16th of June 2015
Channelling Abacus (Universal Mind)
In light body altered state
Know Yourself
Greetings we are here.
We come today to help you understand what it is that you are delving into. What changes comes with working with the energies that we are. You wish to connect more fully closer. You wish to feel more intensity. You wish for us to be as one with you as with others.
We tell you, you are at a point, at the precipice, where you may increase the level of communication.
The only obstacle is yourself, is your fear. When you release fear the doors fling wide-open and you may enter into a depth that you have never delved into before.
You still work at a level where some fear is a barrier. This comes with confidence and with continually working with us, to begin to trust what we are, and that we may not harm you or any other. When this is known, fully understood at that level that is deep within you, then it is as a tap opens and the information begins to flood through.
You at times are very hard on yourself. You expect excellence in a short amount of time. Understand that ones that have been doing this so well, have been working in this area for much longer than you and so you must give yourself as you say, "a break"and not judge yourself so harshly. You say this to many who are beginning to delve into the connection to themselves.
Do you not be so hard on yourselves. Know you always had the connection. The Connection has always been there, from the beginning of time and from the moment of birth. You simply get caught up in life and you forget the connection that you have.
It is not difficult to connect with your inner self. It is not as hard as you imagine it to be. Listen, listen. When you sit quietly, and you feel that love in your heart that you have for your most cherished ones. When you sit with that love and you feel into that, and you let go of your daily thoughts you let your mind, become as a lake still and silent and within that love that you feel, and in that silence, your connection is made.
The connection feels no different at times, and it is because you are connected always. You have never not been connected, and so you make the connection to yourself and you think, ah ha, this is not real. This cannot be real.
It is so very simple dear ones. It is so simple. Being still within yourself in that quite space, and allowing yourself to feel the enormity of what you are, breathing into that space and letting go to all that you are in that space. with no shame or judgement or fear but simply connecting to that essence that is pure, that you are. Feeling that essence and knowing that you are one with everything around you and everything that you do not see. Knowing this connection has always been and always will be. Knowing you are not alone, although you may feel that you are. You know not. You have never been alone, ever. When you feel into that space, that is your soul, in your silence and truly know, believe, understand, that you are infinite, that you can never die, you can only be reborn, over and over, to experience yourself in a multitude of ways. In a multitude of scenarios. You may love continuously and yes, you may leave and you may change, but what you are deep within remains the same. You can never be changed for it is unchangeable. It is source. It is God. It is all that you are. You find that within in your silence.
When you pray, you pray to yourself. This is a hard concept for many to understand because religion has tainted the way many view these ideas. Religions have been manipulated by man so that it may serve man. That is not to say that there is no truth in said writings for there is truth within that, but many words that have been written have been manipulated to serve those in power.
You cannot see what you cannot see and you cannot know what you do not know. But know this you are the one you pray to. You are the essence of that, that you worship that you honor.
You have the power to create. This has been given to you. This has always been, and when you begin to believe this, really know this within your heart, your life will change dramatically, for you understand the mechanics that you possess within you, and you understand what you are capable of what you may do.
This one wanted to bring something powerful today. Something that would change those that would listen. She did not want fluff, she wanted something tangible. She does not want to waste time of hers and of others, and so she asked us, and that she asked of herself, to begin to be, what it is that she is to be, and to bring words through that are not nonsense and that may help and we tell her and we tell you, when you truly believe when you truly understand that, that you are, when you truly understand what you are made from, and where you come from. When you understand that all that you see, is created by you, as a part of everything. When you understand that you are connected, all connected, as you are connected with your telecommunication networks now. You may connect with another on the other side of your earth simply by pushing some buttons, you cannot see how this connection is made, you cannot see how your voice travels from one side of the world to another, you cannot see how your words travel the pathways, that cannot be seen, that are imaginary to you, but you trust that they are there, and we tell you most in emphatically, that this connection that you have with your phones, with your computers, is not so very much different to this connection that you are connected to the whole.
Just because you cannot see the way you are connected with all, does not make it not true. One day you will be able to communicate without telephones.
Know this, you are all one love. You are connected through the soul. The soul is connected to the spirit world, to all that is, to consciousness. There are pathways, fibres, energy, ethers, call it what you will, but there are unseeable to you, mechanics that connect you to everything, and so what you do changes everything.
All that you do, the love that you express, is expressed to everything. You are multidimensional. You do not affect just his plane, you affect all planes. Earth is not just a planet floating in the middle of space that has no connection to any other planet or to any other multi-verse. All the creation offects one another.
You cannot know what you do not know.
It is much like explaining the universe to the lone fish that swims in the ocean. The fish only knows the ocean as his home. He does not know that there is a world beyond the ocean. He simply can only understand what is below the surface where he lives. He knows that there are other fish. He knows food comes, but the only world this fish knows is the ocean, for that is all the fish perceives. He cannot understand that outside that ocean there is a diverse community that drive automobiles, that watch television, that use electronics. That fish cannot know that man landed on the moon, or not. The fish cannot know all the planetary systems, all the universe. The fish cannot know about the animals that roam your forest. The fish sees only his space, in the multitude of spaces.
We tell you this, you are as the fish. You see only what you may see. You know your world but we tell you there is so much more than your world. There is so much you do not see, and cannot see, and cannot understand, but you are beginning to tap into a piece of that.
When you are on our side of the realm you may know more of what you are, for what occurs when you come home, is as the fish is lifted out of the water, so you will be lifted out of where you are and then you will see from a different space how big you really are, and how connected you really are, and how intricate you are and how extraordinary you are.
You are as the fish, blinded to what is beyond your world. You are beginning to expand. You are beginning to evolve beyond where you are. This is evolution. It is a natural progression. We tell you, you are loved beyond measure. You are the changers. You are that, that makes the expansion possible. We honour you, so much more than you understand.
You are the changers. You change reality. You mould it and make it new, into a new experience.
It is humorous in a way to us that you come to earth and then begin to conform to the ideas of others. You begin to become sameness not realising that you were born to be individual, to express in your own manner, so that you may add to the soup of god.
God does not wish the same soup, day in and day out. You are here to add flavours to the soup, to experiment.
You are here to be a new different version of yourself. You do not come here to be the same as a past life and the life before that, and the life before that. You come in to experience, to expand yourself a new. To try new things. You try so hard to experience past lives. You try so hard to tap into what you did before, not realising you have lived before, you do not come in again to live the life that you led before. You came in again to live something different. What would be the point of being reborn to live the same life that you've already lived, over and over. You have come to be different, to try something new. Shine your light. Be who you wish to be. Do not have fear. Do not hold back, fearful of judgement of others. This is stifling to the soul, to be as another wishes you to be. Be your flower, be yourself. Express fully your love in joy. Be who you came to be, so that when you return you bring your richness with you.
And to you dear one we say this. Love yourself. Trust in your capabilities. Know you are supported and loved dearly. You are not wasting time. You are performing a service and within this service you are fulfilling your purpose. You understand what we tell you? Do you feel what we bring? Be still a moment and feel what we bring.
Know you may be all that you may be. There are no barriers other than your own. Let go of the barriers. It is time.
That is all
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