Channeling Abacus(Universal Mind)
In Altered Light Body Trance State
Autism & Labels
We understand the question, that this one is asking this day.
We understand there are many new questions coming to the fore, and this is appropriate, for we are to begin expanding, dearest. It is true that this was brought to the fore. It is true that we are extending you, to reach for more than you are aware.
It is time to extend your capabilities dear one. It is time to walk the walk, and be courageous regardless of whether those that listen believe or nay. It is time to step into your role and to bring through what we may give. Let the questions be asked, however, we may not answer all that comes. We may answer to what is appropriate, to be given in this timeframe of the asking.
There are many that may be listening that watch carefully what is said, and this is appropriate also, for all have their place and duty. However, what we may bring, we may bring, for the time of change is to be had, and so we begin with the first question.
The first question asked is, "Why is there a sudden increase in Autism and is there a divine plan attained to this?"
Let it be understood that labels that are transfixed by humanity do not always relate to the condition that is expressed. There are many labels for many dilemmas, many conditions.
Your medical profession do not have all the answers to all that is occurring at this time, and rightly so, as they have not discovered in their totality, the human mechanism that is self repairing.
Many conditions are triggered by chemicals on your earth, by the change in weather, by growths in certain organisms, by extenuating circumstances, by the human
organism being tweeked behind the scenes.
There are many a reason why changes to the human condition are seen. It may be one of these, it may be a mix of these, and it may be some that we have not expressed as yet, however the conditions that come to the fore, that of been triggered are there for their purpose. All is there for a purpose.
These ones that you call special, these ones that you say are different, these ones that are coming in affected. Firstly understand, not all come in with what you call autism. Some are affected by your environment at birth. The human fetus may be affected by all manner of organisms while in the mothers womb. As it is developing it is affected by what the mother thinks, what the mother feels, what the mother sees, her environment, what they hear.
Do not think because a foetus is within the womb that it does not hear what is going on around it.
Even at this level there is an etheric body, and this takes in everything.
We are explaining that all are connected.
All souls are connected, so if souls are connected, then it can be understood that the baby within the womb is connected to the mother, as well as to its outside environment, even though it is covered with living flesh.
It is still on earth. And so all manner of conditions can affect the baby.
You ask if there is a divine purpose to this. There is ones that are being born differently. The ones that are being born are remembering more fully their past life times, and so they come in with their gifts. They learn more quickly, they adapt more quickly. They begin to be accustomed to their environment more quickly. Their emotions are more tuned in. They are more as an adult, rather than a child.
They understand more readily what is occurring around them.
These are the new humans, and they may not be scientifically correlated as yet, for the changes are not so much seen physically, rather than ethericaly.
You may see the changes in their actions, however it may not be scientifically proven yet. However as your scientist develop technologies that can see these changes, then in time they will understand and be able to explain why this is so.
All has a divine purpose.
Not one thing that occurs does not have a divine purpose. So we say to you, your question as to asking if autism has a divine purpose? We would say yes, affirmative. However all that happens has a divine purpose, you see. All is divine. All that around you is divine.
There is nothing that is not, and so all that is occurring has a purpose in this expansion, in this evolution.
What is one purpose is not for another. However, they both are linked to the divine, you see. So both purposes you can say, that they are for divine reasons, reasonings.
All that comes to the fore and especially so with the newborns of tomorrow, and of today, all these that come to the fore are the new evolution, the new human. So we say to you, allow them to be themselves. Do not try to put them in a box and make them like you. Do not try to condition them to be the same as everybody else. Allow them to be their gifted selves. Allow them to open up to their possibilities. If a child has a joy in creative art for instance, allow them to be creative in their art.
Why would you have your child do another form of creative reasoning, when they are very good at what they do?
Do not make your child to be like you. Allow them to grow into their own right, into their own experience.
For those that come in remembering their past, they have a step up from you.
These have connected to their self, to their prime source.
Imagine reducing your frequency to come to earth, with a knowing, and with a way to speedily catch up from whence you left not so long ago.
It would be tedious would it not, to do six levels of your primary teaching, when one can learn in two?
Imagine how tedious it would be to sit for six of your years, in class lessons, when they can learn all that there is to be learnt in those six years, in two?
Can you imagine the boredom and the frustration that would be in the childs make up?
When one is bored and frustrated, what do you imagine occurs? Then they are labelled as delinquents because they act up, because they are frustrated.
Changes will come in your education system that will allow for these new kids on the block, so to speak.
What we wish to say to make clear, is there are many labels that do not accurately define the condition.
Not is all how it seems. Know that certain conditions are affected from the moment the fetus is conceived, from the moment the communion is made. Everything in the mothers environment affects the one within her womb, and this may lead to a child that is born with any number of conditions, however, even in the perfect scenario where a mother is esconded in the room for the nine months, with no negativity, the newborn will still be different, to the newborn of today, of yesterday. Evolution changes everything. You are constantly evolving in all manner of ways, and so this one that is born today, is different from the one that was born yesterday.
All souls come in with their divine purpose, their speciality. For instance one might be an opera singer, and their whole purpose is to create light with their tones, and their voice so that they may lift many. Whereby another may come in with the mind for numbers and become a
mathematician that might bring in a new discovery, that may help the many.
You see each soul has its soul purpose, however these new humans coming through are more readily adapted to this plane. They have a tweak in there DNA, which enables them to learn much more quickly, and so they may be frustrated in the current learning commodities, and when these young ones become frustrated, and begin to develop behavioural standards that are not appropriate by your standards, then they are labelled with a condition such as autism, or any number of other Modalities that are being called such these days.
Many conditions are also attributed to the environment. The chemicals, and so forth and so forth. You understand where we are coming? What we wish to make clear in this message of today most of all, rather than the labels of conditions? All have a divine purpose regardless of whether they have a label to their condition or not.
Any increase in said condition are simply because there is an increase in the vibration of the planet. There is an increase in all the energies. You are going through a change of evolutionary standards, and so, there is an increase in many things.
What we wish to make understood most of all, is from the moment of conception we say to you, everything affects that fetus that is within the mothers womb.
This is not to put pressure on the mother, for the mother can only do what she knows how to do.
However all the stimulation that is within the mother, and without the mother, on the outside, affects the baby growing. If it is subjected to calming sounds, loving people around it, and nourishing foods, and water that is clean, if it is among family and friends, that are kind and gentle and in peace rather than anxiety. If the mother is healthy of mind, and body, these all contribute to the child being born with minimal, of what you call, "hang ups".
If you are carrying a child within your womb, and your familys daily living constitutes arguments, stress, foods that are not healthy or nutritious, then the baby may be born in such that they may not sleep well, or they may be one that seeks comfort.
What we wish to say is that all affects the baby in the worb of the mother. It is not simply the mothers diet, it is the mother state mind, and it is all those that come into contact with the mother also, that affect the child.
As you evolve as a species, all this will become abundantly clear. That you are all so connected, that you all effect each other.
If you live in an abode where everybody is kind and considerate. Where there is not much anxiety, and there is nourishing simple food, then one that is born into this, is born with less anxiety, and less that they need releasing of.
Do not have issue with labels. Simply see each person, each child, as their own individual self, as they are part of you. However, they are experiencing themselves differently from you.
You are all one, as you are different. You are all the singular, as you are the nonsingular. This is the paradox. You all came separately, seemingly to experience yourself in any way you choose, and yet how your experience yourself affects the whole, for they are part of your soup also. You are all one soup, and yet you are separated, experiencing different flavours. All you do affects another, whether they are in the womb or out of the womb.
This is all we say for today on the subject.
Is there increase? You know so.
Is it labelled correctly? It could be better labelled. In time the diagnosis will change, as it has already been done. They are a gift. It is simply that they are not seen as so, because they are different to the others.
Your society labels what is different to the whole does it not?
Perhaps there may be labels in the future that signifies the ones that are the same, rather than the ones that are different.
Do you see the irony?
That is all
I remind you this channel is my interpretation of messages received in an altered state and that you use your own discernment process always.
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