20th July 2015
Channelling Abacus
In Lightbody altered state
My journey (personal)
(relating to channeling for more than one individual, face to face in a group situation)
Dear heart, do not worry so, whether you will hear us right or nay.
When you sit in that space of pure acceptance, for all that comes, with no preconception, no judging of the information that flows, then you will be in the space that is high, and that is straight from the source.
When you think about what is coming, when you think about changing the information, to not tell the person because you are not sure, then it becomes a mishmash and it does not feel true.
We say to you open your mind, your heart, ask for their highest good be known to them, what may serve them at this time, and simply allow the words to flow through as you are doing now.
There is no need to worry that the information will be heard or nay. They will understand what it is they are listening to.
We say to you do what you always do, as you are doing now, and there can be no wrong. We say to you trust what you receive. You have been doing this now for a time. You understand how we flow through your mind without you thinking about information but rather just allowing those words that you hear to take shape, and you voice. When this occurs many a number of revelations enter the other. They will see that you are reading them clearly, even though you may not see it as such.
What is needed will come to the fore. Trust that it will be so and it will be so. This is a learning for you to be around many while you bring us through. There will not be one judge, or even half a dozen, but many more.
It is time for you to understand why we are here with you at this time. We wish for you to understand how you may change another, and then that they can go out and change another, and so on. We say to you the only one that may stop the information to flow, is you. Be in calmness. Be connected, and all will be well. know that they will receive what they meant to hear.
With this we leave the days messages. We leave you to your day, and we connect with you again on the morrow for the next chapter dearest.
With love in our hearts for you, for all that are reading these lines. Know that you may feel us if you but close your eyes and allow. We leave an inprint of energy, that those that may listen or read, may feel, that, that we are.
We are universal mind. We are what you call Abacus. We are the colourful ones. We are an aspect of the creator here to help you at this time, to remember who you are, to bring peace, and to show you, to help remind you of your strengths, your creativity and your worth.
We see your worth.
That is all.
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