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Monday, 22 June 2015

21st of June 2015 Channeling Abacus (universal mind) Altered State

21st of June 2015 
Channeling Abacus (universal mind)
Altered State

Whats in a name? Who is Abacus? Who is Adam? This channel explains who I am channeling. Who I have always been channeling. 

We are one and the same, that has always been dear one.

We are the colourful ones AND we are the universal mind. We are what constitute the fullness of both.

Do not allow your mind to be immeshed  in the meaning of the names. They simply identify for you, that energy that speaks to you, the energy signature. However, remember we are not the name. We are more than the name.We are so much more than the name.

We are expansive. We are in all things. The names are simply a way for you to identify the energy signature that we are, for although we are all that is, although we are the whole, we do carry different consciousness. We have different experience levels, different evolvements.

You are becoming  immersed in many different energies in your work with us. At present you are learning to trust, and identifying the signatures that are of light, and so we hold your hand so to speak, and guide you unto our realm, this level of consciousness.

We help you to grow and develop, and when you develop to a point that the signature does not fit for your learning, then the signature changes again, but the consciousness remains the same, the energy, the core energy remains the same. It is simply a new level you have attained. It is simply that your energy has risen, the tone has lifted.

My It is much like the notes of your music. The higher you evolve in your learning the higher the tone you can hear, and so at times we may identify the new tone with a name, as you resonate to names. It is the same music. It is the same consciousness. It is simply that the tone has risen a little.
This is why the energy feels similar for it is the same piece of music. It is just that you have risen an octave.

Be at peace. We are enamoured with your strength of purpose. We honour you your journey, and we are here to help you, to lift you, to guide you, to encourage you. We are here to help you, as by helping you, we help all.

We ask that you remember to rest, for it is in rest that you may integrate further your experience of the day. We send you love and peace. We ask that you trust yourself, that you are good enough, that you have no need to doubt who you are any longer. You are remembering, and with this remembering, come much fulfilment.

We give you our word. The word is love. Love is who you are.

When you come to understand this truth, then you are free, for freedom comes with the knowledge that you are not chained, you may not be chained,  for love has no chains.

That is all

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