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Monday, 5 September 2016

5/9/16 Abacus - Placing Focus

Greetings to all that are listening this day. The message this day is short but powerful. The message when understood in its entirety, will give you peace of mind and an allowance of sorts to the melody of life, to the ebb and flow. 

We say this day that when one is in a state of being that is feeling overwhelmed, due to all the changes that are occuring, we say to these to simply be still. Allow the feeling you are experiencing to be. Allow it to be felt, this feeling of overwhelm. Do not try to resist it, for when one resists it persists. It continues to create havoc, and so we say to you be still, and feel in its entirety the feeling of feeling overwhelmed. Allow it to wash over you and then allow it to dissipate. In this way it comes and it goes like a wave, like the seasons. If you resist, if you continue to try to negate the feeling, it will continue. Simply allow it to be. Know that it is simply a state, and as all states, it comes and it goes. Once it has settled and you are relaxed in your being once again, look to what has caused this feeling within you. Are you trying to do too much, too soon? Are you trying to push events to occur rather than than simply allowing. Feelings of overwhelm can be when one has many choices and they wish to make all of them come into fruition. Concentrate on what brings you the most peace, the most excitement, the most feeling of joy, and leave the others. Concentrate on that, for it is when you are doing something you enjoy that you do not feel anxious, but are lifted by this energy. When you are lifted you are in a different state of being, and then you can look at your other choices. One by one you can see what you wish to bring into your view, and what you wish to leave by the way side. As a creative being there is much that you may do. There are many choices to make. The feeling of overwhelm is wishing to do many things all at once. Scattered energy does not make for good manifestation. It only half propels it forward so to speak. It is better to concentrate on the few that bring you the most joy, and placing focus in these, so that you may create in full from this aspect, rather than try to tap here and there and everywhere, as the energy becomes diluted so to speak, and it is much more difficult to get your creations on the move. One step at a time. One creation at a time. The advicement is to place focus on what is of most import to you, and then this will lead you to more of the same as you walk forward in your path.
This is the message this day.
That is all

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