21st of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (universal mind)
In altered state
To be or not to be.
We wish to bring forth a simple manner that one may come to terms with grievances that are befalling them.
We say this, when one looks to another for suffering, then one receives more of the same.
When one looks to another for healing, then one discovers that they may be healed.
When one moves forward in their development, then they can see that development reigns.
You do not understand where we go with this, and this one is already doubting. We tell her, and we tell you ,patience.
What we say to you, what you affectively bring forward unto yourself, is what you bring to yourself.
We say to you, when one acts in a way that the friends another, then one is befriended.
When one is dishonest, acts dishonestly, then one befriends dishonesty. When one is aggressive, when one shows aggressiveness, then one attracts the aggressor.
What we say to you is what you ARE, you become more of.
What you are being, you continue to be.
We say to you, what do you wish in your world?
What do YOU wish in YOUR world?
The answer to this question is your clue, for if you answered that you are wanting and wishing to be loved, then you must be love to receive love.
If you are wanting respect, then you need to be respectful.
Many wish love, respect, kindness, and yet they do not act in a loving and kind manner.
What we say to you is this. What you are wishing in your life, in your world you must be, for in the being you are attracting.
Around you is an energy field, it radiates outwards touching people, places, and things, and more than that even so.
This energy field knows everything, sees everything, understands everything.
It records. It is a part of you. It is your soul. It sees and knows all that you do, and that others do. And so when you act in a certain manner it radiates that out to all, and then brings back to you what you are radiating, what you are being, for it is the law, that what you give returns back to you, and so we tell you again, for we understand you will not understand, unless it is spoken in a way that is understandable.
Be what you want to see, and what you see will be.
When you live what you wish to experience, then your experience will be lived.
The message is complete. That is all
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