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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

26/9/16 We Are 3. Changing Realities

Changing Realities
We are 3

We are three and we are here. We are here to discuss the upcoming future that is beginning to materialise in your world at this time. We are not here to prophesise. We are here to bring awareness to the many changing realities that are taking place at this time. Many are re-formulating pathways and are seemingly confused as to the relevance. Many are confused as to what is occurring. Many are  confused simply because they do not understand. There is a shift in perspective. It begins with perspective. There is a shifting in this and when one views something in a different fashion then one begins to open another probability into their world. The shift in perspectives is what the energy does, is what this energy that many are speaking of is at play. It begins to open up the mind in a way that has not yet been opened before. It opens up the mind, it brings the mind into many facets, as a diamond has many facets, it opens the mind and connects the mind to the heart. New strings are being born constantly, and these connect what has been disconnected previously. As these begin to connect you begin to connect the dots, you begin to experience other worldly phenomena. Your dream begins to become reality and your reality begins to become the dream and there is a wavering of the two, for when you dream you leave where you are, and in essence this is what is occurring in your normal day to day  reality. You are leaving your reality for another, and then you are suddenly back in your reality and so there is a wobble effect there is a wavering, from one to the other. At present this is occurring sporadically however as time moves forward in your time, this will begin to occur more often and you will be interchangeably in your dream state so speak and vice versa. Until comes a time when you are working from a different reality, you are immersed more in the reality that you call the dream, which is of a higher dimension. You are still where you are, you are simply operating from a different spectrum. Because you are operating from a different spectrum you begin to see what you could not see before, at this time. Colours will look different. Humanity will look different and feel different. It is as if you are biting on a piece of cake that suddenly has more flavour, more texture. You will suddenly have access to more ideas for your mind is more open to the bigger mind. You begin to solve puzzles more readily. You'll begin to let go of things that you not matter so much, to things that you have held onto before. You see what is occurring is that you are expanding. You are being getting to hold much more than you ever have before. It is as when your ape was unaware and then of a sudden it becomes aware that it is more human in nature. It is as the ape becomes more self-aware and wanting the same rights as you have. As you awaken to this alternating frequency, you will suddenly be aware of so much more, and you will understand more what is your right. Many in this space will begin to make changes in their life and demand changes of their society. Society will begin to work at a new level of integrity for this is the understanding in this reality. Do not be afraid of what you are experiencing at this time, for it will become more frequent, and as you call your "whoo hoo", will become part of your everyday living. You will become clearer in your connections to your guidance system or your higher reality. There is much change at play. It is the time to be in excitement rather than in fear. There are many new inventions, many new insights, that will surface. It is an exciting time if you do not become in fear of the new and the unexpected. Travel in your heart. Be compassionate to those that are not understanding what is occurring. To our scribe we say do not doubt yourself so much. You have not been doing this for so long and for the time that you have been doing this communication you have grown far beyond our expectation.  Your tenacity for clarity for specifics is commendable. Be at ease in this. Be open to the new. An open door brings many new opportunities. Releasing fear and doubt is key to unlocking the door. Communication for this day is complete. 

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