that bring turmoil if one does not listen to their knowing, to their intuition. When one listens to another, when one pays heed to anothers advice over their own, when one does not seek acceptance from themselves, but rather from those outside of themselves, then indeed their life becomes turmoil, for they sit wondering what has gone wrong. They sit in anguish and not enjoying where they are and where they are going. Know that when one listens to others, and it does not resonate, is not where you are wishing to go and what you are wishing to do, but you continue to follow their bidding, then this will build resentment. Resentment does not lead to a healthy lifestyle but will fester and cause disease of the mind and of the heart. If following another's heed brings you joy, then do so, for the joy brings you health and prosperity. But if one follows anothers advise, to feel acceptance, then perhaps it is time to find your own acceptance. for this brings harmony into your living and to your world.
The card of three
We are here for you. Know you are not alone, ever . You are wishing, you are seeking to be, to know your deepest yearnings, your soul.
Know you have your connection to those that walk beside you.
Know you have the connection to your loved ones on the other side. Know that neither are far away, it is simply your perception that it is so. Know love has no boundaries, that love is around you, and that all is connected. Know that you are never not connected to your past ones, or to your spirit family. It is simply an understanding and acceptance of faith. Know that you have this connection within you and you are but to seek, to ask, and to know, to make it so, that you may feel this connection. It is not so very hard, and in fact it is so simple that many question the validity of it.
Your loved ones are ever present and your connections solid. Understand that you may delve into the knowings of your heart, of your soul if you wish it. The only one standing in the way is you. Ask that you be opened to your sight, to your gifts. Open your heart and ask that that it be shown to you. If it is connection that you are after, if it is connection you are seeking, whether it be to your own higher self, to your past loved ones, to your spirit family, know that it may happen for you.
With anything there is work and action involved. Ask. Intend, but do not expect that you do not take a step, that it will happen automatically. You must spend the time in stillness, to listen. You must spend the time quietning the mind to hear.
If you remain busy running to and fro but expect connection to magically take place, it is not one that may do so, for connection requires a stillness of mind, an opening of heart of faith, and intention. There is much that can be learnt. Many tools available to you at this time. The energies are raining down to make this easier for you. The veils have thinned. What are you waiting for? The time is ripe. All that is needed is for you to take the first step. We are waiting. We have always been waiting for you to remember your heritage, who you are, and who we are.
The card readings are complete for this day. We may bring through a message dearest, if you so choose.
That is all
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