11th July 2015
Channeling Adam & Abacus
The Rainbow Collective & Universal Mind
Automatic writing in altered state
A personal conversation 💕
One that spanned over two days.
Regarding my experience of pain, of dis-ease, where it all began and why.
The law of attraction, the universal mirror is also discussed.
It's my personal journey & at times very personal in detail, however it might shed some light, help others in their journeys & experiences and that's why I decided to share.... <3
Why do we as humans experience things we clearly don't want? For instance I don't want my health condition. So why do I have it?
It is Adam. We are here this day. We come with words that may suffice to bring you a clearer understanding as to why this is so. However one may hear only what they have the ears to hear, for some do not wish to take responsibility for what is taking place in their world in their mirror of life.
We bring kind words that may not ring so to you, however kind words may seem unkind when they speak a truth you wish not to hear.
We come in love to bring understanding.
Know this.
When one reflects into a mirror one reflects "all" their thinking process. This includes ones fears. The mirror does not reflects simply ones desires, their wants. The mirror reflects ALL. It has no judgement to what is good or not for their is no such process in the
reflecting of a mirror. A mirror holds no empathy or compassion or even to think back to you what it is you truly wish. It reflects all your pain and suffering as well as your joys.
The mirror reflects ALL with no judgment of what you are thinking, feeling, wishing, not wishing, every joy, every pain, EVERYTHING
When you stand before your bathroom mirror and you smile at it's surface, you smile back to yourself. When you stand before the mirror in tears your reflection is one of tears.
It matters not if you wish to have the tears. If you are expressing tears then the tears is what the mirror sees and this is reflected back unto you, without judgement. The mirror does not investigate WHY you have the tears & that it is not what you wish. It simply reflects what it sees.
The mirror is as the universe, as the law of attraction. The universe, source, god gives you free will to experience what you are wishing with no judgement.
The universe is a mirror. It reflects back to your your experience with no judgement.
It matters not if you are wanting or not wanting what you are experiencing. Your thoughts are reflected. Your emotions, your doing, your activities. EVERYTHING is being reflected back to you, in every moment, always.
We hear your questioning. You ask what of the innocents that would not think of illness, of tragedy.
We say to you, what do you allow your innocents, your little ones to watch on your picture boxes? What do YOU reflect to your children? What thoughts do you express? What do you allow them to hear or witness? Know that even the ones that are still growing within your womb may "hear" and "feel" your words, your actions, your experiences.
When you watch your picture box in horror at an image displayed on the screen, you react do you not? You react in fear, in worry, in sorrow, in agitation. That inside the womb feels your processes. You watch your picture shows with your family. Ones that are joyful, that are of love, and ones that are not. You experience the emotions for that is why you watch these images, for the experience, and yet you have not the understanding that you are reflecting these out to your mirrors. The mirror does not understand that it is simply a moving picture. There is NO judgement. It reflects your experience and will give to you your reflection. Are you understanding?
The universal mirror reflects EVERYTHING back to you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you think, everything you see, everything you experience, with no judgement.
You are in a place of experience, of many different circumstances. It is complex and yet there is a simple law.
What you give out you get back.
What you reflect out is reflected back unto you. From the moment of conception while in the womb you begin to experience. In the womb you experience sound. ALL sound that you hear. You experience the thoughts and emotions of your mother. You experience her world and that, that she interacts with.
Now we say to you do not be in guilt for the parent is chosen. The experience is chosen. There is no good or bad experience. It is simply an experience to experience, to evolve from. You come into the exact environment for the experience to learn and grow. We do not bring reason for you to unappreciate your birth parents for they were unaware as you are unaware. This conversation is to bring understanding, not one to bring condemnation. For to condem is to be condemd.
When one cares for another, caring for ones self is attracted.
When one acts in love, love is attracted
When one is in fear, fear in attracted
When one is compassionate, compassion is attracted
When one is experiencing joy, more joy is attracted
When one is experiencing illness more illness is attracted
Ughhh wait. So if someone's sick, then more is attracted? That sounds unfair. I mean how can you attracted health then ? If your already sick how do you get out of that loop? That sounds like really difficult :(
Dear heart it is not so difficult in the understanding, however it does take action to dig oneself out of the loop as you say.
We ask you, when you are ill what do you think of?
How bad I feel for a start! Sorry for myself.
Do you voice how you feel?
Well yeah at times
Why do you think you do this? Expand if you will.
Ahhh well I voice because I want others to know how miserable I feel I guess, though I'm getting better at not doing this..
Why do you think you do this? There is method here, patience
Because I want help. I want others to sympathise or empathise. I guess I want love, compassion...I'm not sure. Guess I want others to feel what I am feeling the unfairness of me feeling so bad. I want understanding
Dear heart do you wish others to feel bad with you? We trust you will answer this in all honesty for honesty and clarity bring truth. Truth heals dear heart.
Well, no, I mean I don't want them sick, of course I don't. But if I'm being honest, I guess I do want them to "feel" what I feel so they can empathise and understand what I'm going through
Give you love?
I guess
Dear heart we value your words. They ring true. You wish others too FEEL your pain and so In turn empathise, to be in your experience so that they may have understanding of that, that you feel, so that you may experience their compassion, their love for you. Yes?
And their help , yes.
Do you understand what you have just expressed? You wish them to feel your pain.
Well not for them to have the pain or the illness, but to feel where I'm at, so they understand
Dear heart we understand perfectly your words.
Now what have we expressed in regards to the law of attraction?
You reflect and then get back your reflection. You get what you give out
Do you imagine that when one feels your pain, to understand your exierience, to empathise with you , to bring you love, that they may become entertwined in the experience themselves?
Nooooo what are you saying ? I'm causing them illness?
All are in charge of their own experience. We do not seek to bring upset but understanding.
When one draws another into their own experience , be it one of pain or joy, one without comprehending, is inherently drawing one into their world, of experience, be it joy or pain.
Now here it gets complex.
The one being drawn in, per se, into the experience has a choice, to
either send love, or to be drawn into the experience of pain with the experiencee. If one allows themselves to be drawn into the pain another feels, if they feel their pain, it is reflected back to them in the mirror. However if one expresses love and intent to send healing, without being drawn into the pain of the experiencee, then they themselves experience love and healing in place of pain. The experiencee then also benefits for they receive the love and healing rather than the amplification of their pain. When many are feeling their pain with them their pain is amplified. When many detach from the pain and send love and healing then miracles may occur for you know not the power you weild, in the power of love.
How many use these words in comfort of another:
"I feel your pain".....
What one feels, one attracts unto themselves. Unbeknownst to them, they are drawn into the experience, and as such begin to attract the experience unto themselves in many different ways. It will be an exierience of pain, among other
Now dear heart we wish to zone in here on YOUR experience of pain, because you and many others have suffered this condition, for a long while.
We say to you, can you recall being drawn into another's pain?
When did you begin to experience your pain?
Well since I was a teen. It's been ongoing
What was your view of your world at that time ?
Hmmm I'm lost here
How did you view your outside world? Your earliest memory
Well my home was a safe place, I was sheltered in many ways, with no internet at the time.
Expand now on your outer world beyond your family home
Well when i was young I saw the outside world, earth, as a place of suffering, hardship and unfairness.
I knew many on the planet had no food, health or clean water. My school and church and parents brought that home to me. In church I saw starving children on little money boxes that haunted me. I knew there was poverty and people in pain and in need. It was ingrained.
Dear heart what was "your experience" of the suffering on your plane?
I felt it. I felt the pain of the world, as a child. I was constantly reminded. Once when I was young I tore a ligament in my ankle. I was crying in pain. I was told to imagine all the people in the world that are in worse pain than me, that I wouldn't feel so bad then.
It again reminded me of the worlds pain. I felt guilt for being a fortunate one, that had a house, food and clean water. As a child there was a time I used to pull my hair out of my head. I never understood why at the time. In my teens I went through a stage of depression. I didn't want to be here. It was depressing to me, life in general.
When I was older & travelled I saw the cruelty of poverty first hand. I recall my first few trips away wanting to throw up for days on arrival. I couldn't stomach what I saw, bring that close to it, and dreamt constantly of the poverty I saw in the streets ( I later was told this was called culture shock ) I felt guilty that I had more than they did. As much as I loved going out into the world and travelling, seeing new places, I didn't always like the experience. I had to block out the images to get through the trip.
And so began your experience of pain in your world. Your dis-ease. It manifested WITHIN you. You sympathised. You empathised. You brought the worlds pain within your physicality and created your dis-ease. When you finally sought the appropriate treatment after many of your years, you created another form of dis-ease did you not?
Understanding dawns.
Yes! A few months later when pain from one illness stopped another began.... :-O
This days conversing has brought understanding. Not all concepts are covered here in this passage, however the result envisioned has been attained and in this, others may seek understanding also.
I'm sharing this? Not sharing this am I?
If it is your will, dearest
Dearest ? Abacus? I was channeling Adam wasn't i ?
( Abacus uses the endearment "Dearest". Adam uses "Dear Heart". I also felt a sudden shift in energy...)
We are one and the same. It is simply that when your vibratory rate is high we that you know as Abacus may be brought forward.
When you began conversing your rate wasn't at it's prime and so the colorful ones, Adam took reign. We are both the same. Your understanding has lifted your rate of spin, has lifted your frequency, and with this comes clarity, and healing.
We say to you, it is a far greater endevour to be in a place of love for those that are suffering on your plane, than to be drawn into feeling their pain, for in feeling the pains of the world, one brings this pain within and creates dis ease.
We do not say to you, to not have compassion. We say to you to hold the pains of the worlds and the suffering of others, "in light" .
We say see them not as they are, but as they "can be". We say, see them in love and in health thriving, and abundant. Envision them in joy, in their beauty.
Your own father brings this message to you:
(My dads message through Abacus)
"Do not see me as I left you, but as we loved. The joy, not the suffering. He wishes your memory of his passing to leave your mind as it has been in your thoughts these days. He wishes you to instead have memory of the joys, the love you shared. This brings him much joy. The joy of family of interaction. The bonds he created, he wishes you to hold true. That life not become so encompassing that you forget what he has created. He expressed the love he has for all of you, all that is his family. He loves you dearly and will be at the celebrations that are coming. He looks forward to the celebration that it brings you all together as one love. Miss not his passing but celebrate that , that he has left you. His legacy."
Wow... That was unexpected. Thankyou ....
We bring what brings peace dear heart. Understand you help others not by being intertwined in their experience, but to lift them from their experience, in love. To bring joy is a much better endevour than to empathise in their pain. Rather bring them a smile, a heart felt love, for this is a much better healing method for them and for you. This is the message of this day.
Be aware what you bring to your world through your attention to it. You reflect back unto yourself what you feel, think, say and do.
Dear heart we say to you, do not be in fear of sharing these words for within them lays much truth. Some will hear and some may not be in a place to hear.
These words will reach those that may have use. If one seed is planted then all is well, for it takes only one seed to create. One seed sown may create a lone tree. However that tree holds many a seed, that will then re-seed and germinate. Before long a forest is born.
The message of this day is complete.
With love, always with love.
Let it be known that all that have the will to change, may create any manner of possibility. We honour the creator in you, for we understand of where it is born.
That is all
Note- as always use your discernment process to what is true for you <3
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