Channeling Adam
Automatic writing
I see many struggling at this time with loss, and illness,
I feel helpless. I don't like that feeling.
I want to help and I don't know how.
Any guidance?
Dear heart know this.
We may give words that are bountiful, however they will not detract from ones pain if one is not at a place to listen.
When one is willing, is ready, their own higher selves will lead them to their own wisdom, to that which heals. It is not for us to question what may lay in ones future, but for them themselves to discover the mechanics the meaning.
This they will do, as it is when one comes to these points in life, ones we call triggers, that one sees beyond the illusion.
We say to you hold them in your heart, for love is truly what one may feel through time and space.
There is no distance between ones love. Love covers all manner of distance. Love knows no boundaries.
Many are here at this time to serve as a catalyst to the many. Many are here to trigger others to change, to grow to be all they can be.
Do not doubt us dear heart. It is time to render the doubt to the winds of change.
Know you you speak our words true this day. Your legarthy this day is due to a lowering of vibration. You are allowing yourself to be immersed in others pain. This does not help them. Rather lift you vibration. Be in your heart and send them healing love. This helps more than being in their mire. Are you understanding?
Yes we hear you. Share so others may understand. It is not that we say not to be compassionate. We say do not drown in another's sorrow, but lift them from their sorrow with your love. Be the light in their darkness, be the heart that lifts them, that gives them hope for another day.
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