30th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In altered state
Self worth
We are in your field once again.
We are so very pleased with the events that have passed. You have developed a sense of knowing, what is true and what is not. You are but to understand that you have a sense, working at a rate that is most efficient at this time. You doubt much. We tell you, and we tell those that are listening, for if they are listening to these words then the reflection is for those also. We tell you, you are worthy beyond measure. We tell you, you come into this world with a manner of attitude that denotes one that has been stripped of the knowing, of how special they are, and how much knowledge they contain, and how many experiences that have been encounted, come in stripped of all of this, on purpose. Understand this, if you were to come in knowing, how Magnificat you are, you would not experience to the maximum, this place that you are.
You come in stripped of everything. Anesetised, so that you may start a new experience, so that you may re-remember, go through the process of remembrance, and understanding that that you are.
That is the exercise, that is why you are here. To come into a place with no knowing that who you are. Dropped into a world, and then re-finding who you are. That is the experience so that you may experience something new. So that you may create something new, for if you come "with" remembrance and knowing how special you are, and everything that you've been, then you come in tainted in a way, for you cannot experience everything new, if you remember.
You ask why we tell you if you are meant to be remembering nothing at all? We tell you because it is time. There has been changes in energetic structures. There have been changes, and so we aim to trigger your memory. So that you may begin to search. So it does not take you so long. This can be done. You will never understand it in it's fullness however. Some may, but it is unlikely that you will experience the all of it, that the whole remembrance comes to the fore. But you may experience enough so that you may begin to create and experience all manner of things without feeling unworthy, for the unworthy feeling is halting you from doing so. The Old souls are the ones that carry the unworthiness the most for they have been subjected to many lifetimes of experiences that strip the self worth. They are the ones that experience the most pain, so that they may experience the opposite, so that they may know and understand the difference. They that are old souls have experienced the most hardship, the most of difficult of situations, and so even though they don't remember why they feel unworthy, there is a sense of it within their make up and so they struggle to feel good enough.
The new souls coming in do not have this unworthiness for their DNA is evolved, has been tweaked, although it is not noticeable to your scientists as present. They come in invincible, where as you the older generation, the middle age ones, scramble to find their own meaning. We tell you, those that are listening. You are worthy of all experiences. You are good enough. It matters not if you make mistakes for in reality there is no right or wrong. There simply is the experience. Yes there may be those that judge. The lesson is to be yourself regardless of judgement of others, to not take that on board. When you love yourself in your full totality, you will care not what others may think, or say or do, for you will know your worth, and that will shine from you. It will shine so brightly that the ones that are judging will not be able to look upon you, as in they will not see you, for their energy is a mis-match. You will attract that, that you give out, and so when you fully embody who you are, and all the worthiness that you are, the magnificant being that you are, that energy will shine from you, will radiate from you, so that all that you will attract is that, that is the same. Are you understanding now?
Like attracts like. It is a simple law. That which you give out you get back. If you are feeling worthy you will attract those that worthy you. These are the words for this day and this is what we say today.
We honour you your journey.
We love you.
That is all
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