Channelled card readings
13 July 2015
We are ready to begin the readings for this day. Dearest be clear and allow your flow. Trust.
The card of one
We see and hear you when you call on us. We are walking beside you always. You do not believe that we are there. Not really. It is inconceivable that a connection with that which we are, and that which you are, is plausible and yet you are here reading these words. Why?
We tell you why.
You know , within, a deeper part of your being knows, where you come from, what you are. This part of you understands that you are beyond this realm and this part of you seeks to find that, that it belongs.
It seeks knowing. It seeks understanding. Be at peace. You have found these words with good cause even though at present it is not reasonable to you. It does not make any sense that one may communicate in this way. The seed has been planted this day. We guide you to your truth if you allow. If you do not endevour to resonate here, then another form will come to trigger your remeberance of self, for once the seed is planted it is but time that it will begin to sprout and grow. That part of you that is remembering has been opened wide. You will notice all manner of messages, from constant numbers to signs from the heavens. Unexpected occurances will come to view. We say to you this day, follow the yellow brick road. It leads you to a great adventure of self discovery.
The card of two
We come from a place that has no time. Our time is your time, always. You struggle with the notion that time is not on your side. That the days are too fast and that you may not accomplish that which you set out to do. Your constant reminders and lists made, go uncompleted. This puts you in a state of frustration.
We tell you that when you feel frustration, that all you are aiming to do feels non accomplishment , breathe. Breathe in time to slow time.
When you breathe slowly, walk slowly, as one does when a movie is played in slow motion, time slows . Speeding time is an illusion of the mind. You rush to do this, to do that, never stopping to breathe in
the moment. You breathe quickly. When one slows they may achieve more inn heir relaxed state, than in their rushing state. If you become observant, more present in the moment, then you begin take note of your surrounds, rather than of the blurr. There is no time. It is a construct of your plane. Act as if there is no time and you will find you get more accomplished, while feeling more at ease with life. Stop to breathe. Let go of the rushing. You will find in doing so you begin to take in the beauty that is life. You begin to appreciate the small things. With appreciation comes more to be appreciative of. Time slows, and in the flowing of time comes your peace with where you are. We understand on your plane you have been conditioned to constructs. With slowing down and becoming present in the moment you begin to see beyond the constructs that have been built around you. With this comes clarity and a more peaceful existance.
Card of three
Your energy is changing in a way that brings circumstances to the fore. Changes are drawn to one that vibrates at a certain frequency. The question is, will you fight for your normality or will you allow yourself to move into a larger understanding?
Know you are constantly lifting your energy. We understand that you may not understand that, that is your energy, however we understand and see you glowing brightly.
Know all you need on your journey that is life will come to the fore when the time is ripe for change. To push against the change causes resistance and unease. Change comes when one is ready to meet the opportunities that are being dealt you. All is fine tuned in a way that brings harmony if one simply goes with the flow that is life. You may wonder that if change brings unease, that it may not be to your benefit. At times the resistance to change feels uncomfortable, and so one unerringly assumes the change in circumstance is not for ones good. Do not be fooled, for when one begins to come out of their comfort zone, they may feel fear, for they are used to the safety of sameness. Change pushes you beyond your boundaries. Change brings new experiences to the fore to grow and experience yourself anew once again. If you simply BE with the experience, trust that what is occurring is what you have brought forth to endevour to lift beyond your confines, then you may actually enjoy what is beyond the feelings of uncomfort. If you do not like the new that awaits you, you have the power to change the course of your path always.
Spread your wings dear ones.
Let the winds of change carry you to your new destinations, where you may expand and experience yourself in wonderful new endevours. New beginnings await.
The readings are complete for this day.
That is all
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