14 July 2015
Channelling the realms of light
In trance ( a mix of personal & non personal )
On the channeling process, conscious vs unconscious, & co-creation, (my impatience with it) & regarding the new energy amplifications, the limitless possibilities
Note I haven't marked this channel as Abacus or Adam as it feels like a merge of both. It's different in a way I can't explain. Something's changed again. I'll channel on that soon.
Channeling ( the realms of light )
We are in your field once again.
There is much to delve in. You have questioned much. We bring through what is of most import to you.
Understand the process that is communication, between you and the realms of light, is such a one that is not discernable in it's authenticity.
These ones that is felt by the human in the heart, it is not one that may be proven by other's standards.
We say to you, if what comes brings peace, understanding, insight and love, does it matter from whence the information comes?
You have much agitation in wondering if the connection is real, if we are clear enough by your standards. You wish that only we come, and that you are packed up in a box.
Note: ( by packed up in a box they refer to unconscious channeling )
We do not wish this. We wish the communication to be a co-creation between that, that is you, god source in physicality, and that that is we, in the etheric. It is a meld of the two to combine as one. The co-creation of both. It is a team, a oneness.
We understand that, that you wish.
It may be so that you, in your trust, allow us more intertwinment.
This comes in time dearest. It is a process. It is when one begins to feel and have faith in their connection, and then there is a development, that aids the communication.
You are most impatient, and we understand your impatience. However with this new energy there is much that may be accomplished in the later parts of this time we are in.
Patience. You are exactly where you are to be. It has not been so long ago that you began this particular journey. When one begins there is an urgency that one will run out of time, to do what they came to do.
Understand that there is plenty of time, for what one starts now is never ending.
To all that are listening, patience.
It is been but a short time where the amplifications have begun.
Amplifications create a miss match of sorts. You begin to see where you were, and where you are going and where you are now is not here, nor there, and so you feel a type of disresonance and in balance.
You begin to feel as if you have moved to the past, for you cannot quite grasp the future and so you feel as if one leg is in one, and the other is in the other. You feel in inbalanced, pulled in between the two.
Understand you are in the process of letting go of the past, understanding there is only this moment in time.
The future will meld into your present. It is not that you are moving forward, you are attaining to think in a linear three-dimensional fashion. What is occurring is you are letting go , you are opening and you are increasing your vibration.
The energies are constantly enabling you to accomplish more, to hold more, and so what occurs in the present moment becomes what you see as your future, however it is all happening in the now.
It is as if you pull time into yourself, for when you begin to vibrate at a higher rate, your time constructs cease to exist the higher you vibrate. You begin to lift in your awareness of time, of linear thought, of your three-dimensional world.
We say to you patience. Be in the moment enjoying what you love to do. When something becomes unexciting it is time to change. Awareness will come to you, where you are to go, for you all have a certain element to bring to the fore.
Your mind holds an image an idea of where you are to be, of what you are to do. It is good to have an understanding of what one may do in their life work. However, understand that as you change, the ideals, your ideals change also, and new ideals will come to the fore, new ways that you wish to explore. What you may think that you will do now, as your life work, may change in a heartbeat, for you will discover another course of action.
Know that your future is not set in stone. You have always the choice to change what you are experiencing and what you wish to accomplish.
When you do what you love opportunities arise that will lead you down different paths. What we say to you and especially to this one, do what you love, what you enjoy to do. When you are doing this, your door will be knocked on, and offers will arrive, opportunities will arise, ones you never dreamed possible.
You will be in awe of the power that you are and that is spirit. Do not think that you are limited, for god is limitless.
We say to you clear your mind of what you think you can achieve, and open up to the expansion, and all possibilities. You have no idea that may be achieved. Open up to the highest good for all concerned and know that you will be a magnet for that, for that opportunity to arise, that comes to you in a manner that is most unexpected.
We say to you let go of what you think may occur and be open to the many possibilities, that you have no awareness of at this time, for what you think will not support you now, will carry you later. When one is in service to other, any manner of possibilities may occur.
It is is when one loves oneself, and is selfless in the loving, (Note we do not say selfish, for when one does not love oneself there is no possibility that they may love another) , when one is in this awareness, is living this consciousness, with the highest good of all they encounter, then the doors open wide. The opportunities are limitless.
We say to you be at peace where you are, and peace will be yours.
This is our message for this day.
That is all.
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