Card Reading for 15/6/15
Choose a card and then click on the link below to get the meaning to the card chosen.
A slightly different format. It's all explained within the card readings

Card readings.
Channelling Abacus in altered state
We are here in your field once again.
We wish to say to you that adapting the cards are not relevant at this time.
We wish you to run with the unique style that you have been using.
We understand that it is simpler for you to use that of another's creative flair, however we wish you do use your own personified flair, that is created through us and through you, our unique style.
However using different imagery may sway one in choice, and so we do advise the oneness of the three cards, rather than multiple designs. So one maybe swayed with a intuitiveness rather than through sight in choosing a card, a message.
Note* ( here they mean to have 3 cards that are exactly the same, rather than 3 of different designs )
There has been procrastination and doubt within your thinking process. You are tired, rest. We tell you to rest dear one. Rest is needed for energy adaptation to occur. Integration requires faculties used at their best resonance. Rest is required. Listen to your body system.
This is for all to hear.
You burn the candle at both ends. When you are feeling the need to lay your head, if you may do so, do so.
Listen to what your physicality requires. To push past your boundaries in this sense, is not conductive.
You are noticing some strain dearest. The energy is greater. We are in your field deeper than we have before. We are more intertwined then before. You feel it so. You feel it in your chest and in your throat. You will adapt. Make use of the exercises that you have been progressing with. It is time to raise your frequency higher. The energies raining down all around push and with the pushing there is adaptation.
You are feeling us much more deeply. You are experiencing us as you did the colourful ones. We are pleased. It leads to clearer messages, to better clarity, and to you experiencing all that we are, for you may feel, all that we are.
We will continue with the messages for the day.

The card of one.
You dealing with extenuating circumstances. There is much that is coming forward for you at this time.
There is so much that you feel overwhelmed.
When one feels overwhelmed with all that is coming to the fore, when one feels that they may not do so much that they may not keep up, that it is simply too much for them to cope. We say to you think of only of what is of import, and leave the other.
Work on what is most important first.
When you seek to work on all that comes to the fore all at once, it may be that you feel as if you are falling apart, that you cannot cope with lifes stresses. We say to you, what are the ones that bring the most important is to your world? What can be left by the wayside? What are the ones that bring you joy? That make you want to get up in the morning? And what are the ones that are not? When making choices in dealing with all these circumstances that come to the fore, put your attention to only what makes you feel wholesome, feel best, feel like life is worth living. Anything that comes to you that is of menial nature, that does not bring you happiness, that perhaps is not really what you wish, then let those go, cut the ties, finish with that.
If it is something that cannot be left for another day, if it is something of importance but not one of your choosing, then finish it in a way that brings closure, but that does not bring you to a place of unrest.
Anything that causes unrest must be looked at a deeper level.
Can it be changed?
Is it true?
In which way can it be handled?
Note* Lull ( I had a distraction here so stopped for a minute )
We understand that you are frustrated. We have said and advised that this time between you and I is to be a sacred time. It must be so, in a space that is private, that cannot be accessed, or interfered, for when these distractions occur your mind comes in.......

The card of two.
We say to you do not be swayed by what another brings to the fore. Do not allow another to pass judgement where your life is concerned. You are the one that leads your life. You are the one that is experiencing your world, and if you allow another to choose for you then essentially you are choosing to live their to life instead of your very own, for when you live for another, when you live the way another wants you to live, then essentially you are living their life not yours, and you are controlled, to their way of living, and in essence you are living for them, rather than for yourself.
So we say to you, let your choices be yours, and let their choices be theirs, and you live by your choice, and allow them to live by theirs, and where there is love for each other, it will not matter if one lives their way and you live your way, for there will be an understanding between the two.
This is a loving partnership. When two can live as one, and also live their own experience separately.
It is much as two trees may stand together, side-by-side. They share the dirt, the earth, they share the sunshine, they share the rain and the wind. They share the water. They may even share their outskirts, their leaves their branches between each other, however one tree will express in one way, and the tree beside it will express another way, and so together they provide a beautiful back drop, they provide shade.
Together they provide beauty however they are their own individual living mechanism.
Be as one for you are one, but express as your own indivisualised one, of the whole.

The card of three
It may be that you are walking with no sight at this time. We mean by this that you are living your life as a blind person.
You do not see your connection to all that is. You live life as if you may live forever, and yet the thought of not living forever leaves you much unsettlement. You fear leaving this life, and so you do not think of when that may occur. You do not think of the consequences, and you live for now, and this is your choice, it is free will. Your choice is to live in the bubble, unawakened and unaware, and this is not a wrong choice it is not a right choice, it simply is.
Many will judge you and say to you you may do this, and you may do that, however if this does not please you, then it is your choice, with that you choose to do so or not.
Many assume that all must awaken and at this time. Many of the awakened will push the other the unawakened to awake, and even they do not see that not all are to be open and awake, to all that is occurring.
The judgement needs to stop. Judgement is not living from the soul space. When you judge someone you are judging yourself. Remember you are the mirror that reflects all. What you see on the outside is a reflection of what you are thinking on the inside.
It is okay if you simply choose to live each day as if there is no tomorrow and it is okay to live each day as if the tomorrow's will never end.
Life is to be lived, in whichever way you choose, and it is not for another to tell you which is right, and which is wrong.
Be who you may be. Dance your dance, sing your song, paint your picture, dream your dream, sail your sea, fly a plane.
We say to you there is no right or wrong way of living, however we do say to you that when you live in a way that raises you, that lifts you, that brings joy to others as well as yourself, then that is what means that you are evolving. If you choose to cause pain to others, to judge and belittle others, if you choose to live in unhappiness, in contempt, and in jealousy, these heavier emotions is a heavier way of living. You so choose with your free will and you do learn and it is an experience, however it does not lift you as high. It does not lift others, and so you have free will to choose an experience over another, and all that you do serves to teach, but know that one over another, brings consequences and those consequences are reciprocated.
It is the fairness of the universe, that what one expresses, by the expressee becomes received, like a boomerang, what you give out returns to the one that has thrown in the first place, and so if you use the boomerang to express love and joy, in what you do and what you share then that returns to you.
This is what we bring this day dearest. You may choose the cards in the deck of your choosing if you wish. What we say to you that we have become our own diverse manner of expressing to those that require a message brought.
If we change again the manner that the messages are given, it will cause more unsettlement and confusion. However your choice, your free will be done.
We bring through the next message if you wish.
The card readings are complete
Note* I had thought to change the card readings to a tarot or oracle format. I thought it would simplify & give me more free time to do larger channels on every day questions, and also free up time for channeling the book.
As you have read ubove it's not advised. So the reading as above will continue as is. ;)
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