22nd of June 2015
Channelled card readings
In altered state
The card of one

When one seems to be at odds with oneself, when one does not understand what they are achieving, where they are going, when one raises their head in the morning and goes about their day not really understanding what they are wishing to do, but simply following a pattern they have always followed, they get lost in their meaning of life.
They are as a broken record, gets caught on the gouge, in the ridges, It plays over and over again.
When one becomes immersed in their daily living, when one simply follow the routine over and over, one loses their passion, their drive, for experiencing life. They lose the fun. When one simply awakens with their purpose to work, and then to arrive back in the dwelling to do their chores, and then to sleep, to begin again the next day in the same manner, one becomes disheartened, they lose their sense of accomplishment, if they are not waking in excitement for the new day.
If one does wake and think what new experience will this new day bring, and search the new, they may enjoy something different, for that is what constitutes living in a fuller sense.
When you are on holidays do you not wake up in excitement of what you make experience that day? Your daily living could be this way also. Can you not see this?
It does not matter if you are holidaying in a different place or if you are at work in the normal place of residence, it is the perception, the excitement of experiencing the new, that brings the new and enjoyment in the day.
Wake this day as you wake on holiday. Be open to new experiences coming to the fore. When you live with expectation and expecting something different, then it will be so. However you must take action. Think what you what you can do different to bring excitement to the fore.
Try a new beverage, a new experience, a new way of transport to your working place. See others in a different light. There are many ways to experience your day differently to the day prior. Imagine each new day as a holiday, your destination earth.
The card of two

Ahhhh now this is regarding your wish to conform. You are one that does not like to cause waves. You conform to what others expect of you. You conform to others expectations so that others my like you, so others may not speak harshly to you, so that you do not rock the rock the boat, so to speak.
Dear ones, you are here to rock the boat. You are living to rock the boat. Rocking the boat is experiencing your living. If you enjoy doing things the way others wish you to do them, then by all means continue as you are. However we see you. We SEE you. There is deep within you the fervent wish to break away the chains and to be free.
We are showing this one, one that is wrapped in chains, and then the chains falling away as they reach out for their freedom. The chains that hold you are your own. You have placed the chains around you by allowing others to decide for who you, the way that you are to live.
We tell you, let your soul sing. Let your voice be heard. Let your creativity be unleashed. You are good enough. Show others what you are made of so that they may be inspired to do the same. Inspiration comes from one that breaks through the chains and sings their soul, their story. You feel as if you may not do so, that you cannot, that life won't let you. The only one that does not let you is you. You may not want to hear this, but this is what we say to you.
The Card of three

What we say to you, reach out and touch somebody's hand.
We tell this one a song. We asked this one to copy, as you would say, the link. Reach out and touch somebody's hand make this a better place if you can.
We say to you , you may bring another peace. You may bring another love. You may bring another joy, where they had none before.
Do you not see you have the hands, the voice, to change another's life? You are a healer in many ways. You do not have to be a physician to heal another. You may heal with the word. You may heal with a touch. You may heal with your ears by listening to anothers woes. We do not say become immersed in another's woes, but you may be the ear, that they need to release their pain, so that they may be lifted, and when they are lifted by your listening, you are lifted with them.
Reach out with a smile, reach out with a touch, for you do not understand the power you have. You are here to raise others to their higher discoveries. You are here, and you are in the type of occupation that you may touch and you may listen to another. It doesn't have to be a medical profession. Many professions involve what you call customer service. Do not be so naive to think that a smile might change a course of the day of another. A smile may be all they need to change a lifetime of suffering. An ear may be all one needs to unburden and to be free. Do not doubt the power you have in another's life for you are all a chain reaction of sorts. You are all interconnected, much Iike a virus spreads its form, into other living entities. When you are kindness, when you are emphatic, when your compassion, these also spread as does a virus. We say to you, pay your love forward. Pay your kindness forward. Listen, be the healer in your own way.
For when you heal others you heal yourself.
Reach out and touch lyrics
The reading is a complete for this day that is all
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