29th of July 2015
Channelling Abacus-Universal Mind
Trance State
The Energy Wave
Clear all misconceptions if you will.
We wish to be clear in this.
There is much that is spoken at this moment regarding the uptake in the energy field. There are many waves, that is being brought forth, that has many names.
We have expressed before, and you have felt it within the dream. Many others have felt this also. There is an energy which has already begun. Make no mistake of this. Many are feeling the changes within. Many are feeling uplifted, but also they are feeling some resistance, for some are resistant to change, and so they are not in their, what you would call, "your happy place". They fight the resistance. Know that this wave of energy has been created by you, has been created by the intent to expansion of ones self. It has been this way for a while now. You have felt the changes within your body structure. The ones that are working on their energies feel the resonance within, feel their cells in their body resonating, humming to the energy, that is magnifying what they are.
As you are aware when something is magnified it is made greater, than what it is, and so this is what the energy does. It magnifies who you are. It extends you. It is not destructive. It is constructive. If you carry this understanding, then you will embrace the energy. You will embrace the changes that it brings.
Yes, you will feel at times unusual, for change brings the feeling of unusual, for it is not sameness, it is different.
Be in your calm. Be in your heart. Be in your love. Be in your joy. Embrace all that you are, for you are being magnetised, so to speak.
You are being magnified into all that you can be. Your gifts that you carry will expand. The ones that have been untriggered, may be triggered. It will embrace you. It is why we came, to be carried forth into a new experience of self.
Understand, there is nothing to fear.
This we bring to you this day.
Bein your flow. Be in your love. Be in your joy, and all will be well.
That is all.
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