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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

6/9/16 Abacus - Waking from the dream


We are here we ever over here ready to be of service.

We come to bring enlightenment. We come to help bring understanding.

We have stated that it is a time of great change. Many are awakening. Many are starting to question who they are, and why they are here. Why they are here living this life on earth. Where they begin. Where they end, and all the places in between. There is much still to come to pass. There is much that may not be understood as yet, but as you raise, as you open, as you lift your resonance, you begin to automatically know much. You begin to open up to knowledge that was beyond your reach before. You will experience a type of understanding. Much like when you dream, and you receive a knowing, and you wake from the dream understanding a certain circumstance or development. It is in this way you will begin to wake up as if from a dream. You will begin to know much. You will begin to understand how to manipulate. You will begin to understand the meaning of certain situations that come to view in your life path. This day we bring another short message, for the energies are a mishmash. It is a time where communication may be a little off centre. This will pass have no fear.

It is a time where one may rest in there being, opening up to the energies that are raining down. Is it a time to do yes, but it is also a time to re remember, to simply allow circumstances that come, to pass. In the allowing, you open as a baby bird opens to a mothers feeding routine. You open, and knowledge is dropped into you and you begin to grow with this knowledge. You become wiser. Yes, you are already wise, but this period in time is a re remembering, and then a restructuring, creating anew, with new understandings. You are given in essence a playground that is more developed, that has more difficult puzzles within it for you to play in, so that you may strive all the more to grow and to create. We speak much in riddles, but these riddles will be understood in time. You are the pupil opening to wisdom, but rather than opening the pages of a book, you will be opening your deeper knowing. The information is not in a linear form, but multidimensional, and so when you begin to understand certain aspects of self, you understand their multidimensionally rather than a left to right, or a front to back. You will understand the deeper layers of a given knowing, rather than simply the frontal view. You will understand the layers rather than simply the outside.

An analogy would be to look at an onion. You see the outside of an onion. You understand that it may be cooked with. You understand the nature of it, what it may do, and how it may nourish, but in
a multidimensional fashion you will begin to understand the depth, all its many layers. It is difficult to explain a multidimensional view when you are not in a multidimensional framework. Patience. Enjoy, and be where you are, for tomorrow will come soon enough. At this point in time alignment is key. Sitting with yourself, understanding your nature. Allowing your inner self to come, to open as a flower opens its petals. Your many layers will open to the energy that reigns, much as the pedals open to the sunshine. You are a beauty to behold. You are God in experience, coming to know thy self in it's entirety. It is a wonderment. This is why you came. This is why you are where you are. Much is to come to pass. We are here to help, to guide, but you dear ones are experiencing the exhilaration of the ride, of the journey, and for this we honour you, with much love in our hearts for you.
The message is complete.
That is all

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