29th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (universal mind)
In altered Lightbody state
Shaken to awaken.
Yes. There is something we would like to speak of. If we may begin. Clear your mind dearest, clear. Clear.
We would like to speak of diversity. We have spoken of this before, however we bring through a different aspect as such.
We have come to see that many struggle with the concepts, that may be brought forward in said writings of this one, and of others. The concepts are brought forward at a time where much is shifting and changing. There is much going on behind the scenes that not everyone can see. It is ever shifting a kaleidoscope of colour, sound and energy.
There are many changes taking place in your world, and there are many changes taking place in your physicality that you call your body. Beliefs are shifting, attitudes are changing. Thoughts on the way one lives their lives, are changing.
Much is turning over, and not all are understanding what is occurring. Some will look at it and disregard it. Others will delve into all manner of writings and become confused as to what is true, and what is not.
Then there are the others that simply go with the flow and allow their own truth to be heard. It is a mish mash of energies, of changing attitudes.
Your world is evolving at a rate that is phenomenal, that has never been done before. It is moving forward faster than even we imagined. There are many that are beginning to tap into their higher selves. There are many that are beginning to remote view. There are many that are beginning to extend themselves in a way that they never have before. There is so much change, more than ever before, and there is much confusion, much interrogation of writings that people bring. There is much arguing between your selves, as to what is true and what is not.
It is like the Earth is being shaken. Shaken to awaken. Shaken to be all they can be. Shaken to remember who they are. There are energies being played that are not always of benefit to all. The duality complex comes to the fore. What we wish to bring through is that in all this mix, this multitude of happenings, one tries to navigate with the mind. There is much thinking, much expansiveness. It can all be overwhelming, and some would rather leave it on the way side because it becomes too much, too hard. It was easier to just lead life in a single file, rather than explore the different detours that come along. We say to you, if you become still, and breathe, and be, you will find the truth, for the truth exists within you.
We understand you have heard this so many times before, in your religions, and elsewhere. Some do not understand the concept of going within, some ask how will I find the place within? We do not understand what you mean by going within.
It is so simple, and because of this simplicity, not believable. We say to you, if you sit still in silence to begin, on your own , and breathe. Do this often, sit stil. Close your eyes and breathe in and out, in and out, with no other thought, but the breathing in, and the breathing out, and sitting still, and being present in that stillness. If you do this every day, and expand on it over a time frame, you will find what lies within.
For In this process, when done for extended periods, you begin to touch what it is that is within you, and when you begin to touch this space, you will want more, for it feels like home and you will recognise it.
Once you begin to spend time in that space, over time your frequency begins to change.
It is the key to unlocking mechanisms. Mechanisms that will bring you
remembrance. In the remembering you have no need of us, for you will have your connection yourself.
You will remember who you are, and that you are connected already to who we are. It is all the cogs clicking into place. It is the jigsaw piece finally finding its space in the big jigsaw, and being clicked into place.
It is the key to all. Going within is a practice. Once you find that space you may do this in a heartbeat. You may be in a busy space, aroundmany people, and you but have to stop, be still for a moment, and all will melt away, and you will find that connection, and that peace and that knowing, and your life shifts, your busyness shifts. Your life changes.
Many have said before, and we tell you also, it begins with you. Its within you, and you have the key, and only you may open the door.
That is all
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