Channeling Universal Mind (Abacus) 6th July 2015
Attracting Abundance.
Audio https://youtu.be/pWSj3SYu77I.
Good day, we are pleased to be with you again
We are Universal Mind. We are Abacus. We are a fragment of the whole. We are divine intelligence. We are here at this time to help serve you, in a way that brings you closer to who you are.
Do not be distracted dear heart by the noises without. ( workmen start drilling outside on the footpath near my window right at this moment
This is intentional. We understand you use your voice in a way that is not clear for listeners.
This has been an issue for some time, and so this channel is appropriate. The noises you hear outside are appropriate, for we have instigated this to occur. Do you not see that it began exactly as when you began speaking. We are training you to use your voice loudly, so that all may hear what we have to say. Do not be afraid to voice our words. You do not have to whisper dear one. It is good to boom your voice loudly, for when you speak loudly we come through at a much greater intensity. You are not enjoying this interaction. Think of this as a training class. ( noise stops) Continue in the volume that you have been using. You see how much clearer the voice is, and easier to understand for the listeners. This is the toning dear heart. This is the toning we wish you to use. For when one is able to hear the message, then they will stay tuned to the message. If they are unable to hear they will stop listening. Are you understanding dear heart? This is good. All occurs, in the right time space. All occurs as is meant. Every incident that occurs, occurs to bring you to your clarity, to your path, to your purpose. Do not be afraid to be who you are. Do not be afraid to voice our words, for they are true. It is time to stop the doubting. It is time to come forward and be who you are to be, if this is what you are choosing to be. We say this to all that are listening for these words are your words also. If you are listening if you are reading then these words are for you also. Know this to be true for if they were not, you would not be here.
The topic of the day is abundance. You have to want abundance to be able to receive it. When we say want, there is a flip side to this wanting. One may want to be abundant, and yet act differently to abundance . One that truly desires abundance begins the day being and searching abundance.
They will be self worthy, self defined and true to their nature. They will know and understand their goals and what they wish to accomplish, and step out in the world with that in mind. They do not take second-best but reach for the best for they know they are worthy of this and they worthy of no less than this. When one wishes to truly be abundant, one must BE abundant. It is in the being that abundance is attracted to you. You do not attract abundance by stating you have no money. You do not attract abundance by stating you have many bills to pay. You do not attract abundance by being lack. We understand that some are in a position where they feel lack so, but we tell you to attract abundance you must change the way you act and think, and truly how you feel, for when you do this you magnetise your worth back to you. You magnetise what you are asking for, you magnetise the abundance.
You can either be a weak magnet or a powerful magnet. When you are doing, being, something you love to be and do, when you put yourself wholeheartedly into what you are doing with an aim to become very good at it, you create abundance in that thinking process.
This brings all manner of ideas, of attractions to you. Abundance does not come by someone that simply thinks they want to be rich, and they sit and think, I would like to be rich. I would like to be rich. I would like to be rich, and they think of this but then they go about their day complaining that they have no money. Complaining that they are not liking their life. Complaining that they are feeling unwell. Complaining about how many bills they have to pay.
Do you see what we see?
Whereas when one awakes in the day, in a jovial endeavour, to attract all that may serve them, in a way that they bring their creativity into the world, that may help others within the creative aspect, for the good of others and for yourself. In a pursuit that creates beauty, and lifts and makes one feel love. Then you are attracting this energy to you. You are attracting the wonder and the beauty that is to be a human.
Abundance, true abundance, lays in your heart space. You feel it within you. When you feel from the heart space, this pushes out into the ethers, into the energy matrix your love, your desires. The heart is a powerful organ for change. The heart holds love. The heart creates energetic impulses that span all dimensions. What you feel, with your heart you attract. If you come from a place of lack, if you have beliefs that you are lacking, that you are not capable of abundance that it will never happen to you, then this is what you will attract. It is a simple concept dear ones. We say this to you in love. It is a simple concept to understand, that when one feels with the heart that they are in lack, that they are in want , that they are not worthy to have what they are wishing for, that they see others happy and they think that they may not attract this, then this is what you push out, your belief system is what goes out into the magnetic. When you truly believe and understand that you are worth to be healthy, that you are worth to be abundant, that you are important, as important as anybody else that works this earth, then you will attract this to you, for you are radiating that out. We understand that some may struggle with old belief systems. We tell you to get into that heart space, to begin attracting these things to you. Play music that lifts you that you love and adore. Truly be the actor. Truly play the part in its wholeness, so that you begin to believe that you are indeed worthy of what you are desiring, of your love for doing and being. When you come from that space with that tones, the sounds, when you lift your heart into that space that you feel amazingly wonderful. If you can do this, get into the space as often as you may, and do not give up. Be consistent in this, not inconsistent, then you will begin to attract your world unto you.
Begin to take action. Speak to others how amazing you feel this day. Do not speak of lack, do not speak of misfortune, do not allow that energetic toning come through your voice. Only allow what you wish. If you cannot but voice what you wish do not voice at all. If you are not feeling so well, do not voice it, for in voicing it creates.
Believe with all your heart that you are worthy for we tell you, you are worthy.
Do not allow another to tell you otherwise. Stand firm, in kindness, and simply state this is not my truth.
We wish for you what you wish for you. Ask for guidance. You have your helpers. They are invisible to you at times but they are there. They may not do it for you, but they may guide you to what you need to find the answers. They love you so very much. They are by your side always. Know this.
This is the message for the day.
It is a twofold practice here that has occurred, one so this one may use her voice in a way that helps her to bring through the energy, as well as that others may hear her clearly and us, and one that we wish that you understand your worth.
You being on your plane at this time in history is enough, that shows how worthy you are. Know that loved ones are never lost to you. It is simply an alternate reality that you may not see in full, but you will. Think of our plane as a double sided mirror. We see you. We hear you, however you on the other side of mirror see only a reflection of yourself. You do not see us looking at you. You only see yourself.
Some may see through the reflection such as psychics, and such. At times we shine images through, so that you may see. The Mirror also serves to reflect what you give out. The Mirror has many actions. The mirror, the veil, is on purpose, however you may seek what is behind the veil by lifting your frequency, for we have a higher frequency. The more you lift your frequency, the more you increase your vibratory rate, the closer you are to where we are. The more you clear, the more you let go of heaviness, the more you will begin to tap through the veil.
The veil, the mirror also reflects what you are, and so as we were saying, if you reflect lack then this is what comes back to you. Begin to see who you really are. Begin to feel and to know you are a divine being, in a human experience.
We give you pause to think what this means to you, for there is no death. You are eternal. You are an eternal being, a creation of divine love. You are worthy. You are worthy of your experience.
Begin this day to be all that you can be. Love yourself, for we love you.
Love is the key.
We leave you now.
That is all.
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