Channeling Abacus
Universal Mind
A visit to the Akashic Records
My Journey
Note - Read this post as you would a fairytale......I've decided to share, what some would call my, "woo hoo, or way out" experiences...
It is a "meditation" experience, (some might call it astral experience)and a channeling that resulted right after, within that meditative, altered state.
This channeling was performed straight after a guided Orin & Daben guided meditation, on visiting the Akashic Records, an etheric living library of sorts, in an alternate plane.
I was guided to big shimmering wall, in a shimmering building, that contained etheric books of all my past lives. (it reminded me of a Harry Potter scene, as in the books when held were interactive, like running movies within a page). I was only shown only two books, and only afew pages of each. One of a past life on another planet, and my current life on earth. They were picked by Abacus, who stood be my side, on my right. I saw him as a tall silouette of glowing light.
I know to some this will sound airy fairy and that's fine. I'm simply sharing my "meditation" experience, and the channel that resulted afterwards. I have no idea if this is true or not. I'm simply sharing the experience.....
Make of it what you will.....
Ps.. The "call" they speak of is "life purpose"....
It is so that you have lived many lifetimes dearest.
The book on Arcturius, was in fact a lifetime where you were in education. You were learning to be a master. There was much study in this life, as an Arcturian. You were a male in this lifetime.
You learnt the art of manipulation, of tones and sound, colour, music. You engineered craft. You were able to take yourself where you needed to go using astral dynamics, using tones and light. That lifetime was learning to master energy.
You also saw the book of this life.
You saw did you not, yourself radiating light to many.
The call, in the front of the book, was "helping others".
You saw how you are to do this. You saw the Lightbody fully lit, all the chakras, all the etheric centres working in perfect unison, again colour and tones.
Your learning from Arcturius, and this lifetime merge. You are unaware where this will take you in the future. We did not show you the whole book. We did show you the following page however. You saw you radiating your knowledge to others. So the student becomes the teacher.
You were the student. You were learning to be the master, and in this lifetime you are honing your skills, redeveloping for this time, and you are here to help others do the same.
This will not be your only life time here. It is a working progress. Know what you learn now will be developed, and you will come in again with the skills to continue where you left off. You have lived many lives, in many star systems, but the one that ties into this life, is the one of Arcturius.
Do not be so surprised.
Did you not expect it?
We are amused that you would think yourself so limited to simply one star or two. You have lived many lives in many dimentions. We showed you the one that was relevant to this time.
The day has had many interruptions. It is so that when you are in this state, that many are attracted to the light. It is what it is. You are becoming adaptable, quickly being able to gain the connection. You do not see how far you have come. You do not say how well you have done. We leave you now. We are pleased with today's work.
Know we are ever by your side and you will come to know what we are, more deeply. It is only been a short time, but you will remember who we are. Take heed the song, the tone, that was brought to you in dream. You remember? We bring it to you now.
We remember you.
You will remember us as well, in time.
That is all
Note-the song they speak of came to me in a dream a few days ago, and again flooded my mind at the end of this channel. I've posted a link to the song lyrics for anyone interested
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