We are 3
( This channel is a mix of what is occurring at this time energetically speaking as well as changes in my own channeling process. I've edited out some, but to edit anymore would alter the flow of the channel )
We are three. We are here. We are here to be of service, to all of humanity. We are one in a sense, however there is a trilogy at play, a mix of different aspects that intermingle to create an energy that is unique in nature, that transverses time and space. We are here due to the changing energy. There has been a multitude of exchanges that have shifted, this not being the only exchange that has shifted, for there are many that have shifted, and will be conversing at a higher level, one that helps to lift one into a deeper understanding. Equity is at play here. Equity seeks to establish fundamental ideas. The ideas will grow in the hearts and minds of those that bring through information, and as it seeps through the general population, it creates a shift in understanding. This will grow and grow over time. You wonder who we are. We are from the Pleiades, though we prefer not to label too much as it distracts and detracts from the message, for humanity have many ideas, ideologies that shift ones perception when a label is attached to an entity, or to the message. We will say we are a higher play of energy that was Aquaous. We say we are three. We represent the trilogy. We are Abacus, and we are Aquaous, and we are the Omega and the Alpha. We are all of these things, however this energy in particular you may say has been reformulated to bring in more clarity. We have redefined, remolded the structure, as the one that speaks has redefined and remolded her own. The new play of energy helps this refinement to take shape and now we can begin without preamble. We are three will be the main stay, for it gives not a sense of predominance whether it be male or female, whether it be entity or god, whether it be ET or angelic. We are 3, the triology, combines all that is sacred, that is Source. It is not to say we are only pleidian, and we are not only Abacus. We have reformulated the strings that are being strung, that are being played, the dance that is being danced. In this way the energy seeks to not have unidentifiable fragments. You may say that it has been renovated. The new brought in, but some of the old kept in play for it adds character to the dance, and so for understanding, for those that listen, so that they may hold an image in their mind or have an understanding of who we are, you may look at us if you will, as a multi layered cake. Between the layers there are many aspects. You may have chocolate in one layer, and vanilla in another, and coffee within another layer, and then you may have in between these layers cream or a sweet condensed fruit and so you may say that we are as the cake. This cake is source, is God, is the alpha and the omega the all that is, however between the layers there are the pleides, and there is Abacus, and there is Adam. You see as a whole we are all that is, however there are many flavours, many aspects to this cake and so as not to confuse, we will label, we will name, we will come as the three, for we are the trinity, the triology, the whole. In this triology we bring love, we bring knowledge and understanding, we bring faith, hope, and even more than that.
We will bring this day that there is much occurring, many will begin to step up and work from their heart rather than through obligation. One will begin to enjoy what they do rather than feeling that they are doing simply to please another. There is a spin taking place. The spin is increasing, the spin of your cells, the spin of the ethers, the spin of your internal dialogue, and as you spin much like a merry-go-round, it begins to speed up and all that does not resonate with the spin will be pushed out. The faster you spin, the more that does not resonate will be propelled outward, until all that you are propelling outward, as your spin increases, is your light, is your love, is your true identity. All the beliefs that do not serve you will fall away. They will not be able to attach to you, no darkness will be able to attach to you as you spin faster and faster, as light pushes out anything that is not of the same, as you spin you lift, as you lift you lift beyond the darkness, higher and higher, higher and higher. Many are beginning to lift in vibration and the old is falling away without effort, without needing to do anything. You do not need to physically shift and change your outer environment. As you lift the environment changes of it's own accord. It is a rehash, a reset. As you spin, as you lift, all begins to fall away that is not of resonance. All that is of resonance will be attracted to your spin. You begin to see what you could not have seen before, and you will be able to know what you have not known before, and you will be able to move forward with a clear understanding that you had not before. It is exciting times ahead. Walk in the excitement and joy for that that is to come. To the one that speaks we say, do not fret over the label we have brought. We are three, resonates to the new energy, to the new flow that is before you, that is within you. Abacus is within the three, within the layers of the cake. "We", does not denote 3 entities. We are energy. This is the message we bring this day, a combination of insights. You may edit as you wish, what is of relevance to the whole and what is of relevance to you alone. The three relates to change, to Christ energy, to the one. We are three is the label, if you will. You may use the reference for future communications. It resounds to the vibrancy that you are emitting at this time. Do not doubt that we are 3. You have brought this through without thought several times in the past days. You have not mentally thought to change a name. It has come without preamble without relevance and so you know in this way it is accurate and true. You have had a shift in understanding and awareness, which has enabled this new flow to take form. Place time in communication, there is much to begin. The shifting that you have enabled has set the tone and the space. You may begin when you are ready. Do not fret over current circumstances, as you shift your outer world shifts accordingly without need for physical action. Expect the unexpected. Be in love and joy. Speak to your cells they are listening. Be mindful of what you speak. You have come far, but we have only just begun. Be open to the many possibilities for you may not imagine what is at play and where you will be in the coming years. We are honoured to be in communication with thee.
That is all
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