Channeled Card Readings
As I begin this channeling I am flooded with the song
"What a wonderful world"
We wish to state before the reading this day,
that if one imagines, if one thinks,
that it is in fact a wonderful world, then it will be so.
Do not see this suffering,
see the beauty,
for it it what you put your attention to that you attract.
This is not to say to put your head in the sand,
rather to open your eyes,
to the beauty that is before you,
to the magic.
For it is a magical world you live in.
If you look with different eyes,
you cannot help but see it.
The world is intricate, your world may be so.
It is a change of perception.
It is not so difficult as you imagine,
to change the way you see through your eyes.
Stop to smell the roses.
Stop to feel the wind in your hair.
It is but the small things that you
so take for granted.
It is when you begin to appreciate the small things,
to be grateful,
that the greater things will be
Love and cherish all that you are,
and all that comes to you.
The card of one

We show this one a field. A field so large she cannot see the parameter of this field. The field is never ending. It is a field of infinite possibilities. It is a field that is blank, all that is on this field is green grass. The field is fertile, the soil rich with nutrients. The sunshines is on this field, and the rains fall on it. The field has all it needs to produce a bountiful crop. This field is the life you are given, the field at birth. You are given all that you may produce, all that you may grow, all that you may create. You are given a blank slate free from past transgressions. A fresh start. A new start. You have free will to create anything you wish on this field. You may build a shack or you may build a mansion, it matters not. You may build an empire, or you may build a small village. The choice is yours, yours alone. Do not think you do not have the tools. You are plentiful in that regard. You are the master farmer. Your mind, your imagination, are your paintbrushes, the field your canvas. What ever you wish to create is within the power of your imagination. We ask you, what do you wish to create? What is stopping you from creating it? When are you going to begin?
Are you going to begin at all?
Your choice today, is food for thought.
The card of Two

When one goes about their day not thinking of what they are wishing, but simply continually following the mundane of daily living, what occurs is that you continue to follow the mundane.
When one seeks change, but continues to do the same, day in and day out, then this continues day in and day out, to be the mundane.
When one wishes their life to change, be it their daily living, or their health, then one must do something differently.
We ask you, does it not stand to reason, that when you continue to do the same thing day after day, that you achieve the same results day after day?
It is when you add something different that change occurs. You may think we continue the same message, and mayhap at times we do.
It is known that at times one must hear over and over a message before it is integrated into their knowing, before it is clearly understood.
We say to you if you are one that is seeking change, then change what you do. For if you do not change what you do, nothing will change.
If you are wishing health, eat something different. Make changes to your diet. If you are wishing a career change, learn a new skill. If you are wishing knowledge, study something different. What ever you choose to change, there must be some integration of the new.
If you continue to think the same, if you continue to do the same, you will attract the same.
Begin your day with the statement,
I am that, I am
Attach to this statement what you wish. It is a foolproof formula. For you are all that, you are.
Again we give you food for thought.
The card of three

Your world feels to be turbulent at this time. There are many changes afoot. You seek balance.
Know that when there are changes, there may be some unbalance. When one begins to change, there may be some disruption to their lifestyle. At times these disruptions makes one feel as if they are moving backwards, when in fact they are moving forwards. It is much as when one begins to clean house. It may be that dust is stirred in the cleaning. It may be that where you place your feet, feels as if there is no landing to step upon. It may feel as if your life is more in disarray than ever before. Trust the process. It is simply a reboot, a restructuring of sorts. Some things will be let go, to make way for the new. It is a reset. Know the turbulence will settle, and the dust will clear, all the pieces falling into place. Much like a jigsaw, the pieces will fit to make the perfect picture.
You are applying yourself and you are to be applauded for this.
Do you not give up when you are so close to the finale.
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