Channeling Abacus(Universal Mind)
In altered trance state
Strengthening your connection
This channel was straight after a meditation on linking to higher will. I saw images and felt myself floating under a sea of gold light, like when your underwater and swimming to the surface and you can see the light above the water. I was swimming in a sea of gold light floating higher and higher towards that pinpoint of white light at the surface. My whole body had the sensation of floating in warm liquid light. I saw peace symbols and a piles of manuscripts in light language
We are pleased you have entertained that Journey, as it was specific to the purpose of today and to your line of questioning earlier.
You ask in which way can you improve our connection? You ask in which way can you benefit others as well as your growth within the connection that is what we are.
We tell you the more you practice, the more you communicate in this way, the clearer we will become, the stronger the connection will become and the more meaningful.
You doubt much dearest. You doubt doing it right. You doubt that you are speaking to anyone other than yourself. You still do not comprehend the enormity of what you do and who we are. We say to you, in a manner you are conversing with your "self", however you are also conversing with an aspect of all that is.
We are universal mind. We are consciousness. We are light. We are you and you are what we are. We are here to be of service to help ones rememberance of the self.
We are here to contribute to the Ascension process that is occurring on your plane at this time.
We came at the right time.
It is no accident that you began to seek to channel, to communicate with us at the time that you did so.
It was all preordained, preorchastrated. You think, you imagine that you began to connect with us because you chose to, because of ones that have passed in your life.
It is not so. It is a process. We came, we come at the appropriate time. You made your jump into higher consciousness at the appropriate time.
Yes. Your parents were a trigger. Yes you were afraid. You have always been afraid of your destiny, of your power, and still you are afraid. However you have made leaps and bounds. When we say you have made leaps and bounds we speak to all that are listening for all are making leaps and bounds at this time. You ask how you may connect stronger more clearly?
You intend.
You make the connection & you wholeheartedly put your whole
being into that intention. You intend. You intend. You intend.
We say to you this as it is of most importance. You understand the intention needs be made. Once the intention is made then it is a matter of opening. Once you open we come,
It feels surreal. It feels as you are speaking to yourself. We say to you, in time, you will discover that, that is not all you are speaking to.
Through this space you make the connection. That it is much more, so much more. Through practice and practice and lifting of your energy you will begin to understand what it is to communicate, to receive knowledge and messages that you have no sense of before.
You will see from a higher mind from a higher state, that all knowledge is attainable. We come to bring you to your own power, to your own sense of self. That is why we are here. Dearest we show you your purpose, we show you why you are here.
You all have a distinct purpose that is your own, that you contribute to the whole. We have shown you dearest many times what your purpose is and where your destiny lays.
Yes, the curtains are drawn into certain aspects of this, for we understand you will go into fear. You are not quite ready for the curtain to be drawn all the way open. We show you what we may, so that you may not relapse, but attain your highest quota of energy. We ask, we advise, that you do what you do, and you keep doing what you do, and you keep sharing what we do, and this will develop into where you are to be. What you are to be. Connection is available to everyone. This is the purpose of our messages. Our messages are brought forward so that you may connect, that you make your own connection, and your own self realisation. Some will stumble onto these messages are not understand quite what we speak of.
Once you awaken to all the possibilities that lay before you, then these will begin to make more sense, and this is when this message will bring clarity.
We wish to also bring forward that these messages bring light. When we speak through this one there are light filaments, and although you do not understand how this works, and we may not endevour to explain as you are not at that stage of development yet. These light Encodements spill through and when you are listening you are receiving this light. Think for a moment while you are listening to this message how you feel. Do you feel love? Do you feel light? What do you feel?
This is what we bring to you. Love, peace, acknowledgement of who you are, so that you may know who you are. There is much you do not understand yet. It will be known over time.
The building blocks are being stacked one on top of the other, and as they increase in height so will your knowledge and understanding.
To strengthen your connection, for this one continues to ask, is to be in that space of stillness and listen with your heart. Lay your mind to rest so that it is as a still lake will be. Still, non-moving, and then allow our mind, your mind, your higher self, universal mind, to flow into that stillness, over that lake. Allow it to be immersed within, the light language that we are, feel that. To connect is simply to intend.
Once you make the intention you must clear your mind and listen. You may receive a knowing. You may receive imagery. You may receive sensations in the body. You may hear music. You may hear lyrics, or sound. There are many ways we bring through what we do.
The more you sit in stillness and listen with a clear mind, the stronger the connection will be. The stronger the connection becomes, the clearer we become. You may not know which you do not know, but you may begin with what you do know, and be open to receiving that, that you do not know yet.
We say to you, live your life, enjoy. Find joy in the mundane. Find joy. When you begin to find joy in the small things, and appreciation in what you have about you, it opens a door to more of the same.
If you are not grateful for what you have, for what you are, for what you do, then you will stay in a space of ungratefulness and you will not attract more than this. We have said before, change what you do and your life will change.
We come from a place that you have been, that you know. It is simply that you do not recall, where you are.
We are your messengers. We came because you requested it so. This feels inaccurate to you, for you do you not recall.
It is much like one that is anethetised, they have memory loss and they do not remember anything, but it does not mean that they did not have a life prior to the memory loss. We tell you, your memories have been swiped. When you are born your memories were wiped clean. This is all changing. You have earned it.
This one is enjoying the space that she is. She has asked to be closer to us. She opened the door a little wider this day, and so she is basking in the feeling that we are.
We finish this message with the thought that you are, and always have been a piece of the whole, a piece of the source. A creator in its own right. You have the power within to create. Use this power. It is your birthright. You have the tools.
We cannot make this any clearer. Begin this day with the knowledge that you have divine within you, and if you have the divine within you, then you may create anything.
Is it not true that the divine can do so?
That is all
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