20 July 2015
Channelling Abacus
In Lightbody altered state
Changes & Expansion
We are pleased to be here once again.
There is a topic we wish to bring forward that is that of those that are gaining awareness that are fast tracking at this time. There has been much speed in the way information is brought forth. There has been much change in the way many are informed of certain occurrences on your plane of existence.
Once upon a time there was no communication in the airwaves and now you have the world in your hands. You may with the click of a finger, find any information that is privvy to the public search modes.
It is not so different in the ethers. As you you advance, we advance, for we are all connected as one. When you increase in your capacity to attain and to hold information, we on the other side also expand.
You do not expand alone, the whole is expanded together, for we are one, and so you are becoming very knowledgeable, much more so than in past years. You are increasingly taking new knowledge forward at a speedy rate. There are technologies that will come to the fore that will again fast track you into a wondrous future.
There will be changes in the way you see, feel, and experience energy. You will understand its complexities a little more, and you will see in which ways energy may serve you.
There is much that the human is capable of, in your physicality, and in the way you project and create. We are most exhilarated to be at a time where we may guide you to fulfill your dreams in becoming an evolved and peaceful community.
There are techniques that may be used in working with the energy, to help bring forward new accomplishments. The accomplishments will aid you in discovering how far you may expand your physicality, how you may travel past where you are now, using but what you have within you, and the elements that are available to you.
It is much like when you discovered the plane that flies. You never dreamed that you may visit the other side of the earth in such a short amount of time. Seemingly travelling in the air, not understanding the complexitiy of how this is attainable, of how it was attained, and so the future brings many new discoveries that will propel you, beyond what you may imagine. Your imagination as unlimited as it is, cannot know what it cannot know. It takes one accomplishment to build on to another, and another, and another. Know we are here to serve you, to help you. We come at a time where we may guide you to your Magnificance, however basics need to be applied first as in most science, you cannot build the bigger model unless you have the foundation in place, and so we say to you today, one must learn how their thoughts create their outside reality, for there will come a time where you may create almost instantaneously. What you think, what you speak, what you say to another, is constant creation. It may be difficult to try to reign in your whole thought process. It is almost an insurmountable task, however we say to you, that one may learn to adjust the way they see the world. They may adjust the way alittle, and as you know, doing something daily becomes a habit, and once the habit is triggered, then you may begin another course of action.
Today, this day we say to you, if you may wake up in the morning and arise from your sleep with a knowing that you are capable of achieving anything, that you wake up with a smile regardless of what is surrounding you, and to be grateful for that all is in your world. To come from your sleep smiling, begins the day that may trigger happy events, and many opportunities to expand, being open to your possibilities that may lay in your path.
If you choose however to wake up from your slumber as you do every other day, you continue to do what you do, then be aware that none will change in your world.
If you are one however, that is accomplishing all that you have ever dreamed possible, and you are in a happy state, and you are in love with life, and with those around you, then you have discovered the secret, and you may be the way you are living, for it is expanding all.
We say to you, be in your joy, for when you are in your joy all that comes to you, is more joy. When you are in your joy, you expand your love and your creativity, which touches all around you and brings it back unto yourself.
You live on a beautiful planet, rich with colour and life. There is so much to discover in your world. So many options to create all that you choose. Know that when you begin to understand your capacity, your strengths, who you are, then your life changes for you are aware that you are able to create whatever you choose.
Today's readings are complete.
That is all.
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