29th of June 2015
Channelled card readings
Pick a card number, then scroll down for the card meaning ....
Abacus ( Universal Mind )
We are in your field once again.
Hmm there is so much we like to say, and yet it may be said in but a few words. Trust. Dearest trust. You have but come along way in a short time span. Trust the connection. When you trust, all comes to pass. We understand you wish to bring through the readings for this day, and so we will abide with your wishes. However we wish to speak to you, in this state, once the readings are accomplished. If you will, humour us. This is good. We will begin with the readings for this day.
The card of one
It is so that when one denotes favorably to a certain purpose, a certain element of doing, one becomes an expert at it over time. When one wholeheartedly, uses their greatest skills, uses all that they may be, guided towards, to accomplish a certain standard of doing, then one becomes very skilled.
When one does something, anything, over and over and over, one begins to learn the ins and outs, the highs and lows, the quirks, of a certain frame of doing, of a certain
element of being. When one has a passion to attain a certain standard, and one throws themself into this wholeheartedly, do not doubt that they will become an expert, and very good at what they do.
Add to the mix passion, joy, love for this element of doing, for what they are bringing into being, then what they achieve can be insurmountable. What they achieve holds a certain energy. It is a type of energy that attracts others to it, that may learn from the persons doing or being of their experience. It Magnetises those that have an interest in that field, you see, and so in time and with patience, what you are doing that you are loving, that you are passionate about, that you are have gained great skill in, begins to become bigger and bigger and bigger. There are a mix of energies that gets mixed in the doing, and so this is what makes leaders of their field, whether it be a passion for art, for teaching, for writing, anything that one puts their whole heart into, wholeheartedly, becomes bigger than they first intended, and so we say to you those that are thinking that their passions will not make them abundant, think again, or should we say think with the heart. You do not realise how powerful you are. We say to you trust that when you do what you love, and you do it well, you will live abundantly. Enjoy and in all other manner.
The card of two
We smile at these ones for they are the ones that in all manner of speaking bring diversity to the fore. These are the changers. These are the ones that are not afraid to show who they are. These are the ones that step out beyond all fear, and are who show their true colours to all, no matter what others may think for they know who they are, and they are not afraid to show it.
These are the ones that dress how they will dress, no matter the standards of living it entails, or the questionable nods from people that may look towards them with rolled eyes. These are the ones that will stand up for what is not right in the face of fear but will do it anyway. These are the ones that fight against a system, that is so stringent, that it doesn't want to move an inch. These are the ones are change the rules. These are the ones many aspire to be, but do not openly admit this to anyone.
You the changers, we speak to you. You know who you are and if you do not remember you will. The time will come where you will show your true colours, where you will put your feet forward in the face of those that tell you not to, and your light will shine and it'll be seen from the heavens how you go about your day, constantly changing the energy around you in all manner of ways.
We say to you patience. We understand you look about you and you think there is no change. We understand you feel a pull in your soul, and yet you feel as if it is not worth it because change not been shown to you. We say to you it is a process. Do what you do, keep shining your light, for there will come a day where we ask that you shine brighter than you ever have before. Do not be disheartened that your world does not seem to be changing, for the cogs are turning, the wheels are turning, and your time will come to step into role in full. Now you are simply beginning to test the waters. Small changes are beginning all over. Sometimes they can not be seen on the surface, for the changes begin below the surface, but the wheels are turning ohh they are turning.
We see you. In time you will see you and what a sight it will be. With the changes that you stir in humanity. Now is the time to hone your skills, Keep honing the skills, and keep being true, we say to you.
The card of three
You feel this time you are slogging in the mud. You feel as if your legs are in bedded in the water, and to put one foot forward feels so difficult.
We say to you the energy is changing. The energy is changing and it is there to help you. Ask dear one.
We see you struggling where there is no need. You forget to ask for the help that you need. We may not do for you but we may assist in a multitude of ways. You have free will and with free will we cannot interfere, and so, when your day feels difficult, when your day feels like you may not move forward, or you may be seeking an answer you cannot find, and you are not sure which way to turn, ask for our help. We are always beside you. It is much like a game, You imagine a team sport, whereby half the team is playing, and the other half of the team is standing by waiting for you to ask for their help. And so you run here, and there trying to win the game, trying to get from a to B and we are here to assist, but you run straight past us. All you need do is turn, and say can you help me please? We are in the wings waiting to help. We are there running beside you, walking beside, you working beside you, sleeping besideyou, we are everywhere that you are, and we watch, and we see you struggle, but our hands are tied, if you do not ask. We may not help you always in the way you wish, but we may guide you to ones that may do so. We may guide you to the information that you need to help yourself.
We are like the players that may not touch in the game. But we are rooting for you just the same. We wipe your tears when you are defeated. We hold you close, We shine our love you. We are always there. We see your Magnificance, we see when you shine, and we are there for that also, but at this time you struggle in some areas. Know you have the strength within. Know the Magnificat being you are, and know you are not alone. It is an impossibility for you to be alone. There are many that would help, that would lend a helping hand. Lay down your pride. Laydown your resistance, and allow love, help, assistance, to be let in. Make the intent that you attract all that may help you this day, and so the gate is opened and the help may flood through. We honour your journey.
The cards are complete for this day.
That is all
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