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Sunday, 26 July 2015

25/7/15 Trance Channeling Abacus (Universal Mind) How can I let go of my self doubt in regards to my channeling

25/7/15  Trance Channeling
Abacus (Universal Mind)
Written transcription & audio

The question: 
"How can I let go of my self doubt in regards to my channeling"

We are in your field once again.
We are pleased that this has occurred this day for it is time to bring clarity to the fore. 
You have doubted much. It is time. It is time to release doubt, for in the release the clarity becomes even more clearer. There are many opportunities to validate that, that we are. The opportunities come within the pearls of wisdom that we bring, in the knowledge that comes to the fore, and in the use of the knowledge, for it is in the results that come within the practice, within the action, that brings the skills, the proven factor. The knowledge that we bring brings all manner of healing to the fore. It brings flow, it brings love, it brings abundance, it brings a continuity of circumstances, ones that become proven by your standards over time. It is through the integration of these skills,that knowledge that we bring, that serves to validate who we are, and where the knowledge comes, and the validity of the transcriber of our message. It is the way one is touched within the human spirit that cannot be measured in your eyes, however it is measured in the eyes of the one that has been touched. It is measured in their heart and in the way that they change, the way they view life from that time forward. It is the way one feels when the message comes that is quantifiable, in the one that feels the message. How are you feeling now dear heart? Is this provable to you, or to others? We ask you, when you hold your child in love, is that provable to another how you feel? Nay, it is only provable to you, and to the child that you hold. No other can sense but you, the feeling of love that you feel for your child, and that that your child feels, and so when you bring our words, you feel us, you feel the love that we are. You feel the light that we are, you feel it in every sense of your being. However another that may listen may not feel, if they are not sensing the message in the words, but if they have the heart to hear, if they have the ear to listen, they may feel with their senses, with their heart, with their knowing, for in listening to the messages comes a vibration, a vibration that one may feel, if they tune in to the feeling that we bring. Ones that are listening to the message now, close your eyes and sense what we bring. See if you may tap into the energy that we are. We are transmitting now, our love for you. Our love for all that you are. Feel if you have the will to feel, that that we are and that that we bring.
We are who you are. We are simply an extension of you. Where you may not see with your daily vision, however you may feel and see with your inner vision. You may feel with your heart who we are, for we only have love for you, and we are here to serve you, to help you, to evolve into your highest extension of yourself. We are here to remind you of who you are. We are here to help you remember. We are here to help you grow, to help you with the tools to find yourself, so that you may use your own tools to grow in love, to be the light, to shine that light, so others may sense that in you, so they are triggered. We are here to affect change. To bring peace to the human heart, for when there is peace in the human heart, then peace reigns everywhere. How you may release doubt dear heart, is to feel who we are, for the feeling that is love cannot be denied, cannot be doubted, and in the skills that we bring, in the knowledge that we bring forth. If you choose to take action then changes begin in your world. The changes are undeniable. The knowledge that we bring, we ask that you use your discernment as always. Feel the knowledge. Turn it over within your heart, within your mind. Test the theory. See if it rings true for you. We do not say to you to take our words as gospel, as truth. We ask that you feel into them. See how they make you feel. Test the theory, the knowledge that we bring. See if it works for you. If it brings results. This is the best way to test whether we are provable, whether the message is provable, it is to see how it makes you feel within, and then to see if the theory in action, helps you to gain more clarity, more understanding, more peace in your life, more abundance, more joy. Test all that we bring for this is what we wish, if it is your wish. We are here to help you at this time. There is much change, and in change one can feel unsettlement. We are here to guide, to bring love and understanding, to bring knowledge fourth as it arises, for there is always change. You are in a place of experience and we seek to help in that experience, to help you understand that you are the creator of your experience, and that you may experience all manner of things. Doubt is a construct, a belief set in motion, one ingrained at a time where there was less understanding of the concepts that we bring this day. To release doubt you must delve into your belief system, find what is true for you now, what truth you have taken on from others. Look to see where your doubts stem from. Is it man-made? Is it quantifiable? Is it true? Turn it around. Look at it from all angles. We say to you, as easy as you may doubt, you may believe. It is a choice to believe or not to believe. It is a choice. What do you choose? What is important to you? What rings true? What feels true? Let the feeling and the sense be your guide, rather than your constructs and your mind. This is what we bring this day. We love you dearly. We wish for you what you wish for you. It has always been this way, and with this we leave you now.
That is all.

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